
zài sān kǎo lǜ
  • 熟语Think twice;turn a matter;turn the matter;reconsideration
  1. 再三考虑之后,他们达成了共识。

    After much consideration , they arrived at a consensus .

  2. 然而,经过再三考虑,他说他脾气很坏,他的大多数学生都避免惹怒他。

    On second thoughts , however , he said that he was so ill-tempered that most of his students avoided making him mad .

  3. 如果要在EAR之间共享JAR,您可能应该再三考虑,这篇文章同样对此进行了讨论。

    If the JARs are shared across EARs you should probably think twice , again as discussed in this article .

  4. 再三考虑之后,去香港旅行听起来很刺激。

    On second thought , a trip to HongKong sounds exciting .

  5. 再三考虑后,再决定哪个更适合你的价值观和性格。

    Then decide which better suits your values and your personality .

  6. 经再三考虑,我们决定放弃索赔。

    After rethink , we have decide to withdraw our claim .

  7. 过继例句总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。

    After much deliberation , the president decided to adopt her suggestion .

  8. 我已经再三考虑过你的提议。

    I 've given your proposal a lot of thought .

  9. 我做出的决定都是经过再三考虑的。

    Before I made a decision , I thought carefully about it .

  10. 经再三考虑,我打算改变决定。

    Upon reflection I think I will change my decision .

  11. 经过再三考虑之后,这个和尚终于接受了这头牛。

    Anyhow , after much consideration , the monk accepted the cow .

  12. 我再三考虑之后决定不去了。

    After much deliberation , I decided not to go .

  13. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。

    After much deliberation , the president decide to adopt her suggestion .

  14. 盖比,经过我再三考虑,还给你。

    Gabe , I thought it over , and here .

  15. 女:你再三考虑过你的决定吗?

    W : Did you consider your decision in a second thought ?

  16. 经过再三考虑我带去了它。

    On second thoughts I took it with me .

  17. 他企图让我们再三考虑放过他。

    He 's trying to make us think twice about taking him out .

  18. M:我还得再三考虑后再做决定。

    M : I 'm going to have to give this more thought .

  19. 我要是你,我要再三考虑再做决定。

    If I were you , I 'd think twice before making the docision .

  20. 谢尔顿:艾米,再三考虑之后,我觉得我们可能决定得太草率了。

    Sheldon : Amy , after consideration , I believe we may have acted .

  21. 把你的注意力放在学习和工作上,做任何事前再三考虑。

    Focus your attention on studies and work , thinking twice before doing anything else .

  22. 何时才算太晚并不一定,不过,大部分的人若想在晚上10点钟以后打电话,都会再三考虑。

    The time may vary , but most folks think twice about calling after 10:00 p.m.

  23. 由于这笔交易金额很大,买主在做出决定之前必须再三考虑。

    As this transaction involve a very large sum , buyer have to think twice before deciding .

  24. 这样你在吃东西前都会再三考虑,作好记录,计算你所摄入的卡路里。

    You will think twice before eating something , if you have to log it and count calories .

  25. 因为金额有限,在你想冲动购物时,你就会开始再三考虑了。

    With a finite amount of cash , you 'll start to think twice before those spur-of-the-moment spending sprees .

  26. 经过再三考虑,巴克只能把这一次的卷入归因他那能言善辩的哥哥。

    As Buck thought about it some more , he could only ascribe his involvement to his articulate brother .

  27. 我只能盼望、恳求,在决定把宠物带回家前,请再三考虑!

    I can only hope and beg that before you bring a pet home that you please give it great though .

  28. 经过再三考虑,决定让我上弗吉尼亚洲一所军事学院念完高中最后一年。

    After long deliberation we decided that I should spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia .

  29. 既然你曾经认为这些草稿是重要的,在你删除这些草稿之前,要再三考虑一下。

    Since you once thought of them as things of importance , be sure to give them another consideration before deleting them .

  30. 少数读者提到,他们希望重新考虑选择大学专业,或者在退学前甚至再三考虑。

    A few readers mentioned how they wish they 'd re-considered their choice of college major , or even thought twice before dropping out .