
  • 网络hatch;Break;pip
  1. 专家希望小海龟能在那里破壳而出,游回大海。

    There , experts hope the turtles will hatch and swim into the sea .

  2. 小鸡破壳而出。

    The eggs hatched and the chicks matured .

  3. 犹如新的思想火种碰到肥沃的土壤会尽情地破壳而出。

    New ideas find fertile soil to push the envelope of their possibilities .

  4. 在每个小程序里都会有一大段代码想要破壳而出。

    Inside every small program is a large program struggling to get out .

  5. 小鸮鹦鹉在2014年2月28日破壳而出!

    The little Kakapo broke through the shell on February 28th , 2014 .

  6. 当寄生蜂的后代破壳而出时,它们的身体上就会沾染上病毒。

    When the wasps'offspring hatched , the virus became attached to their bodies .

  7. 有人急着要赶在他兄弟之前破壳而出

    Well , someone 's eager to get out before the rest of his brothers .

  8. 当他们到达卵化器附近时,一只小鸡从鸡蛋里破壳而出。

    When they came near the incubator , chick just got out of its egg shell .

  9. 而平淡突然间变成了美丽而热烈的珍珠从音乐中破壳而出

    All these banalities , they 're suddenly turned into these ... these beautiful , effervescent pearls.From music .

  10. 致死低温对卵的临界作用期位于幼螨即将破壳而出的发育阶段。

    The crucial developmental period of the eggs to low relative humidity was on the verge of shell-breaking stage .

  11. 它们将变大变强壮,最终破壳而出。你应当尽最大的努力。

    Big and strong enough to live outside of their shells . You had need to do your best .

  12. 只有等到它破壳而出时,才能一飞冲天。

    Only at the moment when the shell cracks open can it burst out and soar up into the sky .

  13. 他们一同筑起了个窝,并且孵化这只受精的企鹅卵,让直到小企鹅破壳而出。

    They built a nest together , incubated and hatched a fertilised egg donated to them by one of the keepers .

  14. 蜥蜴顺利地产下第一窝蛋,许多双眼睛都热切地巴望着它们赶紧破壳而出呢;

    Successful real estate under the first lizards nest eggs , many pairs of eyes are looking to do banking on them quickly hatched ;

  15. 他们还发现了一个大房间,里面有许多的未出生异形卵,其中一个异形卵破壳而出,吸引了船员的注意。

    They discover a huge room containing many eggs , one of which releases a creature that attaches itself to the face of one of the crew .

  16. 而我可是有一座实景喷发的火山啊但所有人都在关注朱莉的无聊小鸡从它们的无聊蛋壳里破壳而出

    I mean , here I had a live-action erupting volcano ... and all anyone cared about was Juli 's boring chicks ... breaking out of their boring shells .

  17. 受精卵没有从母鸡体内产出并在外边孵化,却在母鸡身体里发育了21天后破壳而出。

    Instead of passing out of the hen 's body and being incubated outside , the egg was incubated in the hen for 21 days and then hatched inside the hen .

  18. 万物的化育是复杂的,有风云雷电诸天象,有破壳而出的乳燕,一条蚯蚓的出生和苏格拉底的来临同属于化育之列。

    Germination is complicated with the bursting forth of a meteor and with the peck of a swallow cracking its egg , and it places on one level the birth of an earthworm and the advent of Socrates .

  19. 我的公司ClearFit(为企业提供招聘员工及预测职位吻合程度的简单途径)的商业模式就是在我以80英里时速开车、完全不考虑工作时从潜意识里破壳而出的。

    The business model for my company , ClearFit , which provides an easy way for companies to find employees and predict job fit , hatched in the back of my mind while I was driving 80 miles an hour , not thinking about work at all .

  20. 受精卵没有从母鸡体内产出并在外边孵化,却在母鸡身体里发育了21天后破壳而出。这只小鸡发育完全,很健康,不过母鸡却因内伤而死。

    Instead of passing out of the hen 's body and being incubated outside , the egg was incubated in the hen for 21 days and then hatched inside the hen . The chick is fully formed and healthy , although the mother has died of internal wounds .

  21. 几天以后,蛋壳破了,小雁破壳而出。

    Several days later the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the world .