
  • 网络Social cognition;social cognitive;social perception
  1. 研究表明,当我们为了教别人而吸收信息时,我们学得更准确和更深入,也许部分原因是我们正在参与我们的社会认知。

    Research shows that when we absorb information in order to teach it to someone else , we learn it more accurately and deeply , perhaps in part because we are engaging our social cognition .

  2. 内隐联想测验(IAT)是内隐社会认知研究领域中最重要的间接测量方法之一。

    The Implicit Association Test ( IAT ) is one of the most important indirect measures applied in implicit social cognition .

  3. 然后,将改进的社会认知优化算法应用于求解SAT问题。命题逻辑中合取范式(CNF)的可满足性问题(SAT问题)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题,是一典型的NP完全问题。

    And then , the improved SCO is applied to solve the SAT problem .

  4. 近些年来,儿童心理理论(theoryofmind,ToM)作为社会认知发展又一新的研究领域,已日益得到国内外发展心理学研究者的关注。

    In recent years , researchers have paid more attention to the development of children 's theory of mind ( ToM ), which is a new research area in children 's social cognitive development .

  5. 内隐社会认知:社会性决策的个人背景效应TBC背景下企业高管团队战略决策过程研究

    IMPLICIT SOCIAL COGNITION : THE BACKGROUND EFFECT OF INDIVIDUAL SOCIAL DEISION ; Research on the Strategic Decision-making Pocess of Top Management Team Towards Time-based Competition

  6. 采用内隐联想测验(IAT)和刻板解释偏差(SEB)两种测量内隐社会认知的方法考察了120名大学生被试的内隐性别刻板印象。

    Implicit Association Test ( IAT ) and Stereotypic Explanatory Bias ( SEB ) were used to examine implicit gender stereotyping of college students in this study .

  7. 本研究从内隐社会认知的角度出发,利用内隐联想测验(IAT)的研究范式,根据启动效应的原理,探讨不同情景线索下个体的内隐攻击性。

    This paper from the implicit social cognition perspective , using the research paradigm of implicit association test ( IAT ), according to the principle of priming effects to discuss the individual implicit aggression under the different situational cues .

  8. 自编社会认知调查问卷,结合认知偏差和SCL-90心理测试问卷,分别对普通高校160名本科生的社会认知和心理健康进行问卷调查,有效回收问卷140份。

    The Questionnaire Of Social Perception that I have designed , the Cognitive Bias Questionnaire and Questionnaire Of Scl-90 investigate the situation of social cognition and mental health about 160 college student in a common university . Which I collect the 140 value paper from the 160 investigative paper .

  9. 风景园林学的社会认知与传播途径研究

    The Studies on Social Cognizance and Transmitting Approaches of Landscape Architecture

  10. 规划的社会认知水平需要提高。

    The public cognition for comprehensive land use planning needs improving .

  11. 对我国转基因作物社会认知影响因素的分析

    Factors Influencing the Social Cognition of Genetically Modified Crops in China

  12. 社会认知优化改进及其应用研究

    Study on Social Cognitive Optimization 's Improvements and Its Application

  13. 前额叶损伤患者的社会认知障碍

    Impairment of social cognition following damage to the prefrontal cortex

  14. 脑功能定位在社会认知研究中的作用及其启示

    A Review of the Relation Between Social Cognition and Brain Functional Location

  15. 刻板印象是目前内隐社会认知研究中的一个主要领域。

    Stereotype is a central field in recent implicit social cognitive research .

  16. 工读学生攻击性行为社会认知特点的研究

    Studies on Character of Gong-du Students ' Social Cognition on Aggressive Behavior

  17. 社会认知理论在儿童肥胖控制健康教育工作中的应用

    Application of social cognitive theory in health education of children obesity control

  18. 基于时变系数与社会认知模拟的粒子群优化

    Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Time Varying Coefficients and Social Cognitive Simulation

  19. 浙江省城乡居民体育社会认知状况分析

    Analysis of Zhejiang Residents ' Social Cognition Condition of Sports

  20. 社会认知算法在非线性多峰函数寻优中的应用

    The Application of Social Cognitive Optimization on Non-lined Multi-modal Function

  21. 内隐社会认知:印象形成的启动效应研究

    A study on priming effect of impression formation in implicit social cognition

  22. 体育教学中社会认知规律的应用分析

    The Analysis Of The Use Of Social Cognitive Regularity In P.E. Teaching

  23. 浅谈内隐社会认知的研究与现状

    Implicit Social Cognition Research : the Past and the Present

  24. 从城市认知地图到社会认知地图的思考&试论人的社会化过程中社会认知地图的存在及其构建

    Reflections on the Cognitive City Map and Cognitive Society Map

  25. 自闭症儿童行为评定与社会认知发展的研究

    A study of autistic children 's behavioral assessment and social cognitive development

  26. 从社会认知看语言偏见符号学视野中的新闻偏见

    A Study on the Language Prejudice from the View of Social Perception

  27. 社会认知研究中内隐测量技术的新发展

    New Development of Implicit Measurement in Social Cognition Research

  28. 人们持有的不同内隐人格理论导致他们不同的社会认知模式和行为反应方式。

    Different implicit personality theories cause different social cognitive patterns and different reactions .

  29. 对中国大学生在恭维回应语中性别差异的社会认知分析

    A Socio-cognitive Analysis of the Gender Differences in Compliment Responses Among Chinese Collegians

  30. 阅读是现代社会认知的最基本的方法,也是人们获得信息的主要手段。

    Reading is the basic cognitive method of obtaining information in modern society .