
  • 网络gas shortage
  1. 北京在与全国共同经历了煤、电、油紧张之后,又经历了一次“气荒”。

    Beijing suffered another time of " gas hunger " after it witnessed , along with other provinces the crisis of coal , natural gas transportation and power supply .

  2. 概述了单台油制气炉荒煤气流量检测方法的探索;

    And summerizes the testing method of crude oil gas of single reactor ;

  3. 分析了应用激光多普勒流速计检测单台油制气炉荒煤气流量的可行性。

    And analyzes the feasibility of the crude oil gas flow of the single reactor with laser Doppler speedometer .

  4. 分析了重油催化裂解制气炉荒煤气流量的检测难点;

    This article analyzes the detecting difficulties of crude oil gas flow in heavy oil catalysis cracking gas - making reactor ;

  5. 为了提高天然气产量,解决气荒难题,目前大都采用射孔压裂的方式改造地层,增加气井产量。

    In order to improve the yield of gas and solve the " gas hunger " problem , the perforating and fracturing method was put forward .

  6. 随着天然气行业的快速发展,天然气资源的严重不足和各行各业对天然气日益增强的依赖已经在部分城市造成气荒。

    As the natural gas industry develops rapidly , gas famine has been caused by the grossly inadequate of natural gas and industries ' growing dependence on natural gas .