
diǎn xínɡ diào chá
  • Typical survey;modal survey;typical-case investigation
  1. 通过典型调查,选取具有一定特征的C2C网商作为研究对象进行研究。

    Through the selection of typical investigation way , the choice is had certain characteristics of the C2C give as the research object to study .

  2. 采用全面踏查和典型调查相结合的方法,对福建省南平市城市垃圾填埋场重金属Mn、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Ni污染状况进行调查。

    The situation of pollution of heavy metal Mn , Zn , Pb , Cd , Cr , Ni in municipal refuse of Nanping city of Fujian province was investigated by the method of step on and check in an all-round way and typical investigation .

  3. 黑龙江省地方性氟中毒重病区流行病学现况典型调查

    Epidemiological survey on the severe endemic fluorosis areas in Heilongjiang province

  4. 广东沼气农业模式的典型调查与思考

    Investigation and analysis of typical biogas agroecosystem models in Guangdong province

  5. 乡镇工业废水对农业环境影响的典型调查

    On Impacts of waste water in town industry on Agricultural Environment

  6. 海南省社会经济用水典型调查分析

    Typical survey of social and economic water consumption in Hainan Province

  7. 基督教发展问题的典型调查与思考

    The Typical Investigation and Thought on the Development of Christianity

  8. 大型商业银行支持欠发达地区农业产业化分析&甘肃定西、临夏农业银行的典型调查

    Analysis on Giant Commercial Banks ' Supporting Agriculture Industrialization of Undeveloped Region

  9. 绿色革命与印度农村变革&典型调查剖析

    The green revolution and the rural change of India

  10. 黄土高原地区引洪漫地典型调查

    Typical Fact-Findings on Flooded Irrigation in Loess Plateau Area

  11. 三类残疾儿童劳动技术教育与就业状况的典型调查

    Investigation on Labouring - technical Education and Employment of Three Kinds of Disabled Children

  12. 贵溪县工业废水污染农田的典型调查与分析

    The investigation and analysis of industrial waste water pollution to farmland in Guixi County

  13. 农村家庭成员口腔医疗需要情况典型调查

    A typical survey on the need for oral health care in Chinese rural residents

  14. 方法采用现况调查、典型调查、专家咨询等方法进行研究。

    Methods The methods of cross-sectional study , type survey and expert consultation were used .

  15. 实验结果的分析能够较好地符合实际火灾的一些典型调查结果。

    Analysis shows that the results comply well with the investigated findings of real fire .

  16. 在典型调查的基础上,明确调查问卷的问题。

    On the basis of the typical survey , questions of the questionnaires were refined .

  17. 应用《学校健康教育课程碘缺乏病防治参考教材》开展小学生健康教育的典型调查

    A typical survey of applying the School IDD Health Education Supplement Materials in primary school students

  18. 本研究主要采用了宏观统计与典型调查相结合的研究方法。

    The thesis adopts the method of macroscopical statistics combined with the method of typical investigation .

  19. 设计:典型调查。

    DESIGN : Typical investigation .

  20. 胆囊手术病人医疗费用典型调查与费用结构多因素分析

    The Typical Investigations and the Multivariate Analysis of Medical Cost of the Surgical Patients of Gallbladder Disease

  21. 对典型调查的再认识

    Rethinking on the Typical Survey

  22. 研究采用文献法、典型调查与实地调查方法。

    Such as literature review , case study and survey on the spot research methods were employed .

  23. 三是在调查研究中多采用典型调查和开调查会的方法;

    Using two effective methods in the course of investigation : hold fact-finding meetings and make representative investigation ;

  24. 本研究针对北京城郊地区工业、农业和生活用水矛盾日趋突出的现状,以北京市顺义区为典例,通过定位试验和典型调查,对该地区主要农作物的需水量和水分利用效率进行了研究;

    The conflict of water consumption between industry , agriculture and living is becoming sharp in suburbs of Beijing .

  25. 农村留守儿童问题研究及对策&以福建省安溪县为典型调查

    Research and Countermeasures on Left-behind Children in Rural Area & A typical survey in Anxi County , Fujian Province

  26. 供方的现场调查包括机构典型调查、抽样调查和关键知情人访谈。

    Field surveys on the service providers included typical investigation , sampling investigation and key informant interview . 3 .

  27. 宁夏奶牛日粮主要矿物质元素缺余状况典型调查

    Typical Survey on Situation of Deficiency and Surplus of Major Mineral Elements in Diet of Dairy Cattle in Ningxia

  28. 方法采用典型调查与整群抽样相结合的方法,对996名儿童及其家长进行问卷调查。

    Methods A cluster sampling and canonical research were adopted to investigated 996 children and their parents with a questionnaire .

  29. 采用典型调查访问法、文献资料法、综合分析法等,对舞龙运动的审美艺术特征进行了系统研究。

    This paper , employing methods of typical survey-interview , literature review and comprehensive analysis , studies the topic systematically .

  30. 本文通过采用划类选点典型调查方法,对老君山地区的农村生活能源消费状况进行了调查。

    By adopting typical investigation method , the paper carried out the survey of the consumption status of rural life energy .