
shànɡ shì zhènɡ quàn
  • listed securities
  1. 在投资与香港上市证券挂钩之「看涨」eli时,阁下同意购买证券及将承受较高的投资风险。

    By investing in Eli products linked to Hong Kong listed securities you are agreeing to purchase the securities and you will be financially exposed to higher investment risk .

  2. 为此,琼斯发出了三项呼吁:首先,监管机构必须对所有上市证券的价格实施日涨跌幅限制;其次,它们应对现有限制措施(比如CME的措施)进行审查,甚至可能收紧这些规定。

    That leaves Tudor Jones calling for three things : firstly , regulators must impose daily limits across all listed securities ; secondly , they should review existing limits ( say , those on the CME ) and probably tighten them .

  3. 在此之前,迪拜国际资本最近对很多上市证券投资组合进行了处置,包括其在EAD、汇丰银行(HSBC)、索尼(Sony)和印度ICICIBank的少数股权。

    This follows the recent disposals of much of DIC 's listed equities portfolio , including its minority stakes in EADS , HSBC , Sony and ICICI Bank in India .

  4. 香港市场监管机构禁止总部位于纽约的亚洲老虎基金(TigerAsia)在港从事任何上市证券或衍生产品交易、并冻结逾3000万美元资产的努力,取得了重大胜利。

    The Hong Kong market regulator has won an important victory in its efforts to ban the New-York based Tiger Asia hedge fund from trading listed stocks and derivatives in the territory and freeze more than $ 30m in assets .

  5. (四)证券交易所上市证券交易的清算和交收;

    Settlement and entrustment of stocks listed on stock exchanges ;

  6. 单词解释:列入上市证券表这家公司已经被列入了伦敦股票交易所的上市证券表里了。

    eg.The company has listed its shares on the London Stock Exchange .

  7. 注:担保物品种若为上市证券,须填列证券名称及证券代码。

    Remark : if guaranty category is listed securitessecurities , securities name and code must be stated .

  8. 一个管理投资公司,发行固定数额的股票,并且在股票市场上列入上市证券表。

    A regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market .

  9. 第二,在上市证券上的投资价值缩水,使他们在私人股本上的投资配置过重。

    Second , the value of their listed investments has fallen , causing them to be overweight in private equity .

  10. 存托凭证银行发行的金融工具,代表一家国外公司的公开上市证券。

    Depository Receipt A negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represents a foreign company 's publicly traded securities .

  11. 最后,先从外部环境方面对证券公司竞争力提升进行建议,之后最重要的是在微观业务上对上市证券公司进行建议,具有较高实用性、时效性。

    Finally , this paper puts forward proposals to improve the competitiveness of securities companies from external environment . Then the most important thing is to propose considerable ideas to listed securities companies in the micro business with high availability and timeliness .

  12. 如今,他们将可以在中国银行(bankofchina)开户,交易在香港上市的证券。

    Now they will be allowed to open accounts at the Bank of China to trade securities listed in Hong Kong .

  13. 投资人与上市公司证券纠纷可仲裁性探讨

    On The Arbitrability of Security Disputes between Investors and Listed Companies

  14. 但是,伊利股份向多达33名激励对象定向发行新股的作法不符合我国《上市公司证券发行管理办法》的规定。

    However , yili company object orientation issued shares incentive practices up to 33 do not conform with our " management of listed companies to issue securities " .

  15. 第五部分,使用科学的定量模型来分析上市公司证券的收益率和风险,构建最优的证券投资组合。

    The fifth part , use the scientific quantitative model to analyze the earning ratio and risk of the securities of listed company , conform optimum securities investment combination .

  16. 本文主要运用实证分析的方法,将定性分析与定量分析结合在一起,对上市公司证券违法违规行为进行全面、深入的系统研究。

    This thess mainly exert the Demonstration Analysis method and combine quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis to make a systemic and intensive study of the public company 's infraction of law .

  17. 你应知悉,按照该项试验计划挂牌买卖的证券并非以香港联合交易所有限公司的主板或创业板作第一或第二上市的证券类别加以监管。

    You should be aware that the PP securities are not regulated as a primary or secondary listing on the Main Board or the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited .

  18. 公司的上市与证券市场的有效运转都离不开会计监督,会计信息披露制度则是会计监督的一种有效措施。而会计信息披露制度的质量规范则能对信息披露提供一种质的保障。

    Both efficient work for a company to list and securities market depend heavily on accounting supervision , while accounting information disclosure system & as an efficient measure in accounting supervision can provide a kind of safeguard in information disclosure .

  19. IPO市场主要实现证券市场的融资功能,企业IPO上市后进入证券交易市场流通。

    The main function of the IPO market is financing , corporate enter in the securities market after IPO .

  20. IPO是上市公司在证券市场上第一次大规模筹资行为,而股权再融资则是上市公司进行的第二次圈钱。

    IPO is the first large-scale financing behavior of listed companies on the stockmarket , and equity refinancing of listed companies is the second ring of money .

  21. IRM对于上市公司、证券市场和投资者来讲,都有重要的意义。

    Good investor relation has an important meaning for listed company , securities market and investor .

  22. 再者,上市公司与证券公司之间的关系受到时间的显著影响,表现为IPO与SEO间隔时间越长,更换主承销商可能性越大。

    Furthermore , the relationship between listed companies and the securities companies is significantly affect by the time , the longer the interval time between the IPO and SEO , the higher possibility to change the lead Underwriter .

  23. 相关报道在纽约证交所上市的所有证券的交易,都将通过由纽交所母公司纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)运营的电子交易平台进行。

    Trading in all securities listed on the Big Board will take place through Arca , an electronic trading platform operated by New York Stock Exchange parent NYSE Euronext which operates the Big Board , the company said .

  24. 上市公司合格证券发行人制度研究

    Studying on the System of Eligible Securities Publisher of Listed Companies

  25. 这个公司的股票很少上市(在证券交易所出售)。

    The company 's share is rarely sell on the stock exchange .

  26. 上市公司利用证券市场的主要功能误区分析

    The analysis of the Main Function Mistakes of Public Corporations Utilizing Securities Market

  27. 会计信息是连接上市公司和证券市场的桥梁和纽带。

    Accounting information is a link between listed company and the capital market .

  28. 加强对上市公司和证券公司的内部风险防范;

    Strengthening the prevention of the interior risk of public companies and stockjobbers ;

  29. 海外上市之德国证券市场股票上市规则研究

    Research on the Listing Rules of German Stock Market

  30. 股票上市制度是证券市场的核心制度。

    The stock listing system is the core system of the securities market .