
lěi sī
  • lace;Black Lace;Bud silk
  1. 我穿着一件带有白色蕾丝花边的格子呢睡衣。

    I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace .

  2. 她终于找到了理想的礼服——一袭饰有蕾丝的美丽长裙。

    She finally found the perfect gown , a beautiful creation trimmed with lace .

  3. 带白色蕾丝花边的衣领和袖口

    a collar and cuffs of white lace

  4. 但是多数高端蕾丝内衣的含棉量都不到4%,这意味着该法规实际上是在禁止穿蕾丝内衣。

    But most luxury lace undergarments have less than 4 percent cotton in them , meaning that the regulation is practically banning it .

  5. 黑色V领可以让胸部看上去更加丰满,黑色露背蕾丝的款式增添了微妙的经典气质。

    Black v-necks are flattering for big busts , and a backless lace style adds a subtle classiness .

  6. 薛米琪穿着乳白色蕾丝迷你裙,戴着guess水钻吊坠,架着一副在上海极为流行的黑框无镜片眼镜。

    Miki Xue wears Ivory Lace miniskirt , guess Rhinestone pendant and - all the rage in Shanghai - heavy black glasses without lenses .

  7. 安娜苏style在参加节日活动时,采用1970年代的独特风情,垂发至腰间,通过佩戴发光的蕾丝发带为即使最简单朴素的礼裙增添无限魅力。

    Anna Sui Style Channel 1970s glam , and spice up even the simplest party dress by parting pin-straight hair down the middle and wearing a shimmery , lacy headband to a festive event

  8. 香奈儿(Chanel)的作品中包含了莱卡蕾丝制成的精致绑腿。

    Chanel sent out intricate leggings made from lace woven intricately with lycra .

  9. 她每年都去订制一套,呃,JackieO的迷你蕾丝婚纱。

    It was the same year he did , uh Jackie Ox 's lace wedding mini . -

  10. 碧昂斯、JayZ,他们的女儿布鲁·艾薇和碧昂斯母亲蒂娜·诺蕾丝也参加了该活动。

    Beyonce , Jay Z , their daughter Blue Ivy and relatives including Beyonce 's mother Tina Knowles also attended the event .

  11. 这条是Topshop里的KateMoss系列,蕾丝修边的碎花裙,售价145美元。

    Chiffon with lace trim dress , Kate Moss fr Topshop , $ 145 ;

  12. 时尚设计师VivHarris向你展示本季必备织品蕾丝的五种不同穿着方法。1.黑色蕾丝

    Fashion stylist Viv Harris shows you 5 different ways to wear this season 's must-have fabric , lace . Step 1 : Black Lace

  13. 她名叫雀蕾丝特(Celeste),发音如雀。

    Her name was Celeste , pronounced with a sharp ch , as in cello .

  14. 安全预测:这款Valentino(华伦天奴)蕾丝抹胸礼服十分经典,与海瑟薇精明的外表十分匹配。

    Safe Bet : This strapless beaded Valentino dress has a classic look that suits Hathaway 's sophisticated persona .

  15. 去年10月在巴黎举行的2014年春夏季时装秀上,斯特拉•麦卡特尼(Stellamccartney)用蕾丝边性感吊带裙与贴身女背心与挺括西服巧妙混搭。

    At the spring / summer 2014 collections shown in Paris in October , Stella McCartney mixed her crisp suiting with sensuous lace-trimmed slip dresses and camisoles .

  16. 设计师Burton所采用的一些蕾丝花边只有五便士的大小,这样的蕾丝图案每分钟只能缝纫两到三厘米。

    Burton sourced a series of lace motifs some as small as a five pence piece , which had to be applied with minute stitches every two to three millimetres .

  17. 伊莎贝尔·埃利泽(ErizédeSouza)以自己名字命名的商店设计古怪,色彩艳丽,专售由她设计的巴洛克手袋(25欧元)和靠垫,前者缀满蕾丝与流苏,后者则饰以混杂着条纹与豹纹的印花图案(27欧元)。

    Kooky and colorful , the namesake shop of Isabelle Eriz é sells her lacy , tasseled Baroque-style handbags ( 25 euros ) and cushions mixing stripes and leopard print ( 27 euros ) .

  18. 2004年,碧昂丝和她的母亲、造型师蒂娜?诺里斯创建了自己的时装品牌HouseofDereon,这一品牌主要将嘻哈风格与蕾丝和褶边等具有女性特点的东西融合在了一起。

    Beyonce has her own fashion line ," House of Dereon ," that mixes hip hop influences with feminine touches like lace and ruffles that she launched with her mother , stylist Tina Knowles , in2004 .

