
  • 网络Socio-economic Surveys
  1. 珊瑚礁生态保护与管理的社会经济调查

    Socio-economic investigation of coral reef protection and management

  2. 该系统在太仓沿沪地区社会经济调查研究数据分析工作中也取得了较好的效果。

    The system has been also used successfully in the project of Taicang society and economy analysis .

  3. 安庆沿江湖区农户社会经济调查研究

    A Survey on the Social-economic Situation of Peasants in the Lake District along the Yangtze River in Anqing Region

  4. 文章基于黄土丘陵区油田开发典型流域社会经济调查,探讨了石油开发对当地农村社会经济的影响。

    Based on the investigation of rural social economy in typical watershed with oil exploiting in loess hilly-gully region , the effect of oil exploitation on social economy was analyzed .

  5. 该文利用80年代初和2000年的土壤肥力数据以及相应的社会经济调查数据,试图揭示自农村改革以来可能影响土壤肥力变化的社会经济和政策因素及其相互关系。

    The goal of this paper is to find the possible socio economic factors that may influence the dynamic change in soil fertility and their intrinsic relationship , using soil nutrients data from the early 1980s to 2000 , as well as corresponding socio economic field survey data .

  6. 通过随机抽样和农户推荐,对西双版纳大卡老寨12户农民的水田采用典型取样法设立48个1m2(1×1m)的样方进行调查并结合现场社会经济状况调查。

    Twelve sampling plots of wet-rice field were investigated of twelve households of Daka , Xishuangbanna , Yunnan .

  7. 利用土地利用现状图、竣工验收图,以及自然、社会、经济调查资料和实验室分析的数据,在EXCEL软件的支持下,建立了基础数据库。

    Make basic database by EXCEL , with present land-use map , final acceptance map , and data from nature / social / economic survey or lab analysis .

  8. 长白山地区森林开垦后的社会经济初步调查

    Preliminary investigation of social economy after deforestation in Changbai Mountain Region

  9. 河南省肠道寄生虫感染及其社会经济因素调查

    Investigation on intestinal parasitism and its socioeconomic factors in Henan Province

  10. 江苏省征地制度与农村社会经济发展调查

    Investigation on Land Requisition System and Rural Society and Economy Development of Jiangsu Province

  11. 抽样技术正成为我国社会经济统计调查和分析的重要手段。

    Sampling techniques are becoming important means of economic and social statistical surveys and analysis .

  12. 本文的结果可以直接应用于大规模的人口抽样调查,社会经济抽样调查等。

    The results in this paper can be directly used in human population or socio-economic surveys .

  13. 其中生态效应的现状调查包括自然环境状况调查和社会经济状况调查。

    And the survey on present condition of the ecological effect consists of the survey on both the natural circumstance and economic condition .

  14. 通过对当前农村社会经济发展调查、农村社会保险现状的分析及借鉴国外农村保险的先进经验,构建出农村社会保险的新模式。

    Through development investigation of current social economy , current situation analysis of countryside social insurance and advanced experience of oversea countryside , the new model was constructed .

  15. 为了科学合理地制定新型农村合作医疗基金管理方案,于2003年在河南省18个新型农村合作医疗试点县开展了社会经济状况调查、卫生资源调查和农民卫生服务调查。

    In order to constitute the found managing scheme of the system scientifically and reasonably , we investigated the social economic status , health resources and farmer 's health service .

  16. 社会经济特征调查结果表明,非务农比例较大,人均收入较高,液化气比重大,家庭禽畜养殖以养鸡为主,研究区域农村生活垃圾人均产生量将会继续增多。

    The survey of Characteristics of social and economic showed that a larger proportion of non-farm , per capita income higher , large proportion of liquefied gas , and culture dominated by chicken in household . Rural refuse of study area per capita output would continue to increase .

  17. 海南省社会经济用水典型调查分析

    Typical survey of social and economic water consumption in Hainan Province

  18. 新时期的社会经济本底调查工作

    Socio-economic Background Survey in New Period of Time

  19. 论述了新时期社会经济本底调查工作的意义、方法和调查的主要内容。

    This paper elaborates the significance , method and main content of socioeconomic background survey in new period of time .

  20. 本文在对该区自然生态和社会经济状况深入调查研究的基础上,结合作者近年所取得的研究结果,将研究地区划分为四个生态区、七个生态经济亚区。

    In this paper the region was divided into four ecological economic areas , further more , seven sub areas with results of investigation and research in there .

  21. 通过社会经济环境现状调查分析,对金华市区土地利用变化驱动力机制进行深入地研究。

    By investigating and analyzing current environment , social and economy condition , the mechanism of land driving force was deeply discovered in the study area of Jinhua city .

  22. 根据宜昌市1997年~2004年的建设用地和社会经济统计、调查资料,分析了三峡工程建设背景下(1997年~2004年间)宜昌市建设用地数量变化和区域差异。

    According to the socio-economic statistics and survey data ( 1997-2004 years ), changes of quantity and regional differences of construction land in Yichang City influenced by the construction of the Three Gorges Engineering are analyzed .

  23. 本文结合青岛市实际,通过对青岛市农业、自然资源以及社会经济状况的调查,对青岛市农业以及生态农业的发展现状进行了分析,介绍了青岛市生态农业的典型模式。

    Combining with the actual , Qingdao of Qingdao agriculture , by the natural resources and social survey of economic conditions in Qingdao city , the development of agriculture and agricultural ecological analysis of the current situation , this paper introduces the typical pattern of Qingdao city ecological agriculture .

  24. 本文提供的方法可为全国其它省市科技抽样调查,洪灾损失及其它社会经济现象的抽样调查方案设计提供参考。

    This method can be used in flood losses investigation and socioeconomic sampling surveys .

  25. 中国农村地区艾滋病病毒感染者/病人的社会经济和行为学调查

    Investigation on Socio-economics and Behavioral Science of the Patients with HIV / AIDS in Rural Areas of China

  26. 本文对农村社会经济资料的抽样调查进行了定量分析,得出在水利规划中为了弥补全面搜集规划资料的困难,引进国际先进的抽样调查方案,可以取得较好的规划效果。

    This paper represents an advanced sampling investigation approach introduced to solve the troubles collecting information for water planning , which has been applied in practice and got great effect .

  27. 对临沂市农村社会经济情况的问卷调查结果表明:当前,临沂市农村精神文明建设还显滞后,农民意识落后,观念陈旧;

    As is shown by a survey study of the economy situation of Linyi rural area , the construction of spiritual civilization in Linyi rural area lags behind at present , with peasants full of obsolete ideas ;

  28. 通过分析海南环岛铁路沿线自然条件、社会经济条件等,调查海南环岛铁路沿线景观现状、绿化存在的问题,并提出相应解决对策和措施。

    Through analyzing the natural situation , social and economic condition , etc. along the circumjacent island railway of Hainan Province , its landscape status-quo and its existed problems of afforestation have been investigated , then the corresponding solution countermeasures and measures have been raised .