
jiù mìng
  • help;save sb.'s life
救命 [jiù mìng]
  • (1) [save sb.'s life]∶拯救某人的生命;救助有生命危险的人

  • (2) [help]∶常用于表示处于危难之中的人的叫唤

  • 救命!

救命[jiù mìng]
  1. “救命啊!”他大声呼叫着。

    ' Help ! ' he cried out .

  2. 这种新药有可能成为一种救命药。

    The new drug is a potential lifesaver .

  3. “救命啊!”她喊道。

    ' Help ! ' she screamed .

  4. 救命啊!我给困住了!

    Help ! I 'm trapped !

  5. 有人在喊救命。

    Someone was screaming for help .

  6. 救命,我被卡住了!

    Help , I 'm stuck !

  7. 她高声喊救命。

    She screamed for help .

  8. “救命!”我尖叫道,转身就跑。

    ' Help ! ' I screamed , turning to run .

  9. 他紧紧抓着住倾覆的小船,高呼救命。

    He clung to the upturned boat , screaming for help .

  10. 抓救命稻草是无济于事的。

    It is useless to clutch at straws .

  11. 他那样做好像一个快要淹死的人拼命想捞救命稻草一样。

    He acted like a drowning man trying to catch at a straw .

  12. 她大喊救命,但无人理会。

    She called out for help but nobody came .

  13. 呼喊救命的声音突然传到我们耳边。

    The cries for help burst upon our ears .

  14. 他在水里起起伏伏,不断地喊着救命。

    He went up and down in the water and shouted for help .

  15. 救命啊!救命啊!吉米大声喊道。

    Help ! Help ! Jimmy shouted loudly .

  16. 苏西:还有草地……本尼,格蕾丝,救命!救命啊!

    Susie : And the grass … Benny , Grace , help ! Help !

  17. 我对您的救命之恩深表谢意。

    I give you my profound thanks for saving my life .

  18. “你真是个救命的菩萨,爸爸怎么样?“

    You 're an angel ! How is Dad ? "

  19. 他高声喊叫救命。

    He called aloud for help .

  20. 我走过去,问它:“小娜鱼,你为什么喊救命?”

    I went over and asked : " Little crucian carp , why are you calling for help ? "

  21. 地主叫喊道:“救命,救命!”穷人们都很高兴,没有一个人愿意帮助他。

    The landlord cried , " Help ! Help ! " The poor men were all happy , no one wanted to help him .

  22. 庄周一听,气得脸色都变了,但是他却对监河侯讲了这样一件事情:我昨天来时,半路上听到‘救命’的呼喊声。

    When Zhuang Zhou heard this , he was so angry that the colow of his face changed . But he told the official this story : When I came here yesterday , on the way I heard a voice calling ' Help ! '

  23. 对于违约在即的国家来说,国际货币基金组织(TheInternationalMonetaryFund)无疑是最后的一根救命稻草。

    The International Monetary Fund is known as the lender of last resort to countries on the brink of default .

  24. 这种潜在的救命技术也可以在筛查其他耐药性的病毒时起作用,例如著名的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和流感(病毒)。

    The potentially life-saving technology also works when screening other viruses with drug-resistance issues , notably human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) and influenza .

  25. 印度有关部门撤销了针对一种主要抗逆转录酶病毒药物的专利保护,发展中国家的艾滋病(hiv)患者将有更大机会获得这种救命药品。

    HIV patients in developing countries stand to gain greater access to life-saving treatment after Indian authorities overturned the patents on a leading antiretroviral drug .

  26. 救命啊,继续坐牢中,这不是EricVanDerWoodsen?

    Blair : S.O.S. Still in prison . Is that Eric Van Der Woodsen ?

  27. 多谢一位带着相机到访的美国音乐节目主持人,你可以自己看看《救命!》DVD里面的比赛片段。

    And thanks to a visiting American DJ who brought along a camera , you can see some of the race for yourself on the Help ! DVD .

  28. 伦敦朗伯德街研究(LombardStreetResearch)的加布里埃尔•斯坦(GabrielStein)表示:希望总是存在,而在面对美国经济明显放缓时,这种希望就叫脱钩论。他将这种希望称为非常脆弱的救命稻草。

    Hope always remains , and in the face of a sharp US slowdown , that hope is called decoupling , says Gabriel Stein of Lombard Street Research in London , who describes this hope as a very weak reed to rely on .

  29. 暴力损坏补给物资的运输联合国儿童基金会女发言人MarixieMercado表示,暴力严重损坏了救命的补给物资的运输。

    Violence mars delivery of supplies Spokeswoman for the UN Children 's Fund , Marixie Mercado , says the violence is the delivery of life-saving supplies .

  30. 他看到单词救命了。他看到渔夫了。

    He saw the word HELP . He saw the fisherman .