  19. 梅根和未来的妯娌凯特王妃不同,凯特的婚纱由亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen)设计,以传统蕾丝和大拖裾为主,梅根的婚纱则更现代化。

    Very unlike her soon-to-be sister-in-law , Kate Middleton 's , royal wedding gown which was designed by Alexander McQueen and featured traditional lace and a huge train , these dresses appear far more modern .

  20. 据媒体PageSix报道,32岁的措科身穿蕾丝礼服,搭配披肩,礼服由雷姆-阿克拉(ReemAcra)设计。而27岁的库克则穿着经典的黑色西装。

    Cuoco , 32 , wore a lacy gown with a matching cape . Her ensemble was designed by Reem Acra . Cook , 27 , kept it classic with a traditional black tuxedo , according to Page Six .

  21. 2004年,碧昂丝和她的母亲、造型师蒂娜•诺里斯创建了自己的时装品牌HouseofDereon,这一品牌主要将嘻哈风格与蕾丝和褶边等具有女性特点的东西融合在了一起。

    Beyonce has her own fashion line , " House of Dereon , " that mixes hip hop influences with feminine touches like lace and ruffles that she launched with her mother , stylist Tina Knowles , in 2004 .

  22. 象她这样把内衣与外套混搭的设计师大有人在:普拉达(Prada)、伊莎贝尔•玛兰(IsabelMarant)、杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)均推出了自己的文胸式上衣,博柏利(Burberry)源源不断推出透明蕾丝文胸,路易威登(LouisVuitton)

    She wasn 't the only one to mix innerwear and outerwear . There were bra-tops at Prada , Isabel Marant and Dolce & Gabbana , an endless parade of see-through lace at Burberry ;

  23. 或者是剑桥公爵夫人戴的那种美利奴羊毛手套,或者是歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的法式蕾丝长手套,或者是《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)里给玛丽小姐(LadyMary)的礼服添彩的长袖绸缎手套。

    Or the pure merino wool pair worn by the duchess of Cambridge , or the singer Rihanna 's long French lace ones , or even the opera-length satin sheaths that set off Lady Mary 's gowns in " Downton Abbey . "

  24. 比方说,诸位看一下AgentProvocateur那几款最为畅销的文胸:Annoushka绕颈系带露背奢华蕾丝款(售价160英镑)、十字交叉形Jet低胸露背款(售价110英镑)以及Demelza薄纱丝绸文胸(售价125英镑)。

    See , for example the bestselling bras at Agent Provocateur : Annoushka ( £ 160 ) , a halter-neck-style in delicate lace ; the Jet ( £ 110 ) , which criss-crosses the d é colletage ; and the tulle and silk Demelza ( £ 125 ) .

  25. 她曾登上《vogue》,该杂志称赞她为“最自信、最有影响力的信息大师”,并对她和创业者扎克博格(zackbogue)结婚时穿的“雪片蕾丝”婚纱赞叹不已。

    She has been profiled in vogue , which lauded her as " the most poised and powerful information guru " , and drooled over the " snowflake lace " wedding dress MS Mayer wore when she married entrepreneur Zack Bogue .

  26. 她曾登上《Vogue》,该杂志称赞她为“最自信、最有影响力的信息大师”,并对她和创业者扎克•博格(ZackBogue)结婚时穿的“雪片蕾丝”婚纱赞叹不已。

    She has been profiled in Vogue , which lauded her as " the most poised and powerful information guru , " and drooled over the " snowflake lace " wedding dress Ms Mayer wore when she married entrepreneur Zack Bogue .

  27. 加上StellaMcCartney黑色连身裤、MichaelKors方格布外套连衣裙、RalphLauren卡其色衬衫、MaisonUllens灰褐色西装,以及大量的Dolce&Gabbana鸡尾酒蕾丝——同品牌的赌徒衣裤套装和花卉外套,你能看出什么?

    Add up the Stella McCartney black jumpsuit , the Michael Kors gingham coat dress , the Ralph Lauren khaki shirtdress , the taupe Maison Ullens suit and the myriad Dolce & Gabbana cocktail laces , that brand 's gambler 's trouser suit and botanical day coat , and what do you have ?

  28. 各种织物、绣花品、蕾丝、针织品。

    All kinds of fabric , embroidery , laces , kint .

  29. 哭着回来,柔软的床,蕾丝被褥。

    Came back in tears , soft bed , lace bedding .

  30. 蕾丝,紧身。巴斯克式收腰,10层薄纱。

    Ohh ... Lace bodice . Basque waist , 10-layer tulle .