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diǎn zhì
  • laws and institutions
典制 [diǎn zhì]
  • [decrees and regulations] 典章制度

  • 典制条例

  1. 其次,通过与其它史料的比较,分析《国语》典制史料的特点与真实程度。

    Secondly , we compare these institutions with other historical materials .

  2. 宋元话本中的刺配刑与当时的历史法律文献记载基本吻合,体现了小说家对时代风物典制的准确描述。

    The scripts for story-telling in SONG and YUAN Dynasties reflected the author'distinctive description of the times records .

  3. 《文献通考》从更为开阔的历史视角总结典制因革,为经世之用提供制度模式的参照;

    WENXIAN TONGKAO summarized the transformation of institutions by wide historical angle of view , afforded reference for the real society .

  4. 而真正支撑典制运行的,是由习俗延伸的习惯法,而非官府制订的成文法。

    However , it is the traditional law resulting from the traditions instead of the governmental written law that supports the operation of the system of dian .

  5. 由于这一时期的国家组织制度和行政机制都比较复杂,因此需要对各种典制进行系统化地总结。

    Due to the complicated organizational rules and administration mechanism of the country at that time , it was necessary to summarize different kinds of decrees and regulations systematically .

  6. 直至我国《物权法》的颁布,典制再次与作为制定法的民法相分离,而回归其纯然的交易习俗的性质,这无不给典权制度平添了几分神秘色彩。

    It separated from Civil Law which is the statute law and returned to its nature as a pure trade custom until the enacting of Chinese Real Right Law , which makes the Dian right system mysterious .

  7. 典制所要调节和缓冲的,是中国农业社会中生死攸关的问题:农民与土地的关系,这是一个无法回避的强大的社会需求。

    The system of dian needs to be adjusted and buffered . It is a crucial issue in the agriculture in China : the relation between peasants and land is unavoidable . The social demand remains huge .

  8. 典制的实际运行呈现出典型的二元结构:民间习惯法和官府的成文法并行不悖,既相互独立,又相互对抗,形成事实上的多元管辖权。

    The operation of the system of " dian " takes the form of a dual structure : the folk customs and governmental written law are compatible . They are independent form each other and contradictory at the same time , resulting in a pluralistic jurisdiction in fact .

  9. 继承与超越&论俄罗斯联邦民法典中的单一制企业经营权与业务管理权

    The Succession and the Jumping & New Russian Civil Law on rights of management and business control under historical comparison