
shǒu zhǐ
  • finger;digit;dactyl;maniphalanx
手指 [shǒu zhǐ]
  • [finger] 前肢的一指;手掌的五个终端部分之一,特指除拇指之外的四指之一

手指[shǒu zhǐ]
  1. 他用手指沿杯口抹了一下。

    He ran his finger around the lip of the cup .

  2. 他用手指顺着她的下巴外缘抚摸。

    He traced the line of her jaw with his finger .

  3. 她用手指杵他的肋部把他叫醒。

    She prodded him in the ribs to wake him up .

  4. 他不耐烦地用手指嗒嗒地敲击桌子。

    Impatiently , he drummed his fingers on the table .

  5. 他竭力将手指从她缠绕的头发中挣脱出来。

    He tried to disentangle his fingers from her hair .

  6. 她用手指捅了捅他的腰。

    She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger .

  7. 我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。

    Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger .

  8. 她摆弄着手指上的戒指。

    She was twiddling the ring on her finger .

  9. 他掰开她的手指,把她手中的袋子抢走了。

    He prised her fingers from the bag and took it from her .

  10. 他的手指给门夹了。

    He got his fingers caught in the door .

  11. 萨姆给车门夹住了手指。

    Sam shut his finger in the car door .

  12. 他用手指捻动着铅笔。

    He was rolling a pencil between his fingers .

  13. 她紧张地用手指摩挲着头发。

    She ran her fingers nervously through her hair .

  14. 他用手指戳戳那幅画。

    He jabbed at the picture with his finger .

  15. 他不停地用手指轻轻敲着桌子。

    He kept tapping his fingers on the table .

  16. 他的手指抚摩着她的后颈。

    His fingers caressed the back of her neck .

  17. 那只猫狠狠咬住了他的手指。

    The cat sank its teeth into his finger .

  18. 她用手指捅了捅他的腰。

    She jabbed her finger in his ribs .

  19. 她的手指被针扎了。

    She pricked her finger on a needle .

  20. 我将用这根针在你手指上轻轻扎一下。

    I 'm going to give your finger a little prick with this needle .

  21. 用手指捏住鼻孔止血。

    Pinch the nostrils together between your thumb and finger to stop the bleeding .

  22. 他的手指冻僵了。

    His fingers were numbed with the cold .

  23. 他用手指使劲堵住耳朵。

    He jammed his fingers in his ears .

  24. 他的手指一直勾着扳机。

    He kept his finger on the trigger .

  25. 他把长长的手指叉开贴在她背上。

    His long fingers splayed across her back .

  26. 我的手指动不了了。

    I can 't move my fingers .

  27. 她用手指打拍子。

    She beat time with her fingers .

  28. 用绷带把你的手指包扎起来。

    Wind the bandage around your finger .

  29. 他们手指交叉着坐在那里。

    They sat with their fingers laced .

  30. 用手指人很不礼貌啊!

    It 's rude to point !