
shènɡ dàn shù
  • Christmas tree
圣诞树 [shèng dàn shù]
  • [Christmas tree]圣诞节期间在一些常绿树上点缀些小蜡烛、玩具、礼物等以增加节日气氛,这些树称圣诞树

  1. 圣诞树顶上的仙子

    the fairy on top of the Christmas tree

  2. 圣诞树上装点着彩灯。

    The Christmas tree was decorated with coloured lights .

  3. 我们布置好了装饰品和圣诞树,这才开始感受到圣诞节的气氛。

    We put up the decorations and the tree and started to feel Christmassy at last .

  4. 圣坛两侧是两棵圣诞树。

    The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees

  5. 我们用玻璃球和电灯来装饰圣诞树。

    We decorated the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights .

  6. 这孩子被圣诞树上闪闪发光的装饰品吸引住了。

    The child was attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations .

  7. 他们在装饰圣诞树。

    They are ornamenting a Christmas tree .

  8. 一家人挤在圣诞树下谈笑风生。

    The family huddled together under the Christmas tree , smiling and talking with each other sweetly .

  9. 经济拮据的一年,我父母曾用绳状藤来代替圣诞树。

    One penurious year , my parents used Swiss cheese plant .

  10. 人们同样喜欢在起居室内摆一棵圣诞树。

    People also like to have a Christmas tree in the living-room .

  11. 在我小的时候,圣诞树的灯光,午夜的弥撒的音乐,甜蜜的微笑,这一切都使圣诞节时我收到的礼品辉映着幸福的光彩。

    When I was a little boy , the lights of the Christmas tree , the music of the Midnight Mass , the tenderness of smiling faces , used to make up , so , the radiance of the gifts I received .

  12. 却是压根不熟悉的罗汉松、wheki-ponga树蕨以及波胡图卡瓦圣诞树花(pohutukawaflowers)。

    totara trees , wheki-ponga tree ferns , pohutukawa flowers .

  13. 这棵LED圣诞树高118英尺,是台湾最大的公共圣诞装饰。

    At 118 feet high , this LED tree is the largest public Christmas decoration in Taiwan .

  14. 世界上第五大商场SMNorth商场于11月6日公布了其50英尺高的圣诞树。

    SM North , the fifth-largest mall in the world , unveiled its 50-foot Christmas tree on Nov. 6 .

  15. 然后,Emily开始和Clifford一起装饰圣诞树。

    After that , Emily and Clifford decorate the big green tree .

  16. 敦豪快递(DHLExpress)连续第十年为现役军人运送圣诞树。

    DHL express , for the tenth year , is shipping Christmas trees to soldiers on active duty .

  17. 第一款电子圣诞树灯是一家电话公司PBX安装工发明的。

    The first electric Christmas lights were created by a telephone company PBX installer .

  18. 但是据NPR新闻的保罗·布朗报道,种植圣诞树的农民面临日益严重的问题,那就是有一种霉菌会使根茎腐烂,树木枯萎。

    But NPR 's Paul Brown tells us there is a growing problem for U.S. Christmas tree farmers , a mould that makes roots rot and trees shrivel .

  19. 在商店前面,他们围绕着圣诞树快乐的转着圈儿,这时候,他们再也不认为Wolstencroft是个很糟糕的名字了。

    Wolstencroft really wasn 't such a bad name after all they both decided as they whirled around the Christmas tree at the front of the store .

  20. 对于圣诞树的创造,明智的回答是:IJM的弗兰克•威瑟创造的圣诞树。

    This intellectual 's answer to the Christmas tree was created by Frank Visser of IJM .

  21. 两人地下恋情进展迅速(去年十二月甚至一块儿买了圣诞树),公开表态是在九月多伦多举办的活动InvictusGames上。当时两人手牵着手走进轮椅网球赛场。

    While their relationship has been moving along very quickly behind the scenes ( they even chose their first Christmas tree together last December ) , the first public show of affection between the royal couple was at the Invictus Games in Toronto in September , when the two walked hand-in-hand into the wheelchair tennis event .

  22. 这棵圣诞树几乎和这房间一样高。

    The Christmas tree is almost as tall as the room .

  23. 你能把这颗星星放在圣诞树上吗?

    Would you like to put the star on the tree ?

  24. 在这些物品中有圣诞树、蜡烛和玩具。

    Among the goods are Christmas trees , candles and toys .

  25. 我小时候觉得圣诞树很高。

    When I was small , and Christmas trees were tall .

  26. 手工制成的圣诞树小挂件,小鸟迷们有福啦。

    Handmade Christmas ornaments made for the fans of Angry Birds .

  27. 人们通常忙于在家装饰圣诞树。

    People are usually busy at home decorating their Christmas trees .

  28. 这很可能与用圣诞树来填满它一样管用。

    Probably works as well as filling it with Christmas trees .

  29. 圣诞树彰显着我美满的婚姻、美好的友情。

    My tree is a good marriage or a great friendship .

  30. 货物中有圣诞树,花和玩具。

    Among the goods are Christmas trees , flowers and toys .