
pò bīng chuán
  • icebreaker;ice breaker
破冰船 [pò bīng chuán]
  • [ice breaker] 一种用于开辟冰封河海航道的轮船,船首前倾,船体较宽,结构坚固,既可用光硬的船首冲破较薄的冰层,又可通过调节船首船尾的吃水,压挤破碎较厚的冰层

破冰船[pò bīng chuán]
  1. 一艘美国海岸警卫队破冰船上周从阿拉斯加海港启航,与一艘加拿大破冰船会合,对加拿大育空地区(Yukon)与阿拉斯加边境以北的波弗特(Beaufort)海床进行地震勘测。

    A United States coastguard icebreaker left port in Alaska last week to join a Canadian icebreaker to conduct a seismic survey of the Beaufort seabed north of the Yukon-Alaska border .

  2. 会把你的船当破冰船来用。

    Will take you in anything but an icebreaker .

  3. 但美国研究员私下里抱怨预算限制,破冰船少于俄罗斯限制了美国在南极洲的扩展进程。

    But US researchers quietly complain about budget restraints and having far fewer icebreakers the Russia , limiting the reach of the United States in Antarctica .

  4. 中国在建其第二个破冰船,在地球上最寒冷的地方,海拔13,422英尺的冰穹上开展研究钻孔作业。

    It is building its second ice-breaking ship and setting up research drilling operations on an ice dome 13,422 feet above sea level that is one the planet 's coldest places .

  5. 另外,“icebreaker”也有“破冰船”的意思。例句我感到既尴尬又别扭,直到他们询问了我们的旅程,才打破了沉默。

    I felt awkward until they broke the ice by asking us about our journey .

  6. 但他们从中得到的教训是,至少需要两艘破冰船来凿出通往搜索地点的道路,保持水域开阔,没有海冰的阻挡,以派出更多机器人。

    But the lesson learned is the need to take at least two icebreakers to smash a path to the search site and maintain open water to launch more robots .

  7. Icebreaker的本意是“破冰船”,icebreakertrip就是“破冰之旅”的意思了。电影中指的是1972年尼克松总统访华,中美交往的大门终于打开,这在历史上被称为“破冰之旅”。

    China 's surprise invitation to the American pingpong team paved the way for President Nixon 's historic icebreaker trip in 1972 .

  8. 把我船头拉入破冰船船尾凹部。

    I start to draw my bow into stern notch of ice-breaker .

  9. 我听说是政府派遣破冰船来解决问题。

    I heard that the government sends some icebreakers to settle the problem .

  10. 而政府则是于2016年开始建造第一艘中国制造的破冰船。

    The government began construction of its first Chinese-made polar icebreaker in 2016 .

  11. 这时候严寒缓和最坚固的破冰船

    when the cold relents enough for the toughest icebreakers

  12. 交通部表示,一艘破冰船预计在周二凌晨到达其附近。

    The Ministry said an icebreaker was expected to reach their vicinity early Tuesday .

  13. 不过,在北冰洋开采石油谈何容易,大量核动力破冰船将不可或缺。

    It could require lots of nuclear-powered icebreakers .

  14. 海上交通部门已动员了更多的破冰船,以保持水道畅通。

    Maritime traffic departments have mobilized additional icebreakers to help keep the aquatic lanes open .

  15. 让你船在破冰船所开航道中心部位。

    Keep yourself in centre-plan of ice-breaker .

  16. 上周六,有关部门说,澳大利亚破冰船可以离开,因为雪龙号几乎没有紧迫的危险。

    On Saturday , authorities said it could depart because the Xue Long faces little immediate danger .

  17. 这篇报道着重指出,海冰有可能损伤破冰船的螺旋桨,使得雪龙号无法航行。

    The report highlighted particular concern that ice could damage the vessel 's propeller and make navigation impossible .

  18. 1月2日直升机将船员们带到了中国破冰船雪龙号上。

    Am 2 . Januar bringt der Helikopter die Passagiere zu dem chinesischen Eisbrecher " Xue Long . "

  19. 在这两种情况下,咖啡的问题似乎是一个有效的提问或破冰船的日期。

    In either event , the coffee question seems to be an effective question or an icebreaker for a date .

  20. 一队丹麦研究人员刚刚乘着一艘瑞典破冰船从挪威向北起航。

    A team of Danish researchers , heading northwards on a Swedish ice-breaker , has just set sail from Norway .

  21. 中国正在芬兰的帮助下建造另外一艘破冰船,这艘破冰船将于今年开始服役。

    A second Chinese icebreaker , being built in China with Finnish assistance , is to be commissioned this year .

  22. 如果还想体验另一种冰上历险,乘坐世界上唯一的观光破冰船「桑普号」航游一番吧。

    For another icy adventure , take a cruise on the Sampo icebreaker , the world 's only tourist icebreaker .

  23. 破冰船用来在冰封的水中开道的一种坚固的船冰河时期指的是最近的一个冰川时期。

    A sturdy ship built for breaking a passage through icebound waters . Ice age refers to the latest glacial epoch .

  24. 三艘破冰船的营救行动均未能成功,被困船只上搭载的数十名科学家和游客目前健康状况良好。

    Three icebreakers have failed to reach dozens of scientists and tourists all aboard the trapped ship are in good health .

  25. 船舶可以在这里自由穿行,而无需它们现在有时不得不依赖的笨重且昂贵的破冰船。

    Vessels could move freely , without the cumbersome - and expensive - ice-breakers on which they sometimes have to rely now .

  26. 裴洛维奇也是席巴海冰研究站的首席科学家,他搭乘的破冰船与北极浮冰冻结在一块儿,一起漂流了一年。

    Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA , a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice .

  27. 所有滞留在俄罗斯船只上的乘客已经全部被直升机搭救。他们现在正身处一艘澳大利亚破冰船上。

    All the passengers aboard that Russian stranded ship have been rescured by helicopter . They are now on an Australia ice breaker .

  28. 南极方面的消息,一艘中国破冰船正试图接近被困在厚冰中的俄罗斯船只,这艘俄罗斯船只于周二被困住。

    In Antarctic , a Chinese icebreaker is getting closer to a Russian ship that has been stuck in thick ice since Tuesday .

  29. 一家中国制造企业于上周四宣布计划建造一艘破冰船,这将是中国首艘民营极地科考船。

    A Chinese company last Thursday announced plans to build an icebreaker , which will be China 's first privately owned polar research vessel .

  30. 这艘名为“深渊极客”号的破冰船,将由荷兰船厂达门集团承建,并由总部位于上海的彩虹鱼海洋科技公司所有及独家运营。

    The icebreaker " Hadal X " will be built by Dutch shipyard Damen Group and owned and operated by Shanghai-based Rainbowfish Ocean Technology .