
shì línɡ ér tónɡ
  • children of school age
  1. 实现农村义务教育公平的根本在于为每个适龄儿童提供优质的教学资源,提高教学质量。

    The main way of achieving the fairness of rural compulsory education is to proffer excellent teaching resources to children of school age as well as to improve the teaching quality .

  2. 义务教育是法定教育,是国家统一实施的所有适龄儿童、少年必须接受的教育,是国家必须予以保障的公益性事业。

    The compulsory education is the legal education that all children of school age must accept which the state should implement uniformly , is the public welfare enterprise which the country must give to safeguard .

  3. 结论MR联合疫苗在适龄儿童中使用具有良好的安全性和免疫原性。

    Conclusion It is concluded that MR has satisfactory safety and immunogenicity , it can be used among children .

  4. 加强监测,保持MV高水平的常规免疫,并适时开展适龄儿童的强化免疫,建立巩固的免疫屏障,是加速控制麻疹的关键。

    Strengthening surveillance and maintaining high level of regular immunization was key to control measles .

  5. 联合国教科文组织(Unesco)的数据显示,全球有5700万小学适龄儿童没有上学,其中3100万为女童。

    Unesco figures show 57m primary-age children worldwide do not attend school , of whom 31m are girls .

  6. 由社区义工参与的干预措施组合大大改善了印度适龄儿童的DPT疫苗接种。

    An intervention package involving community volunteers significantly improved age-appropriate DPT immunization in India .

  7. 适龄儿童BCG、OPV、DPT、MV单苗接种率和四苗全程接种率分别为95.44%、87.85%、87.47%、86.96%和77.59%;

    The rates of single vaccine of BCG , OPV , DPT and MV and global vaccination of four kinds of vaccine were 95.44 % , 87.47 % , 86.96 % and 77.59 % respectively .

  8. 雅安市适龄儿童麻疹疫苗强化免疫前后抗体水平分析

    Analysis of Measles Antibody Level of Ordinary Children Before and After Immunization

  9. 下面是这种电池的建议对小学适龄儿童玩具本站乘坐。

    Below are recommendation of such battery powered ride on toys for elementary-age kids .

  10. 流动人口中适龄儿童义务教育的政策发展与实施&北京市个案研究

    Policy Development and Implementation in Compulsory Education of Migrant Children & Beijing Case Study

  11. 适龄儿童和大学生之间在互联网的使用也有大幅增加。

    There was also a large increase in Internet use among school-aged children and college students .

  12. 约50%的小学失学适龄儿童居住在受冲突影响的地区。

    An estimated 50 per cent of out-of-school children of primary school age live in conflict-affected areas .

  13. 此外,适龄儿童都能够按照约定的游戏规则。

    In addition , the school-age children are able to according to the agreed rules of the game .

  14. 即使是最繁忙的家长应尽量抽空只是一个适龄儿童或青少年。

    Even the busiest parent should try to find time to just be with a school-age or adolescent child .

  15. 海南省适龄儿童免疫规划疫苗接种率和抗体水平调查分析

    Investigation on the vaccination rate and antibody level of the target age children in immunization programme of Hainan Province

  16. 各级人民政府采取各种措施保障适龄儿童、少年就学。

    People 's governments at all levels shall take various measures to guarantee school-age children and adolescents access to education .

  17. 同时,流动人口举家迁移趋势明显,这也导致了流动适龄儿童的日益增加。

    More and more migrant workers moved with their families , which leaded to the increase of school-aged migrant children .

  18. 父母或其他监护人必须履行保障适龄儿童接受义务教育的义务。

    Parents or other guardians must perform their duty of ensuring that school-age children or adolescents receive the compulsory education .

  19. 联合国儿童基金会表示,2007年,接近7200万适龄儿童没有在学校读书。

    The United Nations Children 's Fund says nearly seventy-two million children were not in school in two thousand seven .

  20. 研究确保印度适龄儿童接种疫苗的规划和管理干预措施的有效性。

    To study the effectiveness of planning and management interventions for ensuring children in India are immunized at the appropriate age .

  21. 义务教育是一种强制性教育,每一个适龄儿童都有接受义务教育的权利和义务。

    Compulsory education is a kind of forced education , each right age child has right and duty to accept compulsory education .

  22. 为确保每个适龄儿童享受义务教育权利,各义务主体必须切实履行自身义务。

    Every obligation subject must meet his obligation completely to make sure that every children suitable in age will enjoy his right .

  23. 教育当局也将加大九年义务教育体制的落实,确保适龄儿童都能在学校接受教育,这也是这次毕节市整改工作的一部分。

    As part of the campaign , education authorities will also ensure those under the nine-year compulsory education system are where they should be .

  24. 尤其是由于农民工家庭迁移的比重加大,一大批适龄儿童背井离乡,跟随其父母长时间滞留在流入地,并且其数量与日俱增。

    Especially with the increasing proportion of whole family migration , a large number of school-aged children following their parents stay in the cities .

  25. 确保在贫困地区实现九年义务教育,进一步提高适龄儿童入学率。

    The nine-year compulsory education will be guaranteed in the poor areas , and the attendance rate of school-age children will be further raised .

  26. 根据联合国教科文组织的材料,中国的适龄儿童入学率明显高于其他同等发展水平的国家。

    UNESCO statistics show that the enrollment ratio of school-age children in China is much higher than in other countries of the same economic development level .

  27. 到2001年,小学适龄儿童入学率已达97.41%,初中达82.02%。

    By the end of 2001 , the enrolment rate of school-age children had reached 97.41 % for primary schools and 82.02 % for junior middle schools .

  28. 均衡发展教育,让每一个适龄儿童都能享受到同等优质的教育,则是达到统一质量标准的前提条件。

    Balanced development of education , so that every school-age children can enjoy the same quality of education , the prerequisite is to achieve uniform quality standards .

  29. 这些学生生活在西部地区五个省区的山区或干旱地区,他们也是适龄儿童中最难普及教育的。

    These students live in mountainous or arid areas in the vast territory of the five western provinces , and are the hardest-to-reach portion of the school-age population .

  30. 义务教育是指政府规定的、适龄儿童必须接受的免费教育。义务性、保护性与强制性、免费性是义务教育的三大主要特征。

    The compulsory education , the free elementary education provided to children in school-age , is prescribed by Chinese government and has the characteristics of compulsive , protected and free-charge .