
pò chǎn fǎ yuàn
  • bankruptcy court;court of bankruptcy
  1. 老的通用汽车(gm)去年夏天已在美国破产法院死去,但其股票依然十分活跃。

    The old general motors died in a US bankruptcy court last summer . But its shares remain very much alive .

  2. 美国一家破产法院必须批准这笔交易。

    A US bankruptcy court must approve that deal .

  3. 克莱斯勒的这一行为已被破产法院批准。

    The move has been approved by the bankruptcy courts .

  4. 破产法院否决了这一请求。

    The bankruptcy court denied the request .

  5. 而破产法院在允许弃置方面产生了错误。要抛弃小资产阶级的感伤情调。

    And that the bankruptcy court had erred in allowing abandonment . Petty-bourgeois sentiments should be done away with .

  6. 我们知道,即便破产法院撤销他高达1200万美元的遣返费,他也不会穷困潦倒。

    And we know he won 't end up poor , even if his $ 12 million severance payment is rescinded by the bankruptcy court .

  7. 克莱斯勒和通用汽车表示,它们会努力帮助销售商,但是本地销售商希望得到的公正可能只能从破产法院那里找到。

    The manufacturers say they are trying to help dealers , but the justice local business people are seeking may only be found in bankruptcy court .

  8. 如果这项交易得到美国破产法院的批准,这将是中国公司第一次购买大型海外电信资产。

    If the deal is approved by the US bankruptcy court , this will be the first purchase of a major overseas telecoms asset by a Chinese company .

  9. 关于企业转制前的债权债务问题,按国际惯例,实行破产应由专门法院公平处理。

    Debts and credits of the transferring companies should be dealt with in line with internationally accepted methods , one of which in question is to put them in the hands of the bankruptcy courts .

  10. 破产的已由法院宣告破产的法律化学,刑事侦破化学,化学破案术

    Having been legally declared financially insolvent . forensic chemistry

  11. 否则将依英国的破产法确定英国法院是否有管辖权。

    Otherwise , the jurisdiction of English courts depends on the insolvency act of England .

  12. 为解决以上矛盾,船舶企业的破产案件应由海事法院专门管辖。

    In order to solve these contradictions , the case about the bankruptcy of shipping company just belongs to the scope of jurisdiction of maritime court .

  13. 破产原因是指法院在何种情况下可以宣告债务人破产的状态,也是法院判断是否宣告债务人破产的标准和理由,是划分是否破产的界限,是破产开始的重要条件,也是破产程序启动的实质要件。

    The bankruptcy cause is the situation that the court claims a debtor 's bankruptcy . It is the standard and reason of bankruptcy for the court to make a decision . It is also the beginning of bankruptcy procedure .

  14. 作为一项基本规则,当争议涉及破产核心程序时,破产法院通常具有否定仲裁动议的自由裁量权。

    As a general rule of thumb , when an arbitration clause impacts a core matter , bankruptcy courts have discretion to deny a motion to compel arbitration .

  15. 在银行破产财产分配完或因故没有必要继续进行清算程序,破产管理人向法院提出终结破产清算程序后,法院依法裁定终结破产清算程序。

    After insolvency administrator finishing allocating bankruptcy property or there is no need to continue the liquidation for some reasons , insolvency administrator can file court the application to end liquidation procedure . The court will make a order to terminate liquidation procedure .

  16. 第四部分从与执行程序相衔接的角度提出解决破产程序启动问题的对策,分别从促使申请主体启动破产程序和确立法院依职权启动破产程序两方面展开论述。

    The fourth part of the process of convergence and execution from the point of insolvency proceedings to propose solutions to this problem , respectively , from the parties to apply for insolvency proceedings to promote and establish the insolvency proceedings of the Court discussed two fronts .