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典章制度 [diǎn zhāng zhì dù]
  • [ancient laws and regulations] 古代的法令规范

  1. 这一变迁反映到典章制度上的变化也尤为剧烈。

    This change reflected in the laws and institutions on the changes is particularly intense .

  2. 因而,有目的地将相关典章制度分类整理、汇辑成书,为官员施政提供参考之用,在当时具有强烈的现实意义。

    Thus , a destination will be related institutions classification , the repertoire of the book , as official policy to provide reference , then has a strong practical significance .

  3. 本文从风俗习惯,典章制度,以及宗教信仰三方面来研究待补偿型文化缺省;

    It is studied from three aspects : custom , institution and religion .

  4. 杜佑《通典》是一部历史性典章制度政书。

    The Tong Dian of Du you is a historic cultural establishments system political book .

  5. 孔子的《礼记》是中国古代重要的典章制度书籍。

    Confucius 's " ceremonies . from " is the Chinese ancient important laws system books .

  6. 它注重考察典章制度的变化,强调史学惩恶扬善的教世功能。

    It emphasizes the institution change , stressed that the history of rewarding " teach the people " functions .

  7. 韩国文化根植于中国文化,上至典章制度,下至日常物品,都深深打上中国的烙印。

    The root of Korean culture is in China , from the decrees and regulations to the articles of daily lives .

  8. 所以哲学研究的对象就是现实性,而前面所说的那些事物、社会状况、典章制度等等,只不过是现实性的浅显外在的方面而已。

    The object of philosophy is an actuality of which those objects , social regulations and conditions , are only the superficial outside .

  9. 木星与冥王星形成的四分相意味着你把自己当作法律,而且很少同意受认同的典章制度。

    The square formed between Jupiter and Pluto suggests that you set yourself up as a law unto yourself and rarely agree with accepted code .

  10. 在此过程中,熟悉汉族典章制度的汉族士大夫阶层成为北魏统治者招揽的对象。

    In this case , familiar with the laws and regulations of Han scholar-bureaucrats became the object of the Northern Wei Dynasty regime rulers solicit .

  11. 究竟男性同性恋婚姻是异端邪说,还是应该受到法律保护并成为世人认同的社会典章制度,就要等时间来证明了。

    Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized , heretical idea or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world .

  12. 《通典》是我国第一部专门叙述历代典章制度的通史,具有很高的学术价值。

    The " Tongdian " is the first specifically described in the general histories of the ancient laws and institutions , it Has high academic value .

  13. 进而研拟典章制度面、业务执行面、刑法修法面之课题与对策。

    Then draws up the decrees and regulations system surface , the service execution surface , the criminal law repairs topic of and the countermeasure the normal plane .

  14. 古代蒙古社会有关生态保护的法律散见在“约孙”(习惯法)、《大札撒》(成吉思汗法典)、元朝典章制度和北元时期的蒙古法典之中,其保护的范围包括自然环境和人为环境。

    The law involving in ecological protection lied in Yosun , Big Jasag , the Yuan legal systems and Mongol law codes in Northern Yuan time in ancient Mongol society .

  15. 《唐六典》是研究中国古代典章制度,特别是唐代典章制度和中国古代法制史的重要的参考文献之一。

    《 Tang Liu Dian 》 is one of the important literature literature in researching Chinese ancient system , especially the system of Tang Dynasty and Chinese ancient legal system history .

  16. 《红楼梦》中大量的名物典故反映了当时的历史背景,典章制度,社会风俗以及作者的创作意图。

    In the novel Red Mansion Dreams , many classical allusions from popular objects reflect the historical background , laws and regulations , social customs and even the author 's artistic intention .

  17. 周公还制礼作乐,建立了周朝的各项典章制度,确立了以宗法制度为中心的政治体制。

    Duke Dan of Zhou established the Rites of Zhou and created the Classic of Music , setting up various institutions and systems , which led to the establishment of the patriarch system .

  18. 同时,六朝文化在传承汉魏以前中国传统文化、影响隋唐礼乐政刑典章制度、促进江南开发及中外文化交流方面,都起了重要作用。

    It plays a significant role in inheriting the traditional culture before Han and Wei Dynasties , influencing the institutions of Sui and Tang Dynasties , and facilitating the South China Exploitation and cross-cultural communication .

  19. 《诗经》作为五经之一,在中国古代的国家典章制度、文化传承、文学探源等诸多方面都有举足轻重的地位。

    The Book of Songs as one of the Five Classics , to the ancient Chinese system of state institutions , cultural heritage , literature and many other aspects of origin has a pivotal position .

  20. 以致史学家常常把古代数学典籍作为研究中国古代社会经济生活、典章制度以及工程技术等方面的珍贵史料。

    So that the historian studied frequently the ancient mathematics ancient book achievement China ancient times aspect and so on social economy life , decrees and regulations system as well as engineering technology precious historical data .

  21. 戴德和戴圣整理并且注释了《礼记》,传述和阐扬了前代的典章制度和有关礼乐,阐明了圣贤的精辟言论。

    The Days , Day Deh and Day Shen , annotated Rituals , and illustrated the decrees , regulations , and etiquette rules of ancient times and paraphrased what had been written by the sages then .

  22. 《演繁露》收录了722则笔记,所记内容十分繁杂,其中有对于前代名物典章制度的考证,也有对宋代史实的记载。

    Yan fan lu have included 722 item of notes of complicated content . , included the textual criticism of system in former dynasty and the historical facts in Song Dynasty of political , economy and culture .

  23. 齐、梁时期,王肃、王褒先后入北,将南方的典章制度和文学艺术转输到北方,推动了南北文化融合的步伐。

    In the period of Southern Qi Dynasty and Liang Dynasty , Wang Su and Wang Bao bring southern classical institution , literature and art to north and push forward with the blend culture of north and south .

  24. 暨采纳儒家思想文化的价值取向,历朝历代修撰制定典章制度、法制条款,限定、约束人们按照自己在社会中的地位确定适合于自己的住宅形式规模。

    Citing the cultural value of Confucius , decrees , regulations and law of the successive dynasties , the ruling class defined and restricted the housing style and scale which was in conformity with the hierarchical status of the owner .

  25. 尽管先秦的酒诗不多,但它能从政治、经济、文化、典章制度、民俗等12个方面反映先秦时期的社会现实,具有很高的认识价值和审美价值。

    Less as they are , the poems about wine had highly social and aesthetic values and reflected the social reality at that time from many aspects as in politics , economy , culture , institutions , folk customs , etc.

  26. 《全宋笔记》(第二编)共十本书,四十三种笔记,内容相当丰富,轶闻琐事、考据辨证、风土人情、天文地理、典章制度等。

    " Quansongbiji "( second ) a total of ten books , forty-three kinds of notes , content rich , anecdote trifles , textual criticism and dialectic , local customs and practices , astronomy and geography , laws and regulations etc. .

  27. 随着同性恋婚姻在各地已成为现实,越来越多的人开始正视这个问题。究竟男性同性恋婚姻是异端邪说,还是应该受到法律保护并成为世人认同的社会典章制度,就要等时间来证明了。

    With gay marriage becoming a reality in some places , more people are beginning to sit up and take notice . Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized , heretical idea or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world .