
  • 网络social audit;Social Auditing
  1. 审计资源对社会审计质量的影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of Audit Resource over Social Audit Quality

  2. 新旧社会审计规范的可拓分析

    Extensive Analysis of the Old and New Standard in Social Audit

  3. 第三十一条审计机关有权要求被审计单位按照规定报送预算或者财务收支计划、预算执行情况、决算、财务报告,社会审计机构出具的审计报告,以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料,被审计单位不得拒绝、拖延、谎报。

    Article 31 Audit institutions shall have the power to require auditees to submit , in accordance with the relevant regulations , their budgets or plans for financial revenues and expenditures or make false reports .

  4. 会计信息系统作为MIS最核心的子系统,和企业其它子系统及银行社会审计等部门有着千丝万缕的联系,它的标准化的实现有利于企业信息化的推进。

    AIS is the core of MIS and it has many relations with other system including bank and social auditing .

  5. 审计机关核查社会审计质量的结果处理差异的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Disposal Difference of Government Auditing 's Consequence

  6. 应对社会审计市场开放问题的思考

    The Consideration on the Counterplan to Market Opening of Independent Audit

  7. 论政府审计与社会审计的协调

    A Review on Coordination between Government Audit and Social Audit

  8. 试析提高社会审计独立性的对策

    Try to analyse countermeasure of improving independence of society audit

  9. 内部审计、社会审计和政府审计共同构成了审计的主体。

    The audit subject contents Internal audit , social audit and government audit .

  10. 浅析社会审计风险的层次观

    On the Multi-level View of CPA Auditing Risk

  11. 经济增长中的资本、技术和制度的系统特征分析社会审计系统柔性特征及经济后果研究

    A Study on the Soft Characteristics and Economic Results of the Social Auditing System

  12. 农村审计不同于内部审计、政府审计和社会审计,农村审计应属于外部审计。

    The rural audit is an external audit .

  13. 关于社会审计发展问题的探讨

    Studies on the Development of Social Audit

  14. 论如何提高社会审计质量

    On Raising the Quality of Social Audit

  15. 重塑社会审计职业形象

    Remodeling the Professional Image of Social Audit

  16. 社会审计终极风险辨析

    The Study On Final Audit Risk

  17. 社会审计与环境审计

    Social Audit and Environment Audit

  18. 内部审计与社会审计

    Internal Audit vs. Social Audit

  19. 社会审计监督是我国经济监督体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Social audit supervision is one of important components in the system of economic supervision in China .

  20. 因此,聘用社会审计参与政府投资建设项目的审计工作具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , social audit employed participating in government investment construction projects audit has important practical significance .

  21. 从社会审计视角:论审计风险模型的科学性

    Take the Social Audit as the Angle of View : Reconsiders the Audit Risk Model Scientific Nature

  22. 这一点无论对社会审计、政府审计还是内部审计都同样适用。

    This is regardless of the social audit , government audit or internal audit are equally applicable .

  23. 从审计业务与非审计业务的一揽子服务谈社会审计质量

    Inquiring the Quality of Social Audit in Perspective of the Integrated Services of Audit and Non-Audit Business

  24. 试论社会审计风险

    On Social Auditing Risks

  25. 治理会计信息失真,我们应该走一条法制与社会审计相结合的道路。

    Control the distortion of accounting information , we should go the way to legality and society audit .

  26. 本文共分五章对社会审计系统柔性的有关问题进行了探讨。

    This paper is divided into five chapters and discusses the relative problems about the social auditing system flexibility .

  27. 顺应这种趋势,从审计资源角度探究社会审计质量问题有着一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    Consequently studying social audit quality from the audit resources ' point of view is meaningful theoretically and practically .

  28. 另一方面,社会审计也可以借用政府审计的权威性为其审计结论提供强有力支持。

    On the other hand , social audit can also utilize the authority of government audit for supporting the audit conclusion .

  29. 近年来,企业的舞弊行为屡有发生,给资本市场和社会审计带来了前所未有的信誉危机。

    During recent years , the frequent fraudulent practices happened in firms brought unprecedented reputation crisis to capital market and society audit .

  30. 降低风险,提高审计质量,已成为我国社会审计职业界急需解决的问题。

    Thus improving audit quality and decreasing risk have become an urgent problem which needs to be solved in the CPA profession .