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  • Bracelet;chain bracelet
  1. 传统上来说,某人会将友情手链系到一个怀有某个心愿的朋友手腕上。

    According to tradition , one ties a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for something at that moment .

  2. 这个手链在完全被磨损坏或者自行掉落之前是不能摘下来的,而手链掉落时就说明当时的那个心愿即将成真。

    The bracelet should be worn until it is totally worn out and falls off by itself , at which moment the wish is supposed to come true .

  3. 这种手链多为手工制作,通常由刺绣丝线类织物制成,是丝结饰物的一种。友情手链有很多风格和图案,不过,大多数都是在绳头固定结的基础上编制的。

    There are various styles and patterns , but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot .

  4. 上世纪70年代,友情手链初次在美国流行开来,在青少年群体中佩戴较为普遍。

    Friendship bracelets first became popular in the United States during the 1970s and are commonly worn by both male and female teenagers .

  5. 《美国时尚男装》(AmericanFashionMenswear)一书作者罗伯特・布莱恩(RobertBryan)是经典ID手链的推崇者。

    Robert Bryan , author of the book ' American Fashion Menswear , ' is a proponent of the classic chain link ID bracelet .

  6. 纽约巴尼斯精品店(BarneysNewYork)男装执行副总裁汤姆・卡伦德里安(TomKalenderian)指出,人们通常会购买手链作为礼物,因为和戒指不同,手链的尺寸无所谓。

    Tom Kalenderian , executive vice president of menswear at Barneys New York , noted that bracelets are often bought as gifts since , unlike rings , they usually don 't need to be sized .

  7. 但审理本案的曼哈顿联邦法官理查德候威尔(richardholwell)决定让拉贾那纳姆在等候判刑期间取保,带上电子监控手链。

    But Richard holwell , the Manhattan federal judge overseeing the case , ruled that Mr Rajaratnam wear an electronic monitoring bracelet while awaiting sentencing .

  8. 我们有14K和18K的金项链、手链和耳环。前门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。

    We have 14K and 18K gold necklaces , chains and earrings . A sharp metallic rapping came on the front door .

  9. 她们穿上最好的丝质莎丽,戴上金手链,每位妇女的额头中央都有个珠光闪耀的bindi,有如星辰的暗影。

    They are wearing their finest silk saris and gold bracelets , and each woman has a brightly jeweled bindi in the center of her forehead , like a dim echo of the starlight above us .

  10. 对于清洗后的衬底,在柱顶形成了小尺寸银颗粒的弥散堆砌,而在柱间的低凹区域则呈现大尺寸的银颗粒聚集体,整个Si-NPA表面呈现手链网络状。

    For the washed substrate , silver particles deposited on the top sites are small and dispersive , while accumulated particles with much bigger size are formed at the valley sites , which produce a hand-chain network spontaneously on the Si-NPA surface .

  11. 它可被用来作为吊坠或手链的魅力。

    It can be used as a pendant or bracelet charm .

  12. 我生日时别人送了我一条漂亮的手链。

    I was given a beautiful chain bracelet for my birthday .

  13. 这个手链是我们第一次见面时他送的。

    He gave me these little oranges when we first met .

  14. 凭借这个简单的工具,他开始把橡皮筋缠成手链。

    With that , he began looping rubber bands into bracelets .

  15. 我手链上的一个小饰物丢了。

    I 'm missing one of the charms on my bracelet .

  16. 我演示给你看瞧好了让我看看你的手链

    I 'll show you , watch.Let me see that bracelet .

  17. 多款水晶手链,不同款式,欢迎批发!

    Variety of crystal bracelets , different style , welcome to wholesale !

  18. 我在寻找带珠的陈琉风格的皮革包裹手链。

    I am looking for chan luu style wrap bracelets .

  19. 吉娜佩戴的是宝格丽铂金镶钻耳环及手链。

    The actress wears Bulgari earrings and bracelet in platinum and diamonds .

  20. 她手腕上戴着一串水晶石的手链。

    She wears a hand chain made of cryolite around her wrist .

  21. 这手链太可爱的啊!

    I luv it ! Here 's the charm bracelet .

  22. 铂金镶榄尖形钻石和圆形明亮式切割钻石手链。

    Rugby tapered diamond and platinum Phyllostachys round brilliant cut diamond bracelet .

  23. bracelet:手镯爸,你看见一条手链吗?

    Jenny : Dad , have you seen a bracelet ?

  24. 那是奥布里的手链吧?

    That was aubrey 's Bracelet wasn 't it ?

  25. 铂金镶圆形明亮式切割钻石中号手链,6.25英寸长。

    Platinum round brilliant cut diamonds Phyllostachys medium bracelet , 6.25 inches long .

  26. 拉拢生活大爆炸第4季第11集同时装备上防弹手链和真理套索。

    Complete with bulletproof bracelets and Lasso of Truth .

  27. 淡水珍珠饰品,手链类,精包装,欢迎批发!

    Freshwater pearl jewelry , bracelet type , precision packaging , welcome to wholesale !

  28. 手链呢?它们又重新展现在当铺里。

    And the bracelets ? They 're back on display at the pawn shop .

  29. 这个手链镶满了钻石。

    This chain bracelet is studded with diamonds .

  30. 专营手链、项链等手工类的产品,质量第一,服务至上。

    Exclusive bracelets , necklaces and other hand-class products , quality and service first .