
zài jiào yù
  • reeducation;retrain
再教育[zài jiào yù]
  1. 新时期高校图书馆员再教育浅议

    ON the Reeducation of Academic Librarian in the New Period

  2. 浅谈专升本学生的高等数学再教育

    On higher mathematics reeducation for student turning the junior into the undergraduate

  3. 我们现在不得不尽快对公众进行再教育,因为他们一直都认为这是理所当然的。

    We are having to re-educate the public very quickly about something they have always taken for granted .

  4. 日本政府指出,预期好处包括让有家庭护理责任的人可以免于辞职,促进员工再教育,也可以帮助更多的人从事兼职。

    Among expected advantages are helping people with family-care responsibilities avoid the need to quit their jobs , promotion of recurrent education , and helping more people take on side jobs , the government said .

  5. 人们可以获得各种不同的外语证书、学历培训,例如:再教育、社区大学班、语言教科书、DVD和CD。

    There are several different kinds of foreign language certificate and degree programs available , from continuing education and community college classes to instructional books , DVDs , and CDs .

  6. 没有人不受猜疑,多数高级官员,包括他权势显赫的妹夫张成泽(changsung-taek)在内,都曾花费很长时间接受“再教育”。

    No-one is above suspicion and most senior officials , including his influential brother-in-law , Chang Sung-taek , have spent periods undergoing " re-education " .

  7. 在大西洋彼岸,若有人倡导宽松的财政政策,就有可能被欧洲央行(ecb)关进小黑屋,接受国际货币基金组织(imf)有关主权债务危机危险的再教育。

    On the other side of the Atlantic , any advocates of a loose fiscal policy risk finding themselves in a windowless cell under the European Central Bank , for International Monetary Fund re-education on the dangers of sovereign debt crises .

  8. 附近的水泥码头上,有人用喷漆写下了一行字:“别再教育我们了,我们自会照顾它。”一艘以作家安德烈·马尔罗(AndréMalraux)命名的游艇泊在港口。

    Nearby , someone had spray-painted " Ne nous cultivez plus , on s'en charge , " or " Don 't educate us anymore , we 'll take care of it , " on a cement quai , where a yacht named for the writer Andr é Malraux was docked .

  9. 国内外体育师资再教育问题的分析研究&中外对教师再教育方面的重视程度、执教水平与学历要求的比较

    Analysis on the PE Teacher 's Re-education in China and Foreign Country

  10. 德国西占区再教育初探

    The " Re-education " in the Western Zones of Germany

  11. 论水电高职高专教师的再教育

    Reeducation of teachers at water and power higher vocational and training schools

  12. 加强各级人员培训再教育;

    Strengthens all levels of personnel to train educates again ;

  13. 谈谈警察再教育的途径与方法

    On Ways and Approaches to Re-education of the Police

  14. 现代体育教学改革与体育教师的再教育

    Modern PE Teaching Reform and RE-Education of PE Teachers

  15. 老年人再教育必须为国家和社会服务

    The Continuous Education of the Elderly Must Serve the Country and the Society

  16. 知识经济时代会计人员继续再教育的加强

    On Strengthening the Continuous Re-Education in Knowledge Economy Era

  17. 再教育是找到一个方法来拓宽你的知识。

    Instead , think of it as a way to broaden your knowledge .

  18. 论21世纪高校青年体育教师的再教育

    On the Reeducation for Young PE Teachers in Colleges in the Twenty-First Century

  19. 要重新实现健康运转的资本主义制度,需要进行再教育和深度改革。

    Regaining a well - functioning capitalism will require re-education and deep reform .

  20. 我们应该对人们进行再教育使之重视饮食卫生。

    We must re-educate people to eat more healthily .

  21. 对闹派性的人要再教育,要反对闹派性的头头。

    Persons engaging in factional activities should be re-educated and their leaders opposed .

  22. 那里有更多的再教育中心,数目不少。

    There are more re-education centers , not less .

  23. 显然,美国人需要接受一次健康问题的再教育。

    Plainly , the American people need to be re-educated about their health .

  24. 对美国白人来说,这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。

    It was the start of a long , painful reeducation for white America .

  25. 所以,我国政府一直重视对老师的培训和再教育。

    Therefore , our government has attached great importance to teacher training and re-education .

  26. 周围神经损伤后的感觉再教育

    Sensory re - education after peripheral nerve injury

  27. 再教育运动面临两大挑战。

    The re-education movement faces two bigger challenges .

  28. 那些20世纪30年代在苏联影响下接受训练的钢琴家,则被送到农村接受再教育。

    Those trained under Russian influence during the 1930s were sent away for re-education .

  29. 我的意思是,为了再教育中心。

    I mean , for the re-education center .

  30. 新时期高校学生党员再教育工作的思考

    Thought of Re-education of Party Members from College and University Students in the New Period