
  • 网络Eternal Happiness;Om Shanti Om;a patch of blue
  1. 再议《再生缘》的文学史价值

    Re-assessment of Zai Sheng Yuan 's Value in the Literary History

  2. 《再生缘》中的男性意识

    The Male Awareness in " The Destiny of Rebirth "

  3. 第二章《再生缘》的版本和流传情况。

    Second chapter " Love in the Next Life " version and spread .

  4. 第三章讨论《再生缘》前十七卷的艺术特质,主要从心理描写、人物形象塑造和语言艺术三个方面入手。

    In the third chapter the writer studies artistic character of The Destiny of Rebirth .

  5. 但对《再生缘》的文学史价值定位,似需进一步斟酌。

    But to Zai Sheng Yuan 's value localization in the literary history , resembles must further consider .

  6. 弹词小说是盛行于中国明清时代的妇女文学,《再生缘》是其中的佼佼者。

    The " Tan Ci " novel is the female literature in late period of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China .

  7. 有关《再生缘》的研讨是一次纯粹的学术研讨,郭沫若在这次讨论中表达了对陈寅倍的尊崇与敬意。

    The discussion about Zai Sheng Yuan is purely academic , and Guo Moruo in this discussion showed his respect and adoration to Chen Yinke .

  8. 郭沫若对《再生缘》思想艺术价值,作出了精辟的分析,时陈端生的家世、遭遇作了全面的考证。

    Guo Moruo analysed properly the idealistic , and artistic value of Zai Sheng Yuan and made the textual research about extraction and encounter of Chen Duansheng .