
shè huì jué sè
  • social role
  1. 另一项针对芝加哥医院302名志愿者的研究关注了不同个体在何种程度上认为“志愿者”属于重要的社会角色。

    Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view " volunteer " as an important social role .

  2. 参与者回应诸如"在医院做义工是我的重要组成部分"这样的陈述,借此表明这一社会角色的重要性

    Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as " Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am . "

  3. 最近30年里,男性和女性在个人期望、社会角色和人际关系方面都发生了180度的大转变。

    In the last 30 years , both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations , roles and relationships .

  4. 在五个最受欢迎的选择中,有四个是传统的专业社会角色:医生、教师、企业经理和律师。

    Four of the fi ve most popular choices were traditional professional roles : doctors , teachers , business managers and lawyers .

  5. 研究社会角色和基于角色的多agent系统模型。

    Study of social role and multi agent model based on role .

  6. 在实地调查和文献资料的基础上,本文利用吉登斯的结构化理论(StructurationTheory),着力分析了新生代农民工流动的动因和他们基于特殊社会角色的行为选择。

    Based on the on-the-spot investigations and literature materials , this paper uses Anthony Giddens 's structuration theory to analyse the cainozoic era agricultural laborer 's mobile agent and their behavior choice .

  7. 教师社会角色:三种研究视角的比较

    Teacher 's Social Role : a Comparison between Three Researching Perspectives

  8. 论新闻记者社会角色的塑造与完善

    On the creation and perfection in a news reporter 's social role

  9. 当前私营企业主的社会角色分析

    Analysis of the Social Role of the Present Private Entrepreneurs

  10. 广西优秀运动员社会角色评价体系研究

    The Society Role Evaluation System Research on Excellent Athlete in Guang Xi

  11. 浅析我国企业法律顾问的社会角色

    Analysis on the Role of Legal Counsel in Chinese Enterprises

  12. 社会角色理论在发展项目管理课程教学中的应用

    Study of Application of Social-role Theory in Teaching of Development Project Management

  13. 基于社会角色理论的村卫生室定位方法研究

    Based on Social role Theory of Village Health Positioning Method

  14. 运用社会角色理论浅析医患冲突及其对策

    Using social role theory to analyze hospital patient conflict and its countermeasures

  15. 不同的历史时期、不同的社会角色担负着不同的责任。

    In different historical period , different social roles shoulder different responsibilities .

  16. 通过社会角色扮演和借用,完善自我。

    Through social roles and to use , perfect self .

  17. 网络环境下图书馆员社会角色略论

    A brief comment on the social role of librarians under circumstance of network

  18. 近代女性社会角色的建构

    The Instrument of the Social Roles of Modern Women

  19. 社会角色的过程与消费行为密切相关。

    The process of a woman playing social roles effects on her consumption .

  20. 所以作为培养高级人才的高等院校扮演着越来越重要的社会角色。

    So the university plays more and more importance role in our society .

  21. 当代中国大学生社会角色研究

    Research on Social Role of Contemporary Chinese College Students

  22. 论图书馆从业人员社会角色的塑造和完善

    Discussion on Shaping and Perfecting of Librarian Social Role

  23. 职业、身份和社会角色的稳固根基被撼动了。

    Professions , identities and social roles are shaken from the solid foundations .

  24. 社会角色互动的错位现象及成因

    Dislocation in Social Role Interactions and Their Causes

  25. 论新世纪图书馆员的职业理念和社会角色

    On the Occupation Principle and Social Role of the Librarian in the New Century

  26. 大众媒介在公众社会角色获得中的潜在意义

    Potential Meaning in the Social Role of the Public Obtain of the Mass Media

  27. 科学家与社会贤达是两种不同的社会角色。

    The scientist is different from the celebrity in the social nature of role .

  28. 论运动员的社会角色定位

    Discussing about the athletes ' social role orientation

  29. 企业家社会角色经典研究的比较

    Researches on the Social Character of Entrepreneurs

  30. 中国当代农村社会角色关系研究

    Social Role Relationship of Chinese Contemporary Countryside