
qì cù
  • shortness of breath;anhelation;panting;polypnea
气促[qì cù]
  1. A型主动脉夹层与B型相比较,更易出现气促、四肢乏力、恶心呕吐、晕厥、胸闷、头晕、心悸等症状,心包积液也更常见,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Symptoms as shortness of breath , limb weakness , nausea , vomiting , syncope , chest tightness , dizziness , heart palpitations and pericardial effusion were more likely to happen in Type-A AD than Type-B AD , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 结果UIP多见于50岁以上的男性,临床主要表现为活动后气促、咳嗽咳痰、双下肺闻及吸气相爆裂音;

    Results UIP occurred more often in males over 50 years of age . Clinical findings included progressive shortness of breath , cough , sputum and crackles over both lung fields .

  3. 治疗后pH、PaO2和PaCO2两组均有统计差异;患者气促症状减轻,临床症状改善。

    After treatment , the pH value , PaCO 2 and PaCO 2 were significantly improved in experimental group with less short-breath symptom .

  4. 结果CVVH治疗后患者气促、发绀等症状明显缓解,低氧血症及酸中毒纠正,急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分(APACHEⅡ)下降。

    Results After CVVH , the patients ' symptoms such as panting and cyanosis were remission . APACHE ⅱ score decreased significantly .

  5. 喘憋消失、气促缓解、哮鸣音消失、湿口罗音消失及平均住院时间C组与A组、B组、对照组三组比较明显缩短,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。

    Compared with group A , B and control group , the cases in group C were more significant in disappearance of asthma , dyspnea , wheezing sound , and moist rales and hospitalization days was shorter ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 结果:患者表现为长PR间期时出现心悸、胸闷、气促、颈静脉搏动,PR间期恢复正常时症状消失。

    Results : The symptoms such as palpitation , thoraco-depression , shortness breath and pulsation of the external jugular veins occurred during long PR interval while disappeared during short PR interval .

  7. 结果老年DCM患者以胸闷为主要特征,而非老年DCM患者则以活动下气促为主要表现(P<0.001)。

    Results The main characteristics is fuggy in chest in senile , while the short of breath is non-senile patients with DCM ( P < 0.001 ) .

  8. 病人的临床症状,如心悸、胸闷、头晕、乏力、气促等,在植入AAI和DDD起搏器后半年内全部消失。

    Results PAF and the clinical symptoms disappeared in the patients who received AAI or DDD pacemaker during 6 months after operation .

  9. 结果CTP主要症状为气促、心悸、胸闷及腹胀,体征主要为颈静脉怒张与下肢水肿;

    Results The main symptoms of CTP were pant , palpitation and abdominal distention . And the main sign included jugular vein dilatation , legs edema .

  10. 全组患儿的临床症状和体征中以频繁上呼吸道感染、气促和心脏杂音、P2亢进最为常见。

    Among the clinical presentation and signs , frequently upper respiratory infection , tachypnea , cardiac murmur and pulmonary second heart sounds loudly were the most common .

  11. 结论对症状性GER的抗反流治疗,可以有效减轻部分COPD患者长期咳嗽气促症状,证实了COPD与GER之间的密切相关性。

    Conclusion The anti-reflux treatment to symptomatic GER may effectively alleviate long term cough and short breath in COPD patient , it demonstrate that GER is closely associated with COPD .

  12. DKA合并AMI发病时以气促、消化道症状和糖尿病典型三多症状多见,伴随胸痛者只有29%;

    Patients with DKA manifested dyspnea , digestive symptoms and the classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus at onset of AMI , only 29 % patients presented with chest pain .

  13. 结论:对重度COPD稳定期患者在常规治疗下雾化吸入支气管扩张剂能改善其临床气促症状,而联合应用非诺特罗和异丙托溴铵疗效优于任何一药单独应用。

    Conclusions : These bronchodilator agents routinely used can improve the symptom of dyspnea in severe COPD patients at stable stage , but the effects of combined administration of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide are obviously more satisfactory .

  14. 对组间性别、年龄、咳嗽病程、气促病程、中医症状计分、BODE指数、肺功能等基本情况进行统计分析。

    Statistical analysis the gender , age , course of cough , course of shortness of breath , symptom score of TCM , BODE , pulmonary function between groups .

  15. 结论静脉药瘾并发IE者临床特征为发热、咳嗽、气促,心脏杂音,血细菌培养阳性合并肺感染,超声心动图检查对右心感染有重要价值。

    Conclusions The clinical features of drug addicts with IE are : fever , inertia , panting , coughing , cardiac souffle , positive of blood germiculture and pulmonary infection . Echocardiogram is important to diagnosing the infection of tricuspid valve .

  16. 与支架植入后7天比较,气道狭窄段腔径、气促指数、FVC、FEV1、PEF值的差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Compared the results of 7 days after stents implantation , the difference of mean lumen in the stenosis segments , Borg index , FVC , FEV1 and PEF were not significantly changed ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. 在支架植入后6~9个月,分别测定狭窄段气道腔径、气促指数、FVC、FEV1及PEF,显示其疗效依然维持在一个较为理想的状态。

    In 6 ~ 9 months following stents implantation , the results of the mean lumen in the stenosis segment , Borg index , FVC , FEV1 and PEF indicate that the long-term effect maintains at a satisfactory level .

  18. 上述检查相继进行具有较高的阴性预测值,因此,对那些气促但无充血体征的患者来说,可以用相似的策略来排除HFNEF。

    A similar strategy with focus on a high negative predictive value of successive investigations is proposed for the exclusion of HFNEF in patients with breathlessness and no signs of congestion .

  19. 受煤层注气提高煤层气产出率(ECBM)试验成功的启发,首次成功地将煤层注气驱替技术用于煤矿井下注气促排促抽煤层瓦斯的工程技术领域。

    Inspired by the successful test of Enhanced Coal Bed Methane ( ECBM ) by means of gas injection , the gas injection technology was firstly applied to accelerate coal seam methane emission and drainage in underground coal mine .

  20. 心悸、气促、下肢浮肿1月

    Palpitation , Panting and Swallen in Lower Limbs for A Month

  21. 走快或上楼梯时,他总是气促的。

    He always becomes short-winded when walking hastily or going up stairs .

  22. 以上两种情况均可导致气促。

    In both cases can lead to shortness of breath .

  23. 气促气短为50.0%;

    The short of breath pants is 50.0 % ;

  24. 他因气促而跑不动了。

    He had little breath left for running .

  25. 主要症状有咳嗽、咳痰、气促、疲乏等。

    The main symptons are cough and sputum , shortness of breath and fatigue etc.

  26. 临床主要表现为反复发作的喘息、咳嗽、气促、胸闷等症状,常在夜间和(或)清晨发作或加剧。

    The main clinical manifestations for recurrent wheezing , dyspnea , chest tightness or coughing .

  27. 无呼吸道症状5例,咳嗽、咳痰8例,其中伴气促2例。

    Cough and expectoration were found in 6 cases Breathlessness was found in 2 cases .

  28. 临床表现以乏力、神疲、烦躁、气促为主。

    The clinical manifestations of weakness , fatigue , irritability , shortness of breath mainly .

  29. 气促3例;

    Cases had shortness of breath ;

  30. 临床特点以发热、干咳、气促、肺部X线胸片表现以渗出性实变为主。

    The characteristic clinical manifestations , include fever , cough , breathlessness and exudative infiltration in chest X-ray film .