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  1. 这是BPR的主要精髓。病态社会的病态魂灵&‘阿Q’形象系列透视:为本文的第二部分。

    That 's the soul of BPR . " Morbid soul in a morbid society & essence of ' A Q'image series " : part two of the thesis .

  2. 和谐社会视野下的病态社会心理分析

    Analysis on Abnormal Social Psychology From the Perspective of Harmonious Society

  3. 病态社会的畸变人生。

    Part three : abnormal life of ill society .

  4. 神经症人格与病态社会

    The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society

  5. 神经症人格与病态社会&《麦田里的守望者》主人翁心理分析

    The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society & A Psychoanalytical Reading of The Catcher in the Rye

  6. 高犯罪率被某些人认为是病态社会的标志。

    High rates of crime are considered by some people to be a sign of a sick society .

  7. 因此,马尔库塞提出,这样的社会是不健全的,是一种病态社会。

    Therefore , marcuse puts forward , such society is not perfect , it is a kind of pathological society .

  8. 街头文化不单单是病态社会的症状,而且也使得那些它所宣扬的东西能够延续下去。

    That street culture is not only a symptom of a deeply dysfunctional society ; it also helps to perpetuate what it celebrates .

  9. 其次,主体内省意识的缺乏也是造成这一悲剧的原因。文化形态的悲剧和作家的死亡意识密切关联,表现了作家对病态社会中秩序话语丧失的忧虑。

    The tragedy in cultural formation is closely related to author 's awareness of death , which shows author 's worry about the lack of discourse in abnormal society .

  10. 建立在理性主义基础之上的近代工业技术文明所带来的病态社会和单项度的人激起西方学者的激烈批评。

    Being built on the basis of rationalism , civilized modern industrial technology bring up the 〝 pathological society " and 〝 individual degrees " which arises fierce criticism of Western scholars .

  11. 其实验小说注重反映物化现实对人性的扭曲,展示香港社会里人的真实生存状态,特别是激烈的生存竞争、物欲横流的病态社会中香港人的生存焦虑以及病态人格。

    His experimental novels chiefly depict the distorted human nature caused by the materialized reality and the true state of survival in Hongkong society , especially the ( anxiety ) of survival and abnormal personality in a society filled with fierce competitions and material ( desires . )

  12. 我们生活在一个病态的社会里。

    We live in a sick society .

  13. 我再次通过照相机冷漠、坚定的镜头去探究这个病态的社会。

    I was again using the cold , unflinching eye of the camera to probe a sick society .

  14. 病态的社会、病态的心理、不健康的想像。

    A diseased society , mentality , imagination .

  15. 病态的社会、病态的心理、不健康的想像.你将拥有更健康的身体和平和的心态。

    A diseased society , mentality , imagination You 'll enjoy better health and peace of mind .

  16. 他用大量的身体叙事来探索复杂的人性,病态的社会,具有伟大的意义。

    He uses plenty of physical description to explore the complexity of human nature , sick society , being of great significance .

  17. 《无名书》前三卷搭的是政治、爱情、病态都市社会的舞台,唱的是人性的戏剧。

    The first three volumes of Wu Ming Shu probe into humanity by means of the stage of politics , love in a sick urban society .

  18. 比亚兹莱在艺术世界里扮演了一位社会批判者、越轨者和颠覆者的角色,给那个病态的社会致命的一击。

    Beardsley plays in the art world critics argue a society , deviance and the role of insurgents , a sick society that give a fatal blow .

  19. 本文试从内因和外因两个方面来分析其原因:一方面是病态的社会使得普鲁弗洛克陷入想爱却不敢去爱的境地;

    On the one hand , it is the morbid society that makes Prufrock fall into the dilemma-he needs love , but he doesn 't dare to declare it ;

  20. 他的小说表现了美国战后典型的社会特征,反映了上层社会的虚伪、金钱的罪恶、家庭关系的破裂以及病态的社会现象,而这些正是当时消费社会的典型特征。

    In his novels , we can find the typical social characteristics of the post-war America as a consumer society , including the hypocrisy of the upper-class , the wickedness of money , the damage of family relationships and the sick social phenomena .

  21. 自杀与遗传因素、病态心理、社会心理因素、早年生活创伤和神经生化异常等多种因素相关。

    Suicide is related with genetic factors , patienthood , psychological and social factors , early life trauma , nerve biochemistry and other factors .

  22. 而他们的悲剧深深根植于病态的现代社会,因此,在深层意义上,他们的悲剧代表了时代的悲剧。

    Since their tragedy takes its root in a sick modern world , thus it represents the tragedy of the modern times in a deep sense .

  23. 本文分析了张爱玲小说中滋生女性病态现象的的社会文化心理,并揭示了展现女性病态现象的文化意义。

    This paper analyzes the socio-cultural psychology in her novels to breed the female pathological phenomena , and reveals to show the cultural significance of female pathological phenomena .

  24. 对物质的疯狂追求,对学历的盲目认同,遵循病态竞争逻辑的社会,使社会活动领域之一的教育领域也染上了这一病毒。

    The mad pursuit of substance , the blind identification on education , makes a morbid society . Education , one of the fields of social activities , is also infected with this virus .

  25. 这种病态人格是由病态社会所造成的。

    This kind of sick personality is caused by the sick society .

  26. 属于或关于反对社会的病态人格。神经症人格与病态社会&《麦田里的守望者》主人翁心理分析

    Of or relating to a sociopathic personality disorder . The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society & A Psychoanalytical Reading of The Catcher in the Rye