
  • 网络Owners' income;owner earnings
  1. 第四章探讨市场化经营条件下城市土地所有者收益的保障。

    Chapter 4 studies the revenue share for the urban land owner on condition of market-featured management .

  2. 在遵守税法的情况下,企业合理利用税收政策对筹资经济活动的纳税事项进行筹划,有助于企业进行正确的筹资决策和财务管理活动,以实现所有者税后收益最大化的财务管理目标。

    On the basis of abidance of tax laws , enterprises making tax planning on financing will help to make correct financing decision and financial management , so as to realize the financial aim of owners ' profit after tax maximum at the same time of tax-planning .

  3. 其次,人力资本产权特性决定了人力资本权能在结合物资资本的同时能创造巨大的财富,同时,谈判实力的提高也要求对人力资本所有者的收益权加以重视。

    Second , the characteristics of human capital property rights determine that enormous wealth could be created when the human capital empowerment combines the material capital , as well as the bargaining power of human capital becomes stronger that also need to proceed the benefit right more seriously .

  4. 经理股票期权(ESO)作为从企业所有者的剩余收益中拿出来让渡给经理人的部分剩余利润的索取权,它是有成本的。

    Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) incentive has cost because it is a demand on the part of executives for surplus value from the owner of the enterprises .

  5. 但土地税只会减少土地所有者不劳而获的收益。

    But land taxes merely reduce the unearned rewards to owners .

  6. 资产所有者变资产收益为管理费用,管理费用过高,增加企业成本,削弱企业发展后劲;

    Exorbitant administrative expenses result in high production cost and weaken the strength for future progress of the enterprise .

  7. 其结论是随着生产力的发展,人力资本所有者对剩余收益的分享比例不断上升。

    The conclusion is that human capital owners will enjoy an increasing proportion of surplus income with the development of productivity .

  8. 一半的工程收入来自联邦政府的补贴金,其余的来自于房客的出租费用,那些房屋所有者每年平均收益小于19000美元。

    Half of its operating income comes from its federal subsidy ; most of the rest comes from rent from its tenants , whose average household income is less than $ 19,000 a year .

  9. 但随着军人人力资本存量的增加,谈判力的增强,博弈重复次数增多,军事人力资本所有者获得的收益份额越大。

    But with the increase of soldiers ' human capital , the strengthening of their negotiating power and the increase of repeated times , military manpower capital owner gets bigger share of the income . 5 .

  10. 如果说股东可以实现其作为出资者按投入公司的资本额享有所有者的资产收益、重大决策和选择管理者等权利的话,那么,表决权制度对股东的支撑则至为重要。

    If the shareholders may realize their owner 's property income , the significant decision-making right and choose right on superintendent according to their investment to the company , then , the shareholder 's right to vote system is very important .

  11. 本文提出的人力资本期权投资是一种全新的投资模式,它既能使投资者尽量降低在人力资本投资过程中面临的风险,又能使人力资本所有者最大化其收益。

    Through the example , it tries to design a kind of human capital options-investment mechanism , which could well promote the company invest on human capital .

  12. 虽然人力资本的作用已然已经得到大范围的认同,但人力资本所有者享有同物力资本所有者一样分享企业收益的权利却不是从一开始就得到认同的。

    Although in a larger and larger scale human capital has been admitted to play an important role , the right for human capital owners to obtain residual earnings as material capital owners was not admitted at the beginning .

  13. 剩余分配是在要素所有者之间的分配,产权要素交易只转让使用权而保留了所有权,所保留的所有权成为要素所有者对剩余收益进行索取的权利依据。

    Remaining proceeds allocation is among factors ' owners ; property rights transactions only transfer using right and retaining the right of own , and ownership retained become the rights basis for factor owners to come down on from remaining proceeds .