
  1. 提高外国所有权在证券合资企业中占33%的限制,并将这个行业对拥有大多数外国股权的企业开放。

    The33 % limit on foreign ownership in JV securities firms to be raised and open the industry to majority foreign ownership .

  2. 在美国,“公企业”就是将他们所有权的股票在证券交易所出售给公众。

    A " public company " in America is a company that sells shares of ownership to the public on a stock exchange .

  3. “持票人”指占有凭票付款或空白背书的流通票据、所有权凭证或实物证券的人。

    " Bearer " means a person in possession of a negotiable instrument , document of title , or certificated security that is payable to bearer or indorsed in blank .

  4. 一方面,投资人购买证券的目的在于取得证券权利;另一方面,证券所有权的存在也是证券权利实现的必要保障。

    On one hand , the purpose that investors purchasing securities is to acquire security entitlement ; On the other hand , the existence of the securities ownership is necessary to guarantee the realization of security entitlement .

  5. 两种权利须臾不可分,证券所有权往往决定着证券权利的归属,处分证券所有权和处分证券权利是高度一致的。

    The two kinds of rights can not be separated , the securities ownership tend to determine the ownership of securities entitlement , that is to say , the disposition of securities ownership and disposition of security entitlement are highly consistent .