
  • 网络Lesion;impairment
  1. 急性化脓性膝关节炎关节软骨病损的MRI表现结节性非化脓性脂膜炎

    MRI Appearances of Articular Cartilaginous Lesions in Acute Pyogenic Arthritis of Knee Joint

  2. F波测定对神经根病损诊断的临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of Measurement of F Wave in the Diagnosis of Nerve Root Lesions

  3. 锥形束CT在前牙根尖周影病损像判别中的应用

    The application of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in periapical images of anterior teeth

  4. 口腔扁平苔藓病损区B7抗原及CD(28)的表达及意义

    Up-regulated expression of B_7 and CD_ ( 28 ) in oral lichen planus

  5. SOD与别嘌呤醇对流感病毒感染致小鼠病损的保护作用

    Protective effect of SOD and allopurinol on influenza induced pathogenesis in mice

  6. 在常规MRI扫描时发现双侧大脑脚或脑桥基底部体积不对称,而无脑内病损。

    Unsymmetric volume of cerebral peduncle and basilar part of pons was revealed on conventional MRI .

  7. 尖锐湿疣患者病损中VEGF、COX-2及MVD的作用探讨

    VEGF , COX-2 and MVD in Lesions of Patients with Condyloma Acuminatum

  8. 银屑病患者的足部皮肤真菌感染豚鼠体癣模型病损表皮LC的动态观察

    Observations of epidermal Langerhans cells in dermatophyte infection model in the guinea pig

  9. 因此F波测定对诊断神经根病损有重要意义,值得在临床诊断上推广应用。

    Therefore , the measurement of F wave was of great significance in the diagnosis of nerve root lesions .

  10. 结论Bax蛋白表达水平代偿性增高是口腔癌前病损发生发展中的早期事件。

    Conclusion The compensatory Bax overexpression is an early event in oral precancerous lesion development .

  11. p53基因突变可能与口腔粘膜良性病损恶性变有关。

    Mutation of p53 gene may be related to the malignant transformation of the benign lesions of oral mucosa .

  12. 因此我们推测毛囊角化病或其乳头瘤样病损可能是在一定的遗传背景下合并了HPV的感染。

    Thus we suspected that patients of follicular keratosis might infect HPVs on the genetic background .

  13. 头颅CT对病变显示率为84.6%,病损类型有基底池渗出物、脑积水、结核瘤、脑梗塞、脑萎缩及基底池钙化等。

    Abnormal CT findings were shown in 84.6 % , including basal cistern exudation , hydrocephalus , tuberculoma , cerebral infarction , brain atrophy , basal cistern calcification , etc.

  14. SA既能提示病损的血流情况,也能显示病损大小和范围。

    Still , SA can display not only the blood flow but also the size and scope of the lesions .

  15. MRI图像显示一环形水肿性病损,常难以与恶性胶质瘤、溃疡以及其它肿瘤(包括转移灶)相鉴别。

    MRI images often show a ring-enhancing lesion surrounded by edema , a picture indistinguishable from glioblastoma , abscess , and other tumors ( including metastasis ) .

  16. 特定DWI病损形式预测MCA供血区域急性缺血性卒中的预后

    Specific DWI lesion patterns predict prognosis after acute ischaemic stroke within the MCA territory

  17. Fas和Fas-L在正常口腔粘膜及OLP病损上皮中表达差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    No definite difference in Fas and Fas-ligand staining was noted between normal buccal mucosa and OLP .

  18. 方法:采用基因芯片法检测158例CA患者病损组织或脱落细胞中HPV的23种基因型的感染率。

    Method : Gene-chips technique was used to determine 23 types of HPV genotype in specimens of dropping cells or lesions from 158 patients with CA.

  19. SS相关自身抗体的出现一定程度上提示病损达到的程度,有助诊断。

    The presence of related autoantibodies of SS indicates the harm degree of SS , and it is helpful in the diagnosis .

  20. 应用免疫组化法观察黄褐斑患者色素病损部和正常皮肤的雌激素受体p的表达分布情况,并分析其表达强度与色素的严重程度的相关性。

    The distribution of ER β was detected by immunohistochemical stain in the pigmented lesion and normal skin in melasma patients , then the correlation of its expression intensity and severity of pigment was analyzed for comparison .

  21. HBV-DNA及其表达产物在银屑病病损处组织中的定位和定量研究

    Study on location and quantitation of HBV-DNA and expression products in the tissues of cutaneous lesion of psoriasis

  22. 6W、8W后,B组平均病损积分明显低于A组;

    After 6,8W , the mean lesion score of Group B was significantly lower than Group A 's.

  23. 以OLP患者的唾液和病损组织及健康对照者的唾液和健康组织为研究对象,采用真菌培养技术和PAS染色法检测OLP患者唾液和病损组织中的C。

    Mucosa tissue and saliva of OLP patients and health controls were investigated for the oral C.

  24. PCOS的病机目前尚不清楚,但最主要的病损是胰岛素抵抗导致的胰岛素过多。

    The pathogenesis of PCOS is not clear , but the main lesion is excessive insulin caused by insulin resistance .

  25. 研究骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)移植对心力衰竭(简称心衰)大鼠心肌结构和功能的影响以及在病损心肌体内分化为心肌细胞的情况。

    The experiment studied effect of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell ( MSC ) transplantation on myocardium structure and function in rats .

  26. 结论:CT引导经皮脊柱活检术是诊断脊柱病损的重要手段,是一种安全、准确以及创伤性小的检查方法。

    Conclusion : Percutaneous computed tomography guided biopsy of the spine might be an important tool in the diagnosis of the spine lesions and be considered as a safe , accurate and less traumatic examination method .

  27. 而C组,术后8、10、12W病损积分改变不大,但关节炎性病变明显减轻。

    Group C : After 8,10,12W , the mean score changed a little , but the inflammation of joint was apparently relieved .

  28. 结论DSR系统对微小骨病损的检测能力明显优于直接读片法。

    Conclusion The detectability of small alveolar bone lesions by DSR system was obviously superior to the conventional method .

  29. 统计患者治疗中牙釉质脱矿的发病率和脱矿病损的程度,计算釉质脱矿指数(enameldecalcificationindex,EDI)。

    The incidence and severity of enamel decalcification in orthodontic treatment were evaluated and the enamel decalcification index ( EDI ) was calculated .

  30. 脑卒中评价与脑卒中病损评价表(SIAS)

    Stroke Evaluation and Stroke Impairment Assessment Set ( SIAS )