
  • 网络Mont Saint-Michel;mont saint michel;Mont-Saint-Michel;Mont St-michel;Le Mont Saint Michel
  1. 是海滨流沙突然进入地下,是一条阴沟里的圣米歇尔山的沙滩。

    It is the quicksands of the seashore suddenly encountered under the surface of the earth ; it is the beach of Mont Saint-Michel in a sewer .

  2. 传奇之地&圣米歇尔山

    The Place of Legends-Mont Saint Michel

  3. 在法国,其他城堡要么用来作为防御工事,要么用于享乐,而圣米歇尔山城堡最初是一座修道院。

    Unlike other castles in France , which began as defensive structures or pleasure palaces , Mont St Michel had its beginnings as a monastery .

  4. 在毗邻法国布列塔尼地区的诺曼底沿海,圣米歇尔山城堡坐落在一座似岛非岛的山上,涨潮时才会形成孤岛。

    Mont St Michel France is situated on a quasi-island on the Normandy coast , near Brittany , which at high tide is almost entirely separated from the mainland .