
  • 网络mobile internet
  1. 第三部分是弱势群体使用手机互联网的实证研究。

    The third part is the vulnerable groups , the empirical study using the mobile Internet .

  2. 第二部分讨论手机互联网填补数字鸿沟的可能意义,并提出研究假设。

    The second part discusses the mobile Internet to bridge the digital divide may be significant , and put forward the hypothesis .

  3. 设计实现面向农村市场的移动手机互联网系统,正是为了解决这一热点问题。

    Design and implementation of the rural market for mobile Internet system , was to address this hot issue .

  4. 那么电脑手机互联网就能让你的行动变得更加容易在非洲

    Then your computer , your phone , the internet it makes it so much easier to do today In Africa

  5. 第四,大力发展新型网络营销方式,如开展对手机互联网用户进行移动营销、发展微博营销等,以达到降低消费者的感知风险的目的。

    Fourth , vigorously develop the new network marketing , mobile marketing , mobile Internet users , development micro blogging marketing , reduce consumers ' perceived risk .

  6. 论文的最后一部分提出了弱势群体使用手机互联网的主要问题,并对手机互联网填补数字鸿沟的效果进行总结,提出可行性建议和前景展望。

    The last part of the paper presented the use of vulnerable groups of the main problems mobile Internet , and mobile Internet to bridge the digital divide effect was carried out , make feasible suggestions and vision .

  7. 本调查采用问卷法,以城市农民工为研究对象,试图客观认识弱势群体使用手机互联网的现状,分析手机互联网填补数字鸿沟的效果。

    The survey questionnaire used to study the city as migrant workers , vulnerable groups trying to use an objective understanding of the status of mobile Internet , mobile internet Analysis of the effect of bridging the digital divide .

  8. 但现在,因为我们有智能手机和互联网,移动速度更快了。

    But now , it moves faster because we have smart phones and the Internet .

  9. “数字失忆症”指因为过度依赖手机和互联网储存信息而导致的基本记忆能力丧失,比如,连手机号码、约会日期等基本事项都记不住,没有导航就不知道怎么到达目的地,没有计算器就不会算术,等等。

    Digital amnesia refers to the inability to remember basic things , such as telephone numbers , dates , how to get somewhere without a GPS , or how to do math without using a calculator , etc. as a result of over-reliance on mobile phones and the Internet for storing information .

  10. 可以预见,会有很大一批用户将跳过PC时代,直接使用手机进入互联网的世界里。

    It is foreseeable that there will be a large number of users to skip the PC era , and directly access to the internet world using the mobile phone .

  11. 之所以这样说,是因为MMO游戏可以结合众多平台&手机,互联网终端和一些游戏控制台(例如,任天堂的Wii连接到互联网)。

    What this means is that MMOs can be played on many platforms-cellphones , Internet terminals and some consoles ( for instance , Nintendo ` s Wii connected to the Internet ) .

  12. MIDI是音乐设备和计算机之间传输音乐信息的协议标准,MIDI文件存储的是如何播放音乐的指令,具有容量小,便于编辑等优点,在手机及互联网领域有广泛应用。

    MIDI file with the advantage of small size and editing easy is stored on the instructions of how to play music . MIDI is a music information transmission protocol standard between Music equipment and computers , which is widely used in the field of mobile phones and the internet .

  13. 第五章是对未来手机市场互联网盈利模式进行了总结,包括基础产品模式、产品金字塔模式、阶梯定价模式。

    Chapter 5 : Summary of future mobile internet profit models .

  14. 手机和互联网非常有用。

    Mobile phones and the internet are very useful .

  15. 在哪方面手机和互联网对老年人有用?

    In what ways can mobile phones and the internet be useful to the old people ?

  16. 由于技术等方面的原因,中国航班上至今不允许、也没有条件使用手机、互联网。

    So far mobile phone and Internet are still unavailable on Chinese airports for technical constraints .

  17. 这个想法就是通过手机和互联网把求职者和雇主联系起来。

    The idea was to use mobile phones and the Internet to connect job seekers with employers .

  18. 可以做哪些事来鼓励老年人使用手机和互联网?

    What could be done to encourage the old people to use mobile phones and the internet ?

  19. 我们观察西方社会经常忽略的一个事实是,即便在这里,许多人仍然只能使用手机访问互联网。

    What we often overlook in the west is that even here , many people only access the Internet through mobile .

  20. 有谁能想到在今天人人都能用上智能手机,互联网也早已渗入到每个家庭。

    Who could have imagined today everyone can spend smart phones , the Internet has also had infiltrated into every home .

  21. 今年7月,中国用智能手机访问互联网的人数超过了使用个人电脑上网的人数。

    In July , the number of Chinese accessing the internet from smartphones overtook those using personal computers to get online .

  22. 笔,笔记本,手机,互联网,房子,快译通,书,天气,电风扇,课程表。

    Pens , Notebooks , Mobile Phones , The Internet , House , Electronic Dictionary , Books , Weather , Fans , Curriculum .

  23. 然而,现在的工商业者会借助黑莓手机或互联网的电子邮箱联络、谈生意。

    In the modern world , however , business people are connected through their Blackberries or email accoounts , accessible via the Internet .

  24. 这是一次去另一个世界的旅行:没有手机、互联网,冷战并未曾终结。

    It 's a trip into another world , where mobile phones and the internet are unknown , and the Cold War never ended .

  25. 技术传播是通过电话、手机和互联网用户数量以及技术出口和能源消耗加以评估的。

    Technology diffusion was assessed by the number of telephone , mobile phone and Internet users , and by technology exports and power consumption .

  26. 举个例子来说:你可以花50美元买个适配器,然后替换掉你的座机,直接通过手机接入互联网。

    An example : It will cost you $ 50 for an adapter to dump your landline and connect your phone to the Internet instead .

  27. 而如今,伴随移动通讯技术的发展和手机与互联网的联姻,手机的功能日渐丰富。

    Now , with the development of the mobile communication technology and the marriage of mobile phones and the Internet , mobile phones feature increasingly rich .

  28. 全球近三分之二的人口通过智能手机连接互联网,但智能手机并非唯一的互联网接入门户。

    Almost two-thirds of the human population is connected to the internet via smartphones , but these devices are not the only portal to the web .

  29. 诸如,手机和互联网这样的技术使得在任何时间都能够联系到每一个人,包括:客户和同事。

    Technologies such as cellular phones and the Internet have made it possible to be available to everyone , including clients and coworkers , at all times .

  30. 但是到目前为止手机移动互联网应用还只是停留在跑马圈地的阶段,只是为了吸引用户,至今仍然找不到一个清晰的盈利模式以及差异化的方式。

    However , mobile internet application has just stayed at accumulating users ' stage until now , no clear profit models and differential methods could be found .