
  • 网络Community Foundation;community fund
  1. 去年12月,扎克伯格和他的妻子普莉希拉•陈(PriscillaChan)向硅谷社区基金会(SiliconValleyCommunityFoundation)捐出价值约9.90亿美元的1800万股Facebook股票,占到了去年全美34亿美元慈善捐款总额的近30%。

    Mr Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan , his wife , gave 18m Facebook shares worth about $ 990m to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation in December , nearly 30 per cent of the $ 3.4bn total given to charity last year .

  2. 鼓励慈善募捐并支持世界各地的慈善事业,尤其通过我们自己的慈善企业联合组织“希尔顿社区基金会”。

    We encourage charitable fundraising and support charitable initiatives throughout the world , particularly through our own Charitable Trust'Hilton in the Community Foundation ' .

  3. 病人与贫民将成为你对社区基金赠与的受益者。n.恶意

    The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund . malice

  4. 这笔捐款标志着,扎克伯格成为首位捐出最大单笔捐款的30岁以下慈善家。而捐赠对象硅谷社区基金会负责支持Facebook总部所在地的社区发展。

    The gift - to a charity which works to support the neighbourhood where Facebook has its headquarters - marks the first time a philanthropist under the age of 30 has given the largest single donation .

  5. 社区基金会:地位与前景&对一个类社区基金会的个案研究

    Community Foundations : Status And Prospect

  6. 当下,社区基金会对于中国的学界和实践界仍然是个相当陌生的概念。

    The concept of community foundations is quite new to the academic and practical field in China ;

  7. 发展农村社区基金和小额信贷机构,弥补农村金融服务空白;

    Developing rural community fund and small sum credit loan institutions for making up the service blank of rural finance ;

  8. 社区基金的扶助模式不但为农村中贫困农户参与各种经济活动提供了最为需要的资金,而且为推动农村的可持续发展起到了积极的作用。

    Community funds have provided urgent capital for economic activity engaged by poor farmers and played active role to promote local sustainable development .

  9. 首先吸引我的是社区基金管理委员会处理账目的能力,他们记录了收入、支出、亏损、盈馀。

    The first thing that impressed me was the numeracy skills of the community fund management committee : they record income and expenditure as well as losses and gains .

  10. 社区基金&让穷人自主管理扶贫资金模式的研究(二)在扶贫资金和物资的分配上重点向少数民族贫困县倾斜。

    Community Funds : a Model of Reducing Poverty Operated by Farmers ; ( 2 ) Giving priority to poverty-stricken ethnic minority counties in terms of the distribution of help-the-poor capital and materials .

  11. 美国的普通民众是捐款的主体,每年社区基金会募集捐款额的70%以上都来自个人,这与我国正好相反,我国捐款额的70%以上来源于企业。

    United States general population is the main body of contributions , Community Foundation raises money for70 % per year from individuals , and on the contrary , 70 % per cent of contributions from enterprises in China .

  12. 美国的普通民众,都可以监督公募基金会的款项使用,特别是捐赠者,如果发现捐款用不清晰,则可以立即向社区基金会提出质疑,并向社区基金会的主管部门提出控告。

    United States people , offering Foundation , the oversight of payments , in particular donors , if contributions are not clear , you can immediately challenge the Community Foundation , and to lodge a complaint to the competent authorities of the Community Foundation .

  13. 在过去的十年里,除了一些交通不便的地区,游牧社区信托基金组织已经在肯尼亚的莱基皮亚和桑布鲁等地使用骆驼作为移动诊所了。

    For the past decade , Nomadic Communities Trust has been using camels as mobile health clinics in Kenyas Laikipia and Samburu districts , isolated areas with few roadways .

  14. 这些资源的问题由对持续的管理者的努力以收集和更新这些资源而引起,加上少于最佳的社区支持,基金和合作。

    Problems with such resources arise from needs for continued curator effort to collect and update these , combined with less than optimal community support , funding and collaboration .

  15. 社区组织宗教共同基金会;

    Inter-religious foundation for community organization ;

  16. “整个世界已经成为一个全球性的关爱社区,”罗宾汉基金会执行董事大卫·萨尔兹曼说。

    " The whole world has created a global community of caring , " says Robin Hood executive director David Saltzman .

  17. 我们获得了社区发展仅仅,社区稳定基金,还有帮助无家可归人群的资金,大约是720万美元。

    We got CDDB or community development funds , we got neighborhood stabilization funds and we got money to prevent , and that ranged about $ 7.2 million .