
Securities investment combination and asset securities are new models of investing and running social insurance funds .
The purpose of the investment operation of social endowment insurance fund is to maintain and increase its value .
It also explores the molds , ways and the transitional arrangements of social insurance fund investment and management in Henan Province .
Therefore , establishing the social insurance fund investment and supervision legal system is very important which guarantee insurance fund operating safely and effectively .
According to the national condition and using the foreign experience for reference , our social insurance fund investment control should follow with the government centralization , our social insurance fund and additional insurance fund should follow the appropriate centralization .
This text analyse of the current situation that the investment of our country 's Social Insured Fund at firstly , including investment tools , principle of investment , the financial environment and situation of the investment income in recent years .
The investment behavior of social insurance fund can reflect national policy direction in some extent , therefore , is received market investors'attention .
Analyze in National Social Security Fund how is it run with pioneer 's meaning typical country in run on behalf of investment of basic old-age pension system of Chile to capitalizing in detail And successful experience and lesson of failing with supervising in Chapter Three .
We should widen channels for raising money for social security funds , introduce a system to manage investment operations of social insurance funds , and ensure that these funds are safe and appreciate over time .
Because of the differentials of Social Security Funds and other security funds and general funds on their feathers and functions , and the differentials of investment entity , the principles , modes , investment portfolios , and supervision of the Social Security Fund have some itself characteristics .