
  • 网络simmel;Georg Simmel
  1. 齐美尔对社会交往、社会化和社会群体的的研究赋予了个体休闲实践的舞台,休闲对于个体社会化和冲突和争端的解决有着积极的意义。

    Georg Simmel endowed individual with stage of leisure practice by studying social communication , socialization , and social groups .

  2. 齐美尔的贫困救济思想

    Georg · Simmel 's Thoughts on Relief to the Poor

  3. 现代性自我如何可能:齐美尔与韦伯的比较

    How is the Self in Modernity Possible : A comparison between Simmel and Weber

  4. 瑞泽尔的消费社会学研究是基于人文主义视角对美国消费实践的社会批判,延续了韦伯、马克思、齐美尔、法兰克福学派对社会世界的研究。

    His social criticism of America reveals humanism , and extended Weber , Max , Simmel and Frankfurt School 's research of the social world .

  5. 第三,在社会研究的选题上,齐美尔非常有特色的地方就是有意回避与元叙事相关的宏大问题,致力于探索主流社会学不屑一顾的琐碎的、边缘的小问题。

    Simmel deliberately avoided great projects concerning meta-narration . He devoted to the research of minor issues of trivial , marginal problems which were ignored by sociological research .

  6. 齐美尔是德国20世纪最重要的思想家之一,他在社会学、宗教学、哲学、美学等多个领域颇有建树。

    Achieving great triumph in Sociology , Religious Study , Philosophy , Aesthetics , etc , Simmel was one of the most important German thinker in 20th century .

  7. 齐美尔的社会研究议题极其宽广和庞杂,大都涉及日常生活的微观互动,提供了富有洞识的微观叙述或局部知识。

    His social research issues are very wide and numerous , mainly dealing with micro individual interaction in daily life , supplying rich knowledge and insight of " microscopic narration " or " local knowledge " .

  8. 运用德国社会学家、哲学家齐美尔从考察城市生活的社会心理学出发研究城市的理论研究中国人的都市生活。

    It uses the theory of German sociologist , philosopher Simmel , the theory of study of city which is from Examine the social psychology of city life , to study the urban life of Chinese people .

  9. 德国社会学家齐美尔是最被忽略的现代社会学的奠基者,也是最富争议的著名学者之一,其充满智慧的思想遗产亟待深入挖掘。

    German sociologist Simmel is the most ignored founder of modern sociology and he is also one of the most controversial scholars . It is urgently necessary to make an intensive research on his theoretical heritage which is full of wisdom and insight .

  10. 摘要作为哲学家和作为社会学家的齐美尔,对美学和艺术十分关注,并把这种关注融合到他的哲学文本和社会学文本之中,从而呈现出诗化形态、社会审美和艺术之维的美学片断。

    As a philosopher end a sociologist , Simmel paid great attention to aesthetics and arts , which was syncretized into his text of philosophy and sociology , presenting the aesthetics fragments of the poetic pattern and the social aesthetic and the dimension of art .

  11. 在研究方法上,笔者先是对空间理论做历时性分析,分别选取马克思、本雅明、齐美尔等人的空间论述来阐释空间文化理论兴起的背景。

    In research methods , author firstly took to do the theory of space analysis , separately selected Karl Marx , Georg Simmel 、 Walter Benjamin to explain the background of the rise of cultural theory . Their thoughts illustrated the rising of spatial culture theory .