
shènɡ tǐ
  • Eucharist;Blessed Sacrament;wafer;holy bread
圣体 [shèng tǐ]
  • (1) [emperor's body]∶旧指封建国家皇帝的身体

  • (2) [symbol of Jesus' body]∶天主教徒在做弥撒时把面饼代表耶稣的身体,称为圣体,教徒领食,称为领圣体

  1. 圣周四,濯足节,最后的晚餐,圣体,犹大,花园

    Holy Thursday , Maundy Thursday , last supper , Eucharist , Judas , Garden

  2. 不过基督建立了圣体圣事,用一个更特别的方式,即圣事的方式去和我们相处。

    But when Christ instituted the Eucharist , he became present in a special way and remains with us , that is , sacramentally .

  3. 他们否认圣餐中圣体同在。

    They deny the real presence in the Lord 's Supper .

  4. 汤姆的圣体状况变好了,要么就更差了。

    Tom 's condition is either getting better , or even worse .

  5. 因为,一天24小时,我们都在触摸基督的圣体

    For we are touching the body of Christ twenty-four hours

  6. 这会子我敢说圣体使她们感到幸福。

    Now I bet it makes them feel happy .

  7. 他参与教宗举行的弥撒及由教宗亲手送圣体。

    He attended the Pope 's msaa and received communion from his hand .

  8. 当基督向我们走来,他以圣体的形式临在。

    When Jesus comes to us , he comes to us as communion .

  9. 在那边那个门口去领圣体。

    At that door there , on those occasions .

  10. 教皇出示领圣体用的饼,还有一杯圣酒。

    The Pope then brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine .

  11. 为何我们接受圣体血?

    Why do we receive the Holy communion ?

  12. 不,不止是到你的领圣体仪式。

    No , not untll after your communlon .

  13. 同一瞬间,拐角处一个神父也许正举扬着圣体。

    And at the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it .

  14. 在六月,我们庆祝天主圣三节、耶稣圣体圣血节。

    In June , we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi .

  15. 我要提醒各位司铎,执事和非常务送圣体员要特别注重卫生。

    I remind priests , deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to practice good hygiene .

  16. 只是把圣体吞咽下去。

    Only swallow it down .

  17. 我拿出圣体和圣酒,表示天主可以赦免我们的罪。

    I pulled out the wine and wafer to show that God forgives us all our sins .

  18. 本来在领圣体之前,从半夜起就不许吃喝,有一次悄却把这规定忘了。

    Kay had once forgotten that it was forbidden to take food from midnight on before receiving Holy Communion .

  19. 第一圣餐是一个人的圣体圣事一传口语的名称。

    First Holy Communion is the colloquial name for a person 's first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist .

  20. 当时教堂只有中间通道,故领完圣体也要花点时间才能返回座位。

    The church had one centre aisle so going to communion and then coming back to your seat took some time .

  21. 每日与圣体中的耶稣相遇可以使我们沉浸在持久不息、无条件的爱中。

    The daily encounter with our Eucharistic Lord allows us to be caught up in the mystery of continual and unconditional love .

  22. 从各种圣事角度或观点,我总是由辅助弥撒的教友们及领受圣体的众人身上获得启迪。

    In terms of the sacraments , I am always edified by the way people assist at Mass and receive Holy Communion .

  23. 当接受圣餐之时,神父会说“圣体”,对此,受餐者会回复说“阿门”。

    When receiving the Eucharist the priest will say'the body of christ ' , to which the receiver will reply , 'amen ' .

  24. 我们恳求你,使我们在分享基督的圣体圣血之后,因圣神合而为一。

    May all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit .

  25. 这就是本笃会修女们在巴黎建立圣体永敬会的起源和法律根据。

    Such is the origin of the legal consecration of the establishment of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at Paris .

  26. 那个向政府告密、背叛常胜军的家伙,他叫凯里,每天早晨都来领圣体。

    That fellow that turned queen 's evidence on the invincibles he used to receive the , Carey was his name , the communion every morning .

  27. 这儿,那儿,周围那些系着深红色圣巾的女人们依然低看头,等待圣体在她们的胃里融化。

    They were about him here and there , with heads still bowed In their crimson halters , waitIng for it to melt In their stomachs .

  28. 送圣体员应在弥撒前洗手,并在送圣体前及送圣体后以酒精杀菌液洗手。

    Ministers of Holy Communion should be encouraged to wash their hands before Mass begins and to use an alcohol-based antibacterial solution before and after distributing Holy Communion .

  29. 从谨慎著眼,建议以手领圣体,但仍尊重符合教廷指引的其它领圣体方式。

    Prudence suggests that the reception of Holy Communion be only on the hand but with respect for the freedom which the Holy See provides in this matter .

  30. 海伦·欧耶米是剑桥基督圣体学院一年级的学生,现在已被列为英国杰出作家。

    Helen Oyeyemi , a first-year student at Corpus Christi College , Cambridge , is now in the top bracket of British authors and shares an accountant with J.