
diǎn xíng xìng
  • typicalness;representativeness;typicality
典型性 [diǎn xíng xìng]
  • [representativeness;typicalness] 代表性、个性反映共性的程度

典型性[diǎn xíng xìng]
  1. 广西石林地貌的规模较小,具有小巧性、多样性、典型性、稀有性和观赏性等特征。广西石林地貌是难得的、不可再生的旅游资源,必须进行合理开发与保护。

    The stone forests are small in Guangxi , but they are characteristic of diversity , typicalness and rarity and worthful looking .

  2. 这些资源需要开发,但由于它的典型性、稀有性和脆弱性,我们还必须保护。

    The resources need exploiting , and at the smae time , owing to the resources ' typicalness , rareness and fragility , we must protect them .

  3. 这本书在其同类书中具有典型性。

    This book is typical of its kind .

  4. 不典型性脑膜瘤52例CT诊断分析

    CT diagnosis of atypical meningioma : review of 52 cases

  5. 内容更新是一个最具有典型性的Web2.0特性。

    The most characteristic feature of Web2.0 is dynamic content updating .

  6. 徐州作为全国较大的市,人均GDP接近全国水平,产业结构在国内也颇具典型性。

    Xuzhou , one of relatively large cities in China , approaches the national level in the per capita GDP and is of typical industrial structure .

  7. 应用非典型性抗精神病药物和甘氨酸位点激动剂可以改善PCP诱导的不动增加,但典型性抗精神病药物无效。

    The enhanced effect of PCP was attenuated by atypical antipsychotics and glycine agonist , but not by the typical antipsychotics .

  8. DSE在植物根内所呈现的形态也呈现出典型性、多样性的特征。

    The morphology of DSE presented in the plant roots was typical and diverse . 2 .

  9. 在众多污染元素中,重金属镉(Cd)污染最具典型性,受Cd污染的土地面积和农产品(如水稻、小麦)Cd超标的数量远高于其他有害元素,四川省的情况也不例外。

    Among the different pollutants , cadmium ( Cd ) is typical for its widespread pollution areas and higher number of suffered agricultural produces ( eg. , rice and wheat ) than the other risky elements .

  10. 条件性恐惧应激实验是一种精神性应激实验,长期给予PCP可以增强这种应激反应,而甘氨酸位点激动剂可以改善这种反应,但典型性和非典型性抗精神病药物无效。

    In the conditioned fear stress ( CFS ) test , a psychological stress test , repeated PCP treatment enhanced the CFS response . Glycine agonists but not typical and atypical antipsychotics attenuated the enhancement induced by PCP .

  11. 而NAFTA作为一个重要的区域贸易条约,对成员国之间争议解决的方式的规定很有典型性和借鉴性,作者将其放在第三章和ICSID一起讨论。

    And NAFTA as an important regional trade treaties , dispute settlement between member States of the provisions of the way and learn from nature is typical , the authors put it in Chapter III and discuss ICSID .

  12. 抵押权担保制度是近代以来的债权担保实践中最具有典型性的物的担保方式。

    Mortgage is the most typical security right in modern times .

  13. 可有内皮细胞肿胀,但无不典型性。

    Endothelial cells may be plump , but no atypia is present .

  14. 警方在利物浦的约翰.摩尔大学的行动非常具有典型性。

    The police action at Liverpool 's John Moores University was typical .

  15. 关于普鲁士式道路的典型性问题再认识

    The Awareness on the Typical Problem of the " Prussian-style Road "

  16. 好在我称它为有一些不典型性。

    The good part is that I called sth atypia .

  17. 老布什时期的决策过程尤其富有戏剧性和典型性。

    The decision-making process in old Bush times is more histrionic and representative .

  18. 典型性对词义变化的影响及其认知理据

    Prototype Effects on Semantic Change and Their Cognitive Motivations

  19. 并列短语的典型性表现具有认知基础:象似原则和经济原则。

    The phrases ' typicality has its foundations : iconicity principle and economy principle .

  20. 英语跨文化交际是跨文化交际中最为广阔且具典型性的领域。

    English communication across cultures is typical of the area of cross cultural communication .

  21. 模型和参数具有典型性,研究方法合理、有效。

    The models and parameters possess typicality . The methods are reasonable and efficient .

  22. 这里的自然条件和社会经济发展情况在北方农牧交错带很有典型性。

    It 's in the middle of the Farming-Grazing Transitional Zone in North China .

  23. 结果在50例CP/BPH中,组织学表现呈典型性慢性炎症及增生特征。

    Result : Total revealed many of the typical features of inflammatory and hyperplasia .

  24. 从指示代词的立类和功能来看,指示代词是一个原型范畴,具有典型性。

    From the functions and classification , demonstrative pronouns have the characteristics of prototype category .

  25. 双流县银杏产业园作为成都市郊以银杏苗木生产为载体的农业开发项目,具有极大的碳汇潜力,作为低碳休闲农业园案例研究有一定典型性。

    Ginkgo biloba farm in Shuangliu County as an agricultural project has typically Low-carbon potential .

  26. 合成设备应具有该系列产品的代表性和典型性。

    The hosting appliance shall be representative of series produced appliances and shall be typical .

  27. 对于海报设计而言,较之于其它设计专业更具典型性。

    The poster design is concerned , compared to other design professional is more typical .

  28. 九华四俊诗歌的主题取向,在晚唐众多文士中有一定的典型性。

    Their theme orientation in poems is typical among many scholars in the late Tang Dynasty .

  29. 左侧为正常的子宫颈鳞状上皮,右侧为宫颈的不典型性增生。

    The normal cervical squamous epithelium at the left transforms to dysplastic changes on the right .

  30. 成品果酒色泽淡黄、清亮透明、荔香馥郁、醇和适口,酒精度11度,营养丰富,典型性突出。

    A unique yellowish transparent fragrant and nutrient litchi wine of 11 degrees was thus produced .