
  • 网络Spring mattress;sprung mattress
  1. 他不习惯在弹簧床垫上睡觉。

    He was not used to sleeping on a spring mattress .

  2. 他睡在弹簧床垫上。

    He slept on a spring mattress .

  3. 用吸尘器附件打扫空气垫和弹簧床垫。

    Vacuum the mattress and box springs with a vacuum attachment .

  4. 层状结构材料对弹簧床垫舒适性影响研究

    Influenced of Three-layer Materials on Mattress Comfort

  5. 弹簧床垫的力学模型

    A Mechanical Model of Spring Mattress

  6. 倒转并为弹簧床垫充气;

    Inverted and aired the mattress ;

  7. 如果他们自己不买弹簧床垫和被单,他们就必须睡在木板上。

    If they don 't supply their own mattresses and bedclothes , they sleep on plywood boards .

  8. 倒转并为弹簧床垫充气;你做错了,倒转来怪我。

    Inverted and aired the mattress ; You made mistakes yourself and now you put the blame on me .

  9. 床垫产品包括弹簧床垫,充填床垫的乳胶、聚氨酯泡沫塑料及弹簧等物料,木制床架等。

    The product group " bed mattresses " comprise bed mattresses , the materials filling the bed mattresses , wooden bed bases that support the bed mattresses and spring mattresses .

  10. 本文对影响弹簧床垫舒适性的主要因素&海绵、毛毡、弹簧进行了系统的实验研究,测试了和人相关的温湿度、体压分布和肌肉疲劳等指标。

    In this paper , some experiments were done to test the factors , such as temperature , humidity , body pressure distribution , muscle fatigue , and so on , which affect human sleep .

  11. 他生平第一次自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧又带床垫的床。

    For the first time in his life , he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress .

  12. 布袋弹簧广泛用于各种床垫、沙发座垫。

    Bag-contained springs are widely used in various sofa cushions and mattresses .

  13. 包含有弹簧刚架的床垫。

    A mattress containing springs in a rigid frame .

  14. 弹簧覆盖率:床垫上所用弹簧的最大截面面积总和与床垫实测面积的百分比值。

    Spring coverage : a spring mattress on the sum of the maximum cross-sectional area measured with the mattress area percentage .