
  • 网络Viral myocarditis;vmc;viralmyocarditis
  1. 病毒性心肌炎重症急性期病死率可达11.2%。

    The mortality of VMC in acute stage is about 11.2 % .

  2. 肿瘤坏死因子-α在病毒性心肌炎发病中的作用及意义

    Effect and significance of TNF - α in VMC

  3. P物质抗血清对小鼠病毒性心肌炎的作用研究

    The effect of anti-substance P serum on viral myocarditis in mice

  4. 普罗布考对小鼠柯萨奇B3病毒性心肌炎的治疗作用

    Therapeutic effect of probucol on Balb / c mice CVB_3 myocarditis

  5. 长春地区病毒性心肌炎与柯萨奇B组病毒关系的研究

    A study on the relationship between viral myocarditis and Coxsakie B virus

  6. 病毒性心肌炎感染模型&大鼠搏动心肌细胞培养的柯萨奇B2病毒感染研究

    The infected model of viral myocarditis : coxsackie B2 virus infection in rat

  7. 黄芪注射液维生素C治疗急性病毒性心肌炎

    Astragalin Injection Vitamin C Treating Acute Viral Myocarditis

  8. 抗柯萨奇B中药胶囊治疗病毒性心肌炎的临床疗效评价

    Clinical evaluation of antitoxin cachet for coxsackie B myocarditis in treatment of patients with viral myocarditis

  9. 中药防治柯萨奇B3病毒性心肌炎实验研究进展

    Advancement of Experimental Studies on TCM to Prevent and Cure Myocarditis Induced by Coxsackievirus B 3

  10. 柯萨奇B病毒性心肌炎、扩张型心肌病中病毒持续感染及中药干预的研究

    Study on Continuous Infection by Virus in CVB Viral Myocardiopathy , Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Chinese Herbs Intervention

  11. 联用复方丹参注射液和大剂量维生素C治疗急性病毒性心肌炎疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection and high doses vitamin C on acute viral myocarditis

  12. 病毒性心肌炎C反应蛋白与心肌损伤指标相关性研究

    A study of C reactive protein concentration and its correlation with myocardial injury markers in acute viral myocarditis

  13. 病毒性心肌炎小鼠心肌颗粒酶B的表达及清心胶囊的干预作用

    Expression of Granzyme B in Myocardium of Mice with Viral Myocarditis and Intervention Effect of Qingxin Capsule on it

  14. 病毒性心肌炎患者柯萨奇B组病毒特异性IgM抗体检测的应用

    Examination the specific Coxsackie B virus IgM in patients with virus myocarditis

  15. 定量PCR比较病毒性心肌炎血和心肌肠道病毒RNA含量及其与心肌病变的关系

    Comparison by PCR quantitation the enterovirus RNA concentration in myocardium and blood

  16. 辅酶Q(10)治疗病毒性心肌炎的高频心电图分析

    High frequency electrocardiogram analysis of virus myocarditis treating with coenzyme-Q10

  17. 应用PCR对病毒性心肌炎小鼠进行病原学诊断及其相关因素的研究

    Study on Etiologic Diagnosis and Its Related Factors in Mice with Viral Myocarditis by PCR

  18. 哈尔滨地区儿童急性病毒性心肌炎与柯萨奇B组病毒、腺病毒关系的研究

    A study on the relationship between children 's acute viral myocarditis and Coxsackie B group virus , adeno virus in Harbin area

  19. 黄龙口服液对柯萨奇B3病毒性心肌炎小鼠白介素12水平及自然杀伤细胞活性的影响

    Effect of Huanglong Solution on Mice with Myocarditis Induced by Coxsackie Virus B_3 : Enhancement of Interleukin-12 and Natural Killer Cell Activity

  20. RT-PCR方法检测病毒性心肌炎病原体

    Detection of the pathogen in viral myocarditis by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction

  21. 小鼠柯萨奇B3病毒性心肌炎急性期心肌收缩力的改变及芪芩号对其影响

    The alteration of myocardial contractility in the acute phase of Coxsackievirus B_3 viral myocarditis in mice and the effect of Qiqin ⅰ on it

  22. 检测IgM及IgG抗体在病毒性心肌炎诊断中的意义

    The Assay Significance of IgM and IgG antibodies in Diagnosing Virus Myocarditis

  23. 心肌抗体IgM测定在儿童病毒性心肌炎诊断的价值

    Diagnostic value of myocardium-antibody IgM in viral myocarditis in children

  24. 复方丹参注射液、辅酶Q(10)治疗病毒性心肌炎疗效观察

    Observation of injection of salvia miltiorrhiza compound and coenzyme Q_ ( 10 ) in the treatment of viral myocarditis

  25. 小儿病毒性心肌炎QT间期离散度的检测

    Testing of QT interval dispersion of viral myocarditis in children

  26. 小鼠病毒性心肌炎慢性期Th细胞分化及清心Ⅱ号的干预作用

    Th cell differentiation in chronic stage of viral myocarditis in mice and interference of Qingxin - ⅱ Recipe

  27. 目的:了解心肌抗体IgM测定在病毒性心肌炎诊断中的价值;

    Purpose : Study the diagnostic value of Myocardium-antibody IgM in viral Myocarditis .

  28. 实验性病毒性心肌炎心肌MHCⅡ类抗原的表达

    Expression of MHC ⅱ Antigen on Myocardium in Experimental Viral Myocarditis

  29. 目的早期诊断成人病毒性心肌炎柯萨奇B组病毒IgM抗体(CBVIgM)。

    Objective To examine the specific Coxsackie B virus IgM ( CBV IgM ) for early is diagnosis of virus myocarditis .

  30. 结论急性柯萨奇病毒性心肌炎的发病与某些ECM成分基因表达异常有关。

    Conclusion CVB3-induced myocarditis is probably associated with genes expression profiles of certain ECM components .