
  • 网络the launching ceremony
  1. 省“家电以旧换新启动仪式”举行,副省长甘霖发表讲话。

    Vice Governor of Hunan Province Gan Lin delivered a speech at the launching ceremony of the home appliances replacement program .

  2. 朱诚在启动仪式上说,动漫的精髓在于创意、创新,这也正是芜湖城市精神的特质。

    Zhu said at the launching ceremony , the essence of animation is creative , innovative , which is the spirit of the city of Wuhu qualities .

  3. 昨日,普京出席了马自达汽车(mazdamotor)在符拉迪沃斯托克的汽车装配厂的启动仪式。

    Mr Putin yesterday attended the opening of a new Mazda Motor car assembly plant in Vladivostok .

  4. 大会虚拟启动仪式在法国南部的ITER总部举行。

    A virtual ceremony of the assembly was held at ITER headquarters in southern France .

  5. 哈里斯还计划出席美国疾病控制和预防中心(简称CDC)驻河内办公室的启动仪式。

    Harris also plans to attend the opening in Hanoi of an office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) .

  6. 华盛顿国家Confectioners协会主席LarryGraham在该框架的启动仪式上代表行业组织发言。

    Larry Graham , president of the National Confectioners Association in Washington , represented industry groups at the launch of the framework .

  7. 启动仪式是否会一一报幕嘉宾名字和头衔呢!

    Launching ceremony will announce guests one one names and titles !

  8. 今天我们庆祝国家圣诞树灯光启动仪式85周年。

    Today we celebrate the85th anniversary of the National Christmas Tree lighting .

  9. 社会各界代表近200人出席了启动仪式。

    Around 200 people from all walks of life participated .

  10. 参加“休息区”启动仪式的学生都对该项目表现出了极大热情。

    Students who attended the launch voiced enthusiasm for the REST Zones .

  11. 5月29日将举办启动仪式。

    A dedication ceremony is planned for May 29 .

  12. 启动仪式期间,媒体代表请在媒体拍摄区内活动。

    Media representatives are requested to stay within designated media area during the ceremony .

  13. 总行如何实现对分支机构的有效控制营造创新新氛围搭建创新平台&中国工商银行创新沙龙启动仪式在总行举行

    How to Control Branch Effectively To Construct Free Atmosphere and Good Platform for Innovation

  14. 同时新的咕咪音乐之旅启动仪式也在我们馆举行。

    Also the opening ceremony of the new Gumi Music Journey was held in our pavilion .

  15. 当中国总理出席你的启动仪式时,你知道自己抓住了大趋势。

    You know you are on to something big when the Chinese premier attends your launch .

  16. 我上周参加了危机中人道主义援助联合呼吁程序的启动仪式。

    Last week I attended the launch of the Consolidated Appeals Process for humanitarian assistance in crises .

  17. 马拉维政府和联合国儿童基金会的有关人员上周在首都利隆圭进行了启动仪式。

    Officials from the government and UNICEF held a launch ceremony last week in the capital Lilongwe .

  18. 昨天下午,我和默克尔总理共同出席了中德语言年启动仪式。

    Yesterday afternoon , Chancellor Merkel and I attended the ceremony of inaugurating the China-Germany Language Year .

  19. 北大校长许智宏和早稻田大学白井克彦总长出席启动仪式。

    President of Peking University Xu Zhihong and President of Waseda University were presented at the ceremony .

  20. 启动仪式由省委宣传部副部长李凌沙主持。

    Launch ceremony was hosted by Li Lingsha , Deputy director of Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department .

  21. 沃尔福威茨还出席了由世行和其他捐赠方资助的俄罗斯水文气象现代化项目的启动仪式。

    Wolfowitz also participated in launch of the Hydromet Modernization Project supported by the Bank and other donors .

  22. 姚明在启动仪式上宣读了《助力绿色世博、共享美好未来》倡议书。

    Yao presented a proposal called " contribute to Green Expo , share a bright future " at the ceremony .

  23. 昨日,2004长三角别墅市场研究报告会暨中国别墅节(上海)启动仪式在浦东举行。

    Yesterday , the2004 market research report serves villa villa Festival cum China ( Shanghai ), held a ceremony in Pudong .

  24. 新一季聚焦中国文物的电视节目在位于北京的故宫博物院举行启动仪式。

    A new season of a TV show focusing on Chinese cultural relics has been launched at the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  25. 欧文、斯莫林、杨、迪乌夫、朴智星和巴伦西亚都参加了启动仪式。

    Michael Owen , Chris Smalling , Ashley Young , Mame Biram Diouf , Ji-sung Park and Antonio Valencia also attended the launch .

  26. 在启动仪式上,摩拜英国的联合经理李阳展示了如何利用预先下载好的手机应用来解锁自行车。

    At the launch , Li Yang , Partnerships Manager at Mobike UK , demonstrated how to unlock a bike using a pre-downloaded smart phone app .

  27. 决定在适当的时候联合举行中国可持续航空生物燃料战略研究、验证与使用项目的启动仪式。

    Decided to jointly hold a launching ceremony at an appropriate time for the project of strategic research , validation and utilization of Chinese sustainable aviation biofuels .

  28. 谁能登上启动仪式的舞台隆重的介绍活动的历史意义呢,谁又总结大赛的成果和在颁奖仪式上发言?

    Who can surmount the initiation ceremony stage a grand introduction activities of historical significance , who summed up competition results and at the ceremony to speak ?

  29. 世博网3月16日消息:“2010中国世博旅游年全球百城世博旅游推广月”活动15日在意大利首都罗马举行启动仪式。

    The official promotion campaign of the2010 World Expo was launched in Rome yesterday by Italian and Chinese officials in an opening ceremony featuring traditional dragon dances .

  30. 国家农业部市场与信息司司长张玉香、农村经济管理司司长郑文凯,省市及有关部门领导出席了启动仪式。

    Market and the Ministry of information secretary Zhang yuxiang , rural economic management Secretary Zheng wenkai , provincial and leaders of relevant departments attended the launching ceremony .