
  1. 1932年末,美国成立了一家纾困基金复兴金融公司(reconstructionfinancecorporation)。

    In late 1932 a bail-out fund , the Reconstruction Finance Corporation , was set up .

  2. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)已谨慎提议,在动用欧元区纾困基金向私营银行注资前,先由各成员国自行补偿这些银行的损失。

    The European Commission has discreetly proposed to have member states make good the losses of private banks before they are recapitalised with eurozone rescue funds .

  3. 该公司最大的资金支持者是得到100亿美元Tarp纾困基金的高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    Its largest financial backer was Goldman Sachs , which has received $ 10bn in Tarp bailout funds .

  4. 他们不遗余力地诋毁主权cds,必然会让投资者对其使用欧元区纾困基金为问题主权债务提供担保的计划产生更大的怀疑。

    Their active subversion of sovereign CDs must be feeding investor scepticism of their plan to use the eurozone rescue fund for insurance of troubled sovereign debt .

  5. 据一位德国高官称,德国政府希望首先确保可进行杠杆操作的4400亿欧元欧元区纾困基金正常运转,然后才考虑新的IMF资源。

    According to a senior German official , Berlin wants to ensure that a leveraged € 440bn eurozone rescue fund is up and running before considering new IMF resources .

  6. 倘若欧元区能够接受其纾困基金的评级为AA级,将移除在为受困国家融资方面的自我约束。

    If the eurozone accepted a double A rating for its rescue fund , it would lift a self-imposed constraint on the funding it can raise for troubled states .

  7. 预计中国官员将就火力已得到加强的纾困基金欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)提出尖锐的问题。

    Chinese officials can be expected to ask smart questions about the souped-up bail-out fund , the European financial stability facility .

  8. 但此刻他不得不寻找其它救星,目前欧洲在加强其纾困基金问题上举棋不定,而欧洲央行(ECB)警告称,其实行了一个月的债券购买计划不可能无限期延续下去。

    But he has been driven to seek new alternatives as Europe prevaricates over strengthening its bail-out fund and the European Central Bank warns that its month-old bond-buying programme cannot go on indefinitely .

  9. 不仅如此,西班牙还出台了以frob(政府建立的银行纾困基金)为中心的资本重组计划。

    Not only that , but Spain has a recapitalisation policy , centred on frob , the state bank rescue fund .

  10. 据参与谈判的官员们介绍,法国主张进行全方位的援助,包括由欧洲央行(ECB)购买意大利和西班牙债券,以补充欧元区纾困基金&欧洲金融稳定安排(EFSF)的行动。

    According to officials involved in the talks , Paris was pushing for wide-ranging help that included purchases of Italian and Spanish debt by the European Central Bank in addition to action by the eurozone rescue fund , known as the European Financial Stability Facility .

  11. 税收可用来为银行纾困基金提供资金。

    Revenues could be used to co-finance the bank bail-out fund .

  12. 没有国家表示对投资于欧洲纾困基金感兴趣。

    No country declared an interest in investing in the European bailout fund .

  13. 为该纾困基金设定上限不仅具有重要的经济意义,也具有重要的心理意义。

    Putting a ceiling on the bailout fund is psychologically as well as financially important .

  14. 如果欧洲央行可以印制一个纾困基金的话,谁还会关心有关该基金的谈判呢?

    Who cares about negotiations for a bailout fund when the central bank can print one ?

  15. 在极端情况下,该纾困基金有权购买陷入困境国家的债券。

    In extreme conditions , the fund would be allowed to buy bonds of distressed countries .

  16. 中国官员私下里表示,他们原则上对于向纾困基金出资持开放态度。

    In private , Chinese officials say they are open in principle to contributing to a bail-out .

  17. 这不仅需要欧盟层面的监管和监督,最重要的是一个具有流动性的纾困基金。

    This would not only require EU-level regulation and supervision , but most importantly a liquid bail-out fund .

  18. 但以德国为首,各国政府对于纾困基金计划的怒火将这一切付诸一炬。

    But the furore led by the German government over the bail-out fund proposal has put paid to that .

  19. 有人怀疑,德国正在设置条件,作为它支持增加亟需的纾困基金火力的筹码。

    The suspicion might be that Germany is setting conditions for its support in reinforcing an urgently needed bail-out fund .

  20. 因此,我们同时还必须为稳定国家所有的欧元区债务余额提供担保,以一个经过扩充的纾困基金作为财力支持。

    We therefore must simultaneously guarantee the entire outstanding eurozone debt of stable countries , backed by an enhanced rescue fund .

  21. 1997年末,日本曾提议建立亚洲纾困基金,但由于美国的强烈反对,该想法未能付诸实施。

    Japan proposed an Asian bail-out fund in late 1997 , but the idea failed to take off amid strong US resistance .

  22. 那么,很明显,只要伯南克不再三请求、道琼斯指数不崩盘,国会是不会批准拨发紧急纾困基金的。

    Then it took Mr Bernanke two attempts and a collapse in the Dow to persuade Congress to approve emergency bailout funds .

  23. 在柏林,一位政府高官排除了动用欧洲纾困基金来购买国债的可能性。

    In Berlin , a senior government official ruled out the use of European rescue funds to finance the buying of government bonds .

  24. 银行业人士警告称,欧元区纾困基金本周按计划发行一只旨在为纾困爱尔兰筹集资金的债券时,可能遭遇需求低迷。

    Bankers warn the eurozone rescue fund may meet lacklustre demand this week for a planned bond issue designed to finance the bail-out of Ireland .

  25. 在美国政府推出7000亿美元银行纾困基金后,公众对数百万美元奖金和金降落伞条款的厌恶之情已经再明显不过。

    Following the creation of a $ 700bn government bailout fund for US banks , public disgust with multi-million-dollar bonuses and golden parachutes was more than apparent .

  26. 欧洲投资银行之所以不乐意亲自运营纾困基金,正是因为它不希望自己的信用评级蒙尘。

    One of the reasons the EIB was not eager to run the bail-out fund itself was precisely because it did not want its own credit rating tainted .

  27. 作为向纾困基金注入更多资金的交换条件,德国人将提出要价:签订新的条约,强迫欧元区国家执行更严苛的财政纪律。

    The Germans will demand a price for putting more money into bail-out funds : a new treaty , imposing much tighter fiscal discipline on countries in the euro .

  28. 另外,一份为欧元区纾困基金拟定的说明书草案含有针对投资者的警告,称欧元可能解体,或者完全失去“法定货币”的地位。

    Separately , a draft prospectus prepared for the eurozone bail-out fund includes investor warnings that the euro could break apart or cease to be a " lawful currency " entirely .

  29. 根据该计划,西班牙和意大利将有资格获得欧洲央行对其短期债券的支持,但前提条件是它们需要接受欧洲纾困基金的监督。

    Under it , Spain and Italy would be eligible for the ECB to support their short-dated bonds , but only if they agreed to supervision from the European rescue fund .

  30. 人们将希望聚焦于有关创建欧洲银行共同监管机构和纾困基金的提议上。共同纾困基金将为那些因为规模过大或者实力过弱、而无法由各国政府纾困的银行提供支持。

    Hopes have centred on proposals to create a common European bank supervisor and rescue fund that would shore up banks too big and too weak to be rescued by their national governments .