
  • 网络biblical theology;theology of the Bible
  1. 试论现当代语境下圣经神学之困境及可能的出路

    The Problem of Biblical Theology in Contemporary Context and the Possible Solution

  2. 知识渊博、满有爱心的教授:他们在圣经神学,以及圣经原文的希伯来语、亚兰语以及希腊语方面,都接受过正规的培训。

    Knowledgeable , compassionate professors who are well trained in Biblical theology and in the original Bible languages of Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek .

  3. 圣经神学的进路是必需的:不是可有可无的。

    Biblical-theological approach is not dispensable option – not exegetical luxury .

  4. 因着福音书的内容,因此圣经神学的进路才完备,才是适当的方法。

    Biblical-theological method is that adequate , appropriate method called for by the content of the text .

  5. 从宗教、圣经神学语境下棼梳出的“人格”经过无数个历史时期的拐点和启示,终于演变成为当下司法实践所关怀的“人格权”。

    Personality , which is derived from religion and Bible theology , experiences numerous historical developments , and transforms to the fight of personality in present legal practice .

  6. 圣经神学是很重要的学科,有下面几个理由:首先,它帮助我们决定圣经中那些主题和真理是真正重要的,以及为什么是重要的。

    Biblical theology is an important discipline for several reasons ; first , it helps us to determine what themes and truths of scriptures are really important , and why .

  7. 新约圣经神学,是分行的基督教学科的痕迹,其中的主题是通过作者的新台币,然后再融合,这些个别的图案成为一个单一的综合性的整体。

    New Testament Theology is that branch of the Christian disciplines which traces themes through the authors of the NT and then amalgamates those individual motifs into a single comprehensive whole .

  8. 圣经神学的存在就是为了在圣经研究和教义神学之间建立一座桥梁,但是这种桥梁的作用也成为圣经神学自身定义和发展的难题。

    Biblical theology is a discipline that tries to bridge the gap between modem Biblical studies and systematical theology . But this aim of Biblical theology becomes a problem for its self definition and development .

  9. 自由神学者就是一个把圣经名词变成神学口香糖的人。

    A liberal is one who transforms biblical terms into theological bubble gum .

  10. 培训可包括圣经研究,神学,默祷等课程。

    Training may include courses in biblical studies , theology , contemplation , etc.

  11. 身为一位虔诚的圣公会教徒,霍布斯使用《圣经》以及神学教义来补充并阐明其政治理论。

    As a devout Anglican , Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine .

  12. 先知书是圣经重要的神学经卷,既是典型的宗教意识形态著作,也是难得的古代艺术精品,具有很高的神学与文学价值。

    The Prophets , which are important theological volumes of the Bible , are the outcome of the famous ancient Hebrew prophet movement . They are not only typically religious ideological works but also artistic works with high theological and literary values .

  13. 这使普通人可以阅读圣经并自己进行神学上的思考。

    This made it possible for ordinary people to read the bible and think theologically for themselves .

  14. 本文主要分成两个部分:《利维坦》的圣经诠释和政治神学。

    This essay consists of two parts : the interpretation of the bible in Leviathan and its political theology .