
  • 网络our salvation;your salvation;The Salvation
  1. 第一个决定带来救恩,第二个决定则带来团契生活。

    The first decision brings salvation ; the second brings fellowship .

  2. 有基督的同在就有神的救恩在。

    When Christ is in a home , salvation is there .

  3. 满全我们众弟兄亲属对救恩的期求,并赏赐他们永恒的生命。

    Grant our brothers and relatives their saving petitions and eternal life .

  4. 圣子藉著牺牲流血来成就了救恩;

    It is the Son of God whose blood saves us .

  5. 因你的救恩,他的快乐何其大。

    How great is his joy in the victories you give !

  6. 救恩却能引带我们进入天堂,与基督一起,直至永永远远。

    Salvation carries us on into heaven and eternity with Christ .

  7. 以图解说明如何接受救恩。

    Uses pictures to illustrate how to accept god 's salvation .

  8. 请回想自己从生活中经历救恩而得胜的经验。

    Please recollect your life experience of salvation and victory .

  9. 我们并非只是张开双手去领受救恩。

    It is not only opening our hands to receive .

  10. 但愿以色列的救恩从锡安而出。

    Oh , that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion !

  11. 祂是你的救恩之上帝吗?

    Reader , is he the God of your salvation ?

  12. 同样的,救恩之言离我们也不远。

    Even so the word of our salvation is near to us ;

  13. 因著耶稣基督的救赎,我们便得著救恩。

    Salvation in Christ is free , because of grace .

  14. 因为是记号和印记,所以它们指向救恩的事实。

    As signs they point to the reality of salvation .

  15. 以图解表达救恩基本真理。

    Using pictures to express the basic truth of salvation .

  16. 这一切都是在基督里接受救恩的结果。

    All these things are the result of our salvation in Christ .

  17. 直到中华民族在神的救恩里透出水晶的光明。

    Until China people releases a crystalline illumination in Christ 's salvation .

  18. 救恩之道是神的方式。

    The way of salvation is the way of God .

  19. 凡有血气的,都要见神的救恩。

    And all flesh will see the salvation of god .

  20. 论罗马天主教的普世性救恩神学观念

    Remarks on the Theological Thought of Universal Grace of Roman Catholic Church

  21. 我们若忽略这麽大的救恩,怎能逃罪呢。

    How shall we escape , if we neglect so great salvation ;

  22. 诗119:81我心渴想你的救恩、望你的应许。

    My soul languishes for Your salvation ; I wait for Your word .

  23. 世界的救恩取决于此。

    The salvation of the world depends on it .

  24. 万王之王带来救恩,应当倾心接待祂。

    The king of kings salvation brings , let loving hearts enthrone Him .

  25. 耶和华啊,我向来等候你的救恩。

    I look for your deliverance , O Lord .

  26. 圣灵如何将基督买赎的救恩,实施在我们身上?

    How does the Spirit apply to us the redemption purchased by Christ ?

  27. 罪与救恩:究竟福音是什么?

    Sin and Salvation – What is the Gospel ?

  28. 象徵基督的死作成每个信徒的救恩。

    Relates to salvation for the individual believer through the death of Christ .

  29. 神的救恩是免费的,但神的恩典却绝不是廉价的。

    God 's Salvation if FREE , but God 's Grace is never cheap .

  30. 我的心默默无声,专等候神。我的救恩是从他而来。

    My soul finds rest in God alone ; my salvation comes from him .