
  • 网络Diagnosis;etiological diagnosis;cause
  1. CT肺动脉造影可准确诊断肺动脉高压,并为病因诊断提供有效信息。

    CTPA can accurately diagnose pulmonary hypertension and thereby provide useful information for the etiological diagnosis .

  2. 结论术前MRTA检查可取代普通MRI作为面肌痉挛术前病因诊断的最佳手段;

    Conclusion Pre operative MRTA can replace conventional MRI as a best approach for pre operational etiological diagnosis of facial spasm .

  3. CT扫描对急性肠梗阻的病因诊断

    CT in the Evaluation of Etiological Diagnosis of Acute Intestinal Obstruction

  4. 胰岛素及C肽监测在低血糖昏迷病因诊断及治疗中的价值

    Value of serum insulin and C-peptide monitoring in diagnosis and treatment of hypoglycemic coma

  5. 癫痫病因诊断中CT与录像脑电图的价值分析

    Value analysis about CT and V-EEG used in epilepsy diagnoses

  6. CT检查是肠梗阻病因诊断的最佳手段。

    CT scan in the optimal diagnostic method .

  7. 抗核抗体和抗双链DNA的检测在肾病综合征病因诊断上的意义

    The Significance of Antinuclear Antibody and Ds - DNA on Etiology Diagnosis of Nephrotic Syndrome

  8. MRI在面肌痉挛神经血管压迫病因诊断中的价值

    The MRI Diagnosis Value of Neurovascular Compression in Patients with Hemifacial Spasm

  9. CT、US、ERCP对梗阻性黄疸病因诊断的价值

    The Efficacy of CT , US , ERCP in The diagnosis of Obstructive Jaundice

  10. 目的评价CT对肝外胆道梗阻性疾病的病因诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of CT in etiological diagnosis of obstructive disease in extra-hepatic bile duct .

  11. 目的:评估MRI在老年人急性非外伤性多椎体压缩骨折病因诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the MRI in the differential diagnosis of acute non-traumatic vertebral collapse .

  12. MRI对癫痫病因诊断的价值

    Etiologic diagnosis of epilepsy with MRI

  13. CT在颈纵隔气肿病因诊断中的应用(附16例报告)

    Application of CT on Diagnosis of the Etiology of Cervical and Mediastinal Emphysema ( A Report of 16 Cases )

  14. CAP系统变应原筛选试验在慢性荨麻疹病因诊断中的应用

    Application of CAP System Allergen Screening Tests in Etiological Diagnosis of Chronic Urticaria

  15. 病因诊断准确性CT为96%,平片13%;

    The diagnostic accuracy of the cause of intestinal obstruction was 96 % on CT and 13 % on plain film .

  16. 术前CT对胃肠道穿孔病因诊断的符合率为87.9%(29/33)。

    The preoperative diagnostic accuracy of CT for the causes related with digestive tract perforation was 87.9 % ( 29 / 33 ) .

  17. 结论:诊断急性自发性肾破裂出血,CT是最有价值的检查方法,其病因诊断准确率可达90%;

    Conclusion : CT is the valuable examination for patients with spontaneous renal hemorrhage and in finding of the cause of hemorrhage about 90 % .

  18. 作者指出CT扫描对癫痫,特别是对继发性癫痫的病因诊断是一种重要的辅助手段。

    The authors point out that CT scan is an important supplementary method in the diagnosis of epilepsy especially for the etiology of secondary major epilepsy .

  19. 目的探讨抗核抗体(ANA)和双链DNA(dsDNA)检测在肾病综合征病因诊断上的意义。

    Objective To investigate the significance of antinuclear antibody ( ANA ) and ds-DNA on etiology diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome .

  20. 目的:探讨CT和录像脑电图(V-EEG)在癫痫病因诊断中的作用。

    Objective : Discussing different effects which CT and V-EEG made in epilepsy diagnoses .

  21. 结论肩关节MRI能清晰显示出肩关节的复杂解剖结构,对慢性肩关节疼痛的病因诊断有较高的准确性,是一项有价值的检查方法。

    Conclusion MRI can show complex anatomy of shoulder and has high accuracy in diagnosis of shoulder pain , it is a value method for shoulder pain .

  22. 性激素的测定对于评价男性性功能有着非常重要的意义,尤其是对ED患者的病因诊断和治疗更为重要。

    Sex hormones levels are very important in male sex function , particularly with diagnosis and treatment in erectile dysfunction .

  23. 目的分析椎基底动脉(VBA)超声多普勒在眩晕病因诊断中的作用。

    Purpose To assess the meanings of vertebrobasilar artery ultrasonic Doppler examination in the etiological diagnosis of vertigo .

  24. 目的:探讨磁共振尿路成像(MRU)在输尿管梗阻性疾病中的应用,评价3DFLASH-T1W对病因诊断的价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the role MR urography ( MRU ) and 3D Flash-T_1W sequence in the diagnosis of ureteral obstructive diseases .

  25. 及时地对PMB进行病因诊断很重要。

    It is very important to make a timely diagnosis .

  26. MRU结合常规MRI图像显示占位性病变26例,占位性梗阻的病因诊断率为66.7%。

    Combined with MRI , 26 cases suggested mass lesion , therefore , the detection rate of the space occupying lesion was 66.7 % .

  27. 结论根据临床经过和必要的实验室检查大部分FUO病例可以明确病因诊断,病理学检查对疑难病例的诊断提供重要依据,极少数病人最终只能依赖尸检明确诊断。

    Pathological examination is very important in diagnosing the etiology of FUO .

  28. 结论测定血清花粉抗原sIgE敏感、安全、简便易行,可作为季节性哮喘花粉过敏的特异性病因诊断方法。

    Conclusion sIgE detected by BSA-ELISA appeared to be a safe and simple method for etiological diagnosis in patients with seasonal asthma .

  29. CT在病因诊断方面很有帮助,它既能发现桥小脑角占位病变又能显示桥小脑角扩张增粗的血管。

    It not only can demonstrate space occupying lesions , such as cholesteatoma and acoustic neuroma , but also can reveal the ectatic blood vessels at the cerebellopontile angle , CT therefore provides image materials very helpful for surgery .

  30. 结论颅内动脉瘤为自发性蛛网膜下腔出血的最常见原因,全脑血管数字减影造影是SAH病因诊断最有效的方法。

    Conclusion The cerebral aneurysm is the most common cause for SAH , and the effective diagnostic method of SAH is cerebral angiography .