
  • 网络moderate exercise;regular exercise
  1. 方法社区医师定期随访,指导IGT患者合理膳食,适量运动,戒烟限酒,心理平衡。

    Method Community doctors followed the patient regularly with providing guidance to them for balance diet , suitable exercise , quitting smoking and restricting alcohol as well as maintaining good mentality .

  2. 结论适量运动训练具有一定的抗衰老作用。

    Conclusion Moderate exercise can resist senility to some extent .

  3. 适量运动提高慢性疲劳综合症小鼠脾细胞IL-2含量

    Appropriate Exercises Enhanced Spleen IL-2 Contents of Mice with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  4. 健康的饮食和适量运动帮了我不少

    a healthy diet and exercise really worked for me .

  5. 莉达:但散步是你都可以做的适量运动。

    Rita : But walking is about as moderate as you can get .

  6. 鼓励患者作适量运动。

    Encourage the patient to perform appropriate exercises .

  7. 如果生活在户外与运行室,适量运动,应该没有问题。

    If living outdoors with running room , adequate exercise should be no problem .

  8. 睡前适量运动对失眠自疗功效的研究

    Effect of Proper Exercises before Sleep on Insomnia

  9. 美国和英国人指导大家,要坚持每周五天,每天半小时的适量运动。

    US and UK guidelines urge half an hour of moderate exercise five days a week .

  10. 温潜法联合适量运动改善癌症相关性乏力患者睡眠障碍的临床观察

    Clinical observation on improving somnipathy of cancer-related fatigue patient by warming and settling method combing with exercise

  11. 不良生活方式(包括饮食习惯、适量运动及控制体重)也得到改变。

    Life styles , including diet habit , proper exercise and weight control , were improved as well .

  12. 坎迪斯:我想回家。这太辛苦了,我相信适量运动。

    Candice : I want to go home . This is too strenuous . I believe in moderate exercise .

  13. 我认为我都是适量运动我不会很疯狂你应该做你喜欢的运动

    I think everything is moderation . I don 't go crazy , Alright , you should do things you enjoy

  14. 目前,主要通过行为矫正、合理饮食和适量运动来控制儿童单纯性肥胖。

    At present , child overweight and obesity is mainly controlled by behavior modification , balance diet and fitting exercise .

  15. 因此定期产前检查、科学膳食、适量运动、适时分娩是预防特大儿发生的有效措施。

    It could be an effective measure to regular antenatal care , scientific diet , proper exercise and terminate pregnancy timely .

  16. 但随着越来越多的证据表明,运动量过大的话,可能会减少适量运动所带来的益处。

    But amid mounting evidence that extraordinary doses of exercise may diminish the benefits of modest amounts , that image is being smudged .

  17. 选用健尔力型体乐,加上配合适量运动,即可保持体形持久不衰。

    When used in conjunction with regular exercise , Safflower & Citrus can be a big help in keeping your body in good shape .

  18. 有新研究表明,人到中年以后若坚持适量运动则可以减缓甚至扭转老年时记忆力减退和意识模糊。

    New studies show that moderate exercise in midlife and later can arrest and even reverse the memory loss and fuzzy thinking that comes with age .

  19. 但是,大家往往不大清楚适量运动的“量”在哪里,常常忽略一定数量的园艺工作,家务劳动或走路所带来的健康效益。

    But there is often confusion as to what constitutes moderate exercise , and the amount of gardening , housework or walking needed to confer health benefits .

  20. 对肠肌蠕动很慢的人,适量运动,多吃蔬菜和粗食,多喝水可能有所帮助。

    The person who has sluggish intestinal muscles may be helped by moderate excise , an increase in vegetables and other bulky foods in the diet and an increase in fluid intake .

  21. 明天来做决定,当你吃过一份健康早餐并做了适量运动之后,当你知道你坚持为目标努力的斗志高涨的时候。

    Decide to decide the next day , maybe after a healthy breakfast or a little exercise , when you know your inclination to stick to your goals will be naturally high .

  22. 根据最近一项在体育方面的科学医学研究显示:每周适量运动150分钟的女性要比不运动的更不容易感觉困倦,而且更有活力。

    According to a recent study in Medicine Science in Sports Exercise , women who get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week report less fatigue and more energy that those who don ' t.

  23. 他们认为,充足的体育锻炼应该是每周五天进行半小时的适量运动,或是每周三天进行20分钟的激烈运动,或者对这两者进行适当结合。

    They considered sufficient physical activity to be 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week , 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three days a week , or some combination of the two .

  24. 适量运动、科学膳食、控制体重并保持情绪乐观等健康的行为方式是减少疾病,提高生活质量的重要环节。

    Healthy life-style and behaviors , controlling body weight , increasing physical activity , scientific diet et al , may be effective ways to decrease the risk of disease and improving the quality of life to governmental functionaries .

  25. 在此基础上,对干预组患者进行社区干预,包括健康生活方式的教育和干预(如戒烟、戒酒、膳食合理、起居规律、适量运动、控制体重等)。

    On this basis , the intervention group patients on the community intervention , including lifestyle education and intervention ( such as smoking , drinking , diet and reasonable accommodation laws , regular exercise , weight control , etc. ) .

  26. 方法:根据个体化及活动量循序递增的原则,对42例无严重并发症的急性心肌梗塞患者进行2周康复程序的康复治疗,包括饮食指导、戒烟、适量运动及处理应激的训练等。

    Methods : With the principle of individualization and progressively increase activity , 42 AMI patients without any serious complication were treated with two week rehabilitation programme including diet guide , stop smoking , a moderate amount of motion and dealing with stress reaction .

  27. 287%的患者采取了控制饮食、适量运动及规律服药,没有采取任何措施者占106%,不服药或不规律服药者占591%,不规律服药的主要原因是药物费用太高。

    28 7 % of patients controlled diet , did exercises , regularly took medicine , 10 6 % of patients took no treatment behavior . 59 1 % of patients did not take or irregular take medicine , the main reason was the medicine is expensive .

  28. 对照组应用基础干预:糖尿病的五架马车管理包括:控制饮食、适量运动、选用降血糖与调脂药物、糖尿病知识宣传教育、血糖监测,加上营养神经药物口服(弥可保)。

    Control group was applied with basic intervention , which is diabetes " five carriages " management includes a control diet , regular exercise , the blood glucose and lipid regulating drugs , diabetes knowledge education , monitoring of blood glucose , and neurotrophic drugs orally ( Methycobal ) .

  29. 结果:①适量的运动训练可使大鼠血浆ET含量下降,使血清NO含量升高,且ET/NO值下降。

    The results showed that : ① the plasma ET content was decreased and serum NO content was increased after proper exercise training , which made the ET / NO decreased .

  30. 要保持均衡饮食和适量的运动。

    Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise .