
  1. 本文运用社会保障及绩效评估的相关理论,设计启东市社会保障绩效评估的方法并展开评估,揭示启东市社会保障领域存在的问题,并提出改进的对策建议。论文共分六章。

    In this paper , we use relevant theory of social security and performance evaluation to design the methodology of performance evaluation of social security of Qidong city and assess it , revealing problems exiting in social security areas of Qidong city and putting forward countermeasures and suggestions for improvement .

  2. 社会保障政府绩效与评估指标体系

    Government Performance of Social Security and Valuation Index Systems

  3. 建立适应和谐社会的社会保障支出绩效评估体系

    Establishing the Performance Evaluation System of Social Security Expenditure for a Harmonious Society