
  1. 传播学是研究社会信息系统及其运行规律的科学。

    Study is to examine the dissemination of information society systems and their operation rules of science .

  2. 公共记录系统作为社会信息系统的一部分,已经成为一种社会文化。

    As a part of social information system , public records system has become a social culture .

  3. 作为社会信息系统,传媒的进化与演进遵循着协同发展的逻辑规律。

    As the information system of society , the media 's evolution follows the law of collaborative development .

  4. 四是以数字化为主要手段的节水型社会信息系统工程建设。

    The fourth is the construction of the information system project in a water-saving society with digitalization as its main form .

  5. 社会信息系统是社会的一个基本系统,社会的发展是建立在系统正常运行的基础之上的。

    Community information system is a basic system of society and social development are set up at the normal operation of the system based on .

  6. 图书馆拥有丰富的文献信息资源,是社会信息系统的重要组成部分,在信息社会化中作用愈来愈重要。

    The library owns abundant cultural heritage information resources . It is the important constitute part of the social information system , its function is more and more important in the information acculturate .

  7. 通过对社会信息系统及其运行规律的研究,探寻发现和解决社会传播实践中问题的方法,对社会实践和社会发展都具有极其重要的意义。

    Of social information system and its operation rules of the research , explore the discovery and dissemination of practice to address social problems of social practice and social development are of paramount importance .

  8. 社会信息系统与政治系统、经济系统、文化系统重合、交织在一起,它们的运行除了受到彼此的影响和制约之外,其本身的状况如何也对整个社会发生重大影响。

    Community information system and the political system , economic system , cultural system of coincidence , are intertwined , and their run to each other except by the impact and constraints , the state of their own also have a significant impact upon the community as a whole .

  9. 本文创新点在于:把新闻自律与媒介生态环境关系放在媒介生态学中研究,把媒介环境作为社会信息系统的一个子系统,研究它的运作规律以及人与它的相互关系。

    This text innovates and clicks lying in : Is it put in media studying in the ecology with media ecological environment relation to contain news by oneself , regard environmental media as a subsystem of the social information system , study its operation law and people and its interreaction .

  10. 数据仓库技术和OLAP在社会保险信息系统中的应用

    The Application of Data Warehouse Technology and OLAP in the Information System of Social Insurance

  11. 文章介绍了青岛市劳动和社会保障信息系统采用ORACLE数据库高级复制技术实现内外网业务受理的一体化电子政务解决方案。

    The article introduce Qingdao labor and social insurance information system , which use Oracle Advanced Replication technology to realize the Intranet and Internet data Integrate E-government solution .

  12. 面向服务架构(SOA)作为新一代的软件架构将快速取代社会保险信息系统中传统的软件架构,其分布式、组件化、标准化将是其必然的发展方向。

    As a new software architecture , SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ) will soon replace the traditional software architecture in the information system of social insurance , of which distribution , modularization and standardization will be the definite trend .

  13. 但是,在社会保险信息系统建设、开发和使用过程中存在异构数据信息共享及企业应用集成(EAI)问题。

    Therefore , the problems of information sharing of heterogeneous data and Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI ) exit in the process of construction , development and application of the information system of social insurance .

  14. 建设小康社会与信息系统工程的研究

    Research on Construction of Comparatively Well-off Society and Information Systems Engineering

  15. 社会保障信息系统的安全分析与设计

    Security Analysis and Design of the Social Security Information System

  16. 基于数据中心的社会保障信息系统设计

    Design of Social Secure Information System Based on Data Center

  17. 广州市社会保障信息系统数据中心的定位初探

    Studying the Orientation of the Database Center in Guangzhou Social Security Information System

  18. 社会收入信息系统与基尼系数测算结果的可信度研究

    Research on Society-income Information Systems and the Creditability of Computing Result of Gini Coefficient

  19. 安全系统归纳起来有三大子系统,即政府安全系统、企业安全系统、社会安全信息系统。

    , government safety system , enterprise safety system and social safety information system .

  20. 本文论述了全面建设小康社会对信息系统工程的需求;

    In this paper , the requirements on information systems engineering for construction of well-off society was studied .

  21. 安全体系建设是实现广东省社会保障信息系统信息共享、高效运行的重要保证。

    Security system construction vitally secures the realization of the information share and the efficient operation of the System .

  22. 金保工程建设成为我国劳动和社会保障信息系统建设的指导方向。

    ' Golden Insurance Project ' points the direction to the information system construction of labor and social security administration .

  23. 一个有效的、安全的数据申报系统在社会保险信息系统中占有举足轻重的地位。

    So , an effective and safe data declaration system plays an important role in a social insurance information system .

  24. 广东省社会保障信息系统正是在这样的背景下提出来的一项系统工程。

    The Social Security Information System of Guangdong Province ( hereinafter called the System ) is a systems engineering under the above background .

  25. 2002年8月,国家信息化小组将社会保障信息系统列为电子政务建设的重点工程之一。

    On Aug , 2002 , the information management system for social security has become an important part of the construction of e-government .

  26. 根据该融合框架,分别对社会保障信息系统的业务进行了封装、组合、测试和优化。

    According to the integrated framework , packaging , integrating , testing & optimizing are imposed on the operation of the social security information systems .

  27. 可以说,儿童电视节目已经成为学校教育之外,对少年儿童影响最大的社会教育信息系统。

    It can be said that children 's television programmes have become school education , the greatest impact on children 's social education information system .

  28. 本文从信息环境的系统观点出发,分析了我国社会信息环境系统诸要素所存在的基本问题,并就发展和完善中国的信息环境提出了有关对策。信息化建设呈现良好发展势头;

    This paper analyses some problems in the development of a satisfactory information environment system and proposes some policies for the purpose of ensuring a good information environment in China .

  29. 大众媒体作为社会信息交流系统、心理疏导系统、文化建构系统、管理控制系统,在风险认知、风险沟通、风险规避等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    The mass media , a system of social communication , psychological counseling and cultural building , plays a pivotal role in the aspects of noticing , communicating and controlling risk .

  30. 文中对社会保险信息系统建设中的非技术问题的分析和解决方案,不仅可以对社保管理信息系统建设或升级改造时具有指导作用,还可以对一般的管理信息系统的实施过程管理提供参考。

    On the whole , the solution to BaoTou Social Insurance Information System not only has the realistic significance but also can be used for reference to generic information systems ' building .