
  1. 本文基于现代投资理论(MIT)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM),给出了上市基金运行的模糊评价方法,提出了上市基金投资项目优选方法及其收益和风险控制策略。

    Based on modern investment theory ( MIT ) and capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ), the method of fuzzy valuation of mutual fund is given . And a series of strategy for investment and risk management is derived .

  2. 上市基金持有人明细数据包括初始募集登记数据和日常交易登记数据。

    Detailed data of lofs shareholders will include registration data of initialoriginal raising and daily tradetransaction registration data .

  3. 但多数上市基金管理公司都明白,如果金融市场大幅下跌和业绩下滑导致资金流出,市场对它们的估值就会下降。

    But most listed fund managers know valuations will fall if financial markets stumble and performance falters , triggering outflows .

  4. 截至2003年,我国上市基金数量达到74只,其中封闭式基金54只。

    The number of funds in China is 74 by the end of the year 2003 , including 54 closed-end funds .

  5. 更令人担忧的是,最近6个月,麦格理旗下20只上市基金中只有一只赚到了业绩费。

    More worryingly , only one of the 20 listed funds earned any performance fees at all in the latest six months .

  6. 阿里巴巴看上去并不怎么像一家公司,倒像是一只专注于中国科技和电商领域的交易所上市基金。

    Alibaba is not so much a company as it is essentially an exchange traded fund for exposure to Chinese technology and commerce .

  7. 此外,由于资产贬值,加上投资者抱怨费用偏高,麦格理通过出售所持权益,切断了与旗下大部分上市基金的关系。

    It has also cut ties with most of its listed funds by selling its interests after asset values dropped and investors complained about high fees .

  8. 麦格理还表示,预计“在未来6个月内将从各上市基金获得资本回报”,试图以此消除投资者的顾虑。

    Macquarie also tried to put investor concerns to rest by saying it expected to receive " a return of capital from the listed funds over the next six months " .

  9. 若基金管理人在交易日刊登分红派息公告,上市基金于公告日上午停牌半天。

    In case the funds manager publishes the dividend distribution statement on the trading date , the listed funds shall be delisting for half a day in the morning of the statement date .

  10. 本文尝试以德国证券交易所积极管理型上市基金指定保荐人制度为例,从积极管理型上市基金目前的发展现状为出发点,对混合交易模式进行分析。

    This paper takes as an example the designated sponsor system of active XAF of Deutsche Borse AG to make a deep analysis of hybrid trading system based on the status quo of this kind .

  11. 近几年,越来越多的资金流向上市交易基金(ETF)和其他倾向于跟踪指数表现的基金。

    In the past few years , more and more money has been going into ETFs and other funds that tend to track indexes .

  12. 亿万富翁投资人乔治•索罗斯曾经将黄金称为“终极泡沫”,他早在5月份就减持了黄金上市交易基金SPDRGoldTrust(GLD)。

    Billionaire investor George Soros , who called gold " the ultimate bubble , " cut his holdings in the SPDR gold trust ( GLD ) as early as may .

  13. KKR曾计划将其业务与其在泛欧证交所(EuronextAmsterdam)上市的基金KKRPrivateEquityInvestors(KPE)合并,然后在纽约证交所整体上市。

    KKR had planned to merge its operations with those of KKR Private Equity Investors ( KPE ), its Euronext Amsterdam-listed fund , and then list the entire operation on the NYSE .

  14. Sorgente旗下的Caravaggio基金,是唯一一只向散户投资者开放并在米兰证券交易所(Milanstockexchange)上市的基金。该基金公布,自2004年启动以来,其净资产价值已增加了35.2%。

    Its Caravaggio fund , the only one open to retail investors and quoted on the Milan stock exchange , has reported a 35.2 per cent increase in net asset value since its launch in 2004 .

  15. 李亦非是全球最大上市对冲基金集团的知名人物。她否认了上周彭博(Bloomberg)的报道。该报道称,她已在当局对股市波动展开的调查中遭到警方羁押。

    A prominent figure in the world 's largest publicly traded hedge fund , Ms Li rejected a Bloomberg report last week that said she had been taken into custody by police in connection with a stock market probe into market volatility .

  16. 事实上,报告发现,如果当初有限合伙人投资小盘的上市股指基金,得到的回报会更高。

    In fact , it finds that LPS likely would have been better off investing in small-cap public equity index funds .

  17. 这只不上市的基金,将寻求投资于中国内地的部分机场和与航空相关的业务,包括飞机租赁等。中国内地现有140个机场。

    The unlisted fund would look to invest in some of the mainland 's 140 airports as well as aviation-related businesses , including aircraft leasing .

  18. 不过,我现在找到了一只在伦敦上市的基金,它投资于中国及亚洲其它地区规模较小、甚至处在起步阶段的公司,以及该地区的私人股本交易。

    But I have now found a London-listed fund that invests in smaller , even earlier stage companies plus private equity deals in China and the rest of Asia .

  19. 同时也迅速借助上市交易基金进行资产配置和对冲头寸。”那么,他从父亲那里得到最为重要的教益是什么?

    And was also quick to grasp the utility of ETFs for asset allocation and hedging positions . " Larry says . But the most important lesson learned from Dad ?

  20. 私人合伙制公司的管理人员往往会谨慎监控风险,因为他们也押上了自己的资金。相比之下,上市对冲基金可能存在困扰其它金融公司的委托/代理问题。

    Managers of private partnerships tend to monitor risk carefully because they have their own skin in the game ; by contrast , publicly listed hedge funds are likely to share the principal / agent problems that bedevil other financial companies .

  21. 托马斯还说,“一些刚上市的ETF基金因为我们这种良好的反馈情况会给予投资者一些好处”。

    " Some of the startup ETFs would give one of their appendages for the sort of response we have had , " Thomas says .

  22. Maso等基金声称,这些公司私有化的目的是要在中国国内以更高价格重新上市,这些基金正试图利用开曼群岛法庭迫使这些公司向以前的少数股东支付更多。

    Funds such as Maso claim that these companies have been bought with the intention to relist them in China at a much higher price and are seeking to use the Cayman Island courts to compel the companies to pay more to former minority shareholders .

  23. 论上市公司审计基金&解决上市公司审计失败问题的一种新构想

    Audit ; Ideas on Fund of Audit for Listed Companies

  24. 我国上市开放式基金业绩的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Performance of Listed Open-end Fund in China

  25. 上市对于对冲基金管理公司的吸引力显而易见。

    It is easy to see the lure for hedge fund managers of taking their firms public .

  26. 上市开放式基金运作机理探讨

    Operating Mechanism of LOFs

  27. 2009年创业板推出,几十家由私募基金投资的企业相继上市。私募基金在中国的发展,如火如荼。

    In 2009 , with the emerging of growth enterprise market , tens of Private Funds invested companies successfully got public listed .

  28. 本文研究发现,基金业绩增长、分红金额、已上市时间、基金规模、基金类型是影响基金赎回的重要因素。

    Studies reveal that factors affectingredemption of mutual funds include earnings growth , dividend payment , track record , fund scale and type .

  29. 3.1本公司对上市开放式基金份额采取分系统登记原则。

    3.1 the company applies the principle ofthat various funds unit is sub-system registered in respective system to the unit of listed open-ended funds .

  30. 上市开放式基金的募集沿用新股上网定价模式,但无配号及中签环节。

    The raising of lofs follows the model of online pricing of new shares , but without the steps of matching number and winning lot .