
  • 网络SAIC;SAIC Motor;Shanghai Automotive;SAIC Group
  1. 市场领先者上汽集团(SAIC)仅在A股上市,而许多外国投资者都无法投资A股市场。

    The market leader , SAIC , is only listed in the A-share market , which is off-limits to many foreigners .

  2. 该报告表示,今年7月通用另一家合资公司的微型商用车销售量同比增长了95%。该公司是通用与上汽集团(SAIC)和柳州五菱汽车(LiuzhouWulingMotors)合资组建的。

    Sales of mini commercial vehicles from GM 's joint venture with SAIC and Liuzhou Wuling Motors rose 95 per cent year-on-year in July , the report said .

  3. 根据协议,上汽集团旗下的上市企业上海汽车将以21亿元人民币(合2.86亿美元)的价格收购南京汽车的核心业务,其中包括英国的MG品牌。

    Under the deal , SAICs Shanghai-listed unit SAIC Motor will pay Rmb2.1bn for the core operations of Nanjing Auto , which include the British MG brand .

  4. 今年前三季度,通用汽车与上汽集团、一汽(FirstAutoWorks)以及五菱组建的多家合资企业的乘用车销售量超过了110万辆,同期大众汽车(Volkswagen)的销量约为190万辆。

    Its various joint ventures with SAIC , First Auto Works and Wuling sold more than 1.1m passenger vehicles over the first three quarters of this year , compared with Volkswagen 's almost 1.9m .

  5. 上汽集团(SAIC)就是上述合作伙伴之一,该集团在2005年退出了与MG罗孚组建合资公司的谈判,触发后者倒闭,6000名员工失去工作。

    These included Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation , whose withdrawal from joint venture talks with MG Rover in 2005 triggered its collapse with 6,000 job losses .

  6. 比如说,上汽集团与GM合作,生产和销售雪佛兰、别克以及卡迪拉克;与大众合作,生产桑塔纳以及其他车型。

    Shanghai Automotive Industry , for instance , works with GM to build and sell Chevrolets , Buicks , and Cadillacs , and with Volkswagen to make its Santana and other models .

  7. 上汽集团利用与通用汽车(GM)的合作关系,基于别克(Buick)平台打造其荣威(Roewe)950轿车。

    SAIC Motor is taking advantage of its partnership with GM to build its sedan Roewe 950 on the Buick platform .

  8. 上汽集团美国公司(SAICUSAInc.)的总裁鲁易(音)说,将汽车销往海外变得越来越重要,这是上汽集团决定去美国密歇根州的重要因素。

    Yi Lu , president of SAIC USA Inc. , called the growing importance of selling cars abroad a ' significant factor ' in the decision to go to Michigan .

  9. 结合上汽集团奇瑞汽车4S特许营销服务店设计的具体实践,从功能布局、造型设计、技术运用、运作模式等不同的方面总结了4S汽车营销店的设计特征。

    We combine up the design of the Chery 4S automobile concession service shop . From the function layout , the sculpt design , the technique usage and the operation mode etc. we summarizes the characteristics of the design of the 4S automobile concession service shop .

  10. 通用汽车与上汽集团拥有成功的合作关系可能会在未来多年里对通用的利润起到提振作用。

    A successful partnership could lift GM 's profits for years .

  11. 这并不是上汽集团出征海外的首次尝试。

    This isn 't SAIC 's first foray outside China .

  12. 通用汽车尚未决定要与上汽集团携手走多远。

    GM has yet to decide how far it will go . '

  13. 但上汽集团希望从这位美国朋友那里得到的并不止这些。

    But SAIC wants more from its American friend .

  14. 上汽集团目前并没有在美国销售汽车。

    SAIC currently sells no cars in the U.S.

  15. 通用汽车公司在开始与中国上汽集团展开合作时就应将这一点谨记于心。

    GM should certainly bear that in mind as it launches its partnership with SAIC .

  16. 上汽集团跻身世界工业企业500强发展战略研究

    A Study on the Developmental strategy of Shanghai Automotive Group in Top 500 in the World

  17. 上汽集团上周表示,让双龙进入接管程序,对该部门来说是最佳出路。

    Last week SAIC said that putting Ssangyong into receivership was the best option for the unit .

  18. 10年前,上汽集团曾收购了通用汽车在韩国某合资公司的少数股份。

    A decade ago , it took a small stake in a venture GM had in Korea .

  19. 通用汽车与上汽集团有部分汽车在拉美出售,前者目前正在考虑扩大与后者在拉美的合作关系。

    GM , which sells some vehicles with SAIC in Latin America , is considering expanding the partnership there .

  20. 上汽集团现在想要登上世界舞台,而通用汽车必须决定的是,自己希望给予前者多大帮助。

    SAIC now wants to move onto the world stage , and GM must decide how much it wants to help .

  21. 在此过程中,通用汽车也将上汽集团培养成一个羽翼丰满的汽车制造商,拥有一流的设计师、工程师和营销人员。

    Along the way , GM helped rear SAIC into a full-fledged auto maker , with top-tier designers , engineers and marketers .

  22. 中国法律规定,外国汽车制造商要想在华开展业务,必须与中国公司进行合作,因此通用汽车如何管理它与上汽集团的关系就显得至关重要。

    Chinese law requires that foreign auto makers have local partners , and how GM manages its relationship with SAIC is crucial .

  23. 今年夏天,上汽集团将其北美总部设在了美国密歇根州的伯明翰,距离通用汽车的底特律总部仅32公里。

    This summer , SAIC opened North American headquarters in Birmingham , Mich. , just 20 miles from GM 's Detroit base .

  24. 上汽集团在声明中说到:在这个互联网经济时代,跨领域合作已经成为了不可避免的趋势。

    In the age of the Internet economy , cross-boundary integration has become an inevitable trend , SAIC said in the statement .

  25. 上汽集团希望在拉丁美洲和欧洲开展业务,而通用汽车在这两个市场有着长期的运营经验。

    The Chinese company wants to set up operations in Latin America and Europe , two markets where GM has longtime operations .

  26. 因为那里有客户。阿克森把与上汽集团的合作关系称作是通用汽车在全球最重要的关系。

    Because that 's where the customers are . ' He called the SAIC partnership his company 's most important relationship around the world .

  27. 这个中心是通用汽车和上汽集团的合资企业。这既是一款专为中国年轻人群市场开发的家用轿车,也是一个技术及娱乐解决方案。比起汽车来,这群消费者通常对智能手机更感兴趣。

    It 's a family-sedan-cum-techno-infotainment solution aimed squarely at China 's youth market , consumers who characteristically respond better to smartphones than sheet metal .

  28. 上汽集团(北京)有限公司将在烟台福山投资12亿元建设一家汽车工业园。

    Shanghai Automotive Group ( Beijing ) Co. , Ltd. will invest 1.2 billion yuan to build one auto industrial park in Yantai Fushan .

  29. 了解通用汽车的人说,阿克森与公司高管们讨论了在东南亚扩大与上汽集团合作的可能性。

    Mr. Akerson has discussed with senior executives the possibility of expanding with SAIC into Southeast Asia , according to people close to the company .

  30. 2009年通用汽车急需现金时,向上汽集团售出了这1%的股权,获得了4亿美元的信用额度。

    GM used the asset to get SAIC 's help in obtaining a $ 400 million line of credit in 2009 when GM desperately needed cash .