
  • 网络Statistical Information System;ESIS;WHOSIS
  1. 在统计信息系统的建设中,将OLAP技术、DM技术与DW相融合,旨在良莠不齐的信息中挖掘用户需要的信息;

    In the statistical information system , the OLAP technology , the DM technology and DW be fused , is for the purpose of excavating the useful information from a lot of information .

  2. 统计信息系统的发展过程同管理信息系统的发展过程是一致的,同样经历了EDP、MIS、DSS三个阶段,使管理决策不断深化是贯穿于整个发展过程的一条主线。

    The development of statistical information system is consistent with management information system . It has experienced EDP , MIS , DSS three stages . To Make the administrative decision deepen constantly is the clue of it 's development .

  3. 基于Web的科技论文统计信息系统的应用研究

    Study of the application of the statistic information system of scientific and technological thesis based on Web

  4. NET技术以及多种集成开发方法,设计了一套铁路军事运输统计信息系统。

    NET and many integration development methods , the military railway transportation statistic information system is designed .

  5. 关于在交通部门建立统计信息系统结构的思考

    The Study on Establishing Statistical Information System Structure in Communications Departments

  6. 第一章主要介绍了统计信息系统的定义及发展过程。

    Chapter One introduces the definition and development of statistical information system .

  7. 论我国统计信息系统的结构变迁

    The Approach to the Structural Change of Statistical Information System of China

  8. 综合统计信息系统的数据处理方法

    A Data Processing Method of Composite Statistics Information System

  9. 东风汽车公司医疗卫生统计信息系统的设计与实现

    Designing and Realizing of Medical and Health Statistical Information System of Dongfeng Motor Corporation

  10. 江西铜业公司物资供应统计信息系统的设计与实现

    The design of statistical information system for material supply in Jiangxi Copper Company and its practice

  11. 火灾统计信息系统建设

    Construction of Fire Statistics Information System

  12. 与现有铁路综合统计信息系统相比,铁路信息集成系统具有动态变更适应性。

    Compared with the current railway information statistic system , the railway information integration system outperforms .

  13. 本文以某供电公司计划处供电管理综合统计信息系统的开发为背景进行了应用研究。

    The development of integrated statistics information system for Power Supply Company is presented in this paper .

  14. 以偿付能力为核心指标的保险监管统计信息系统探讨

    Index ; An Approach to the Informational System of Insurance Control Statistics Focused on the Ability of Insurance Indemnity

  15. 第四章论述了概念描述在统计信息系统中的应用,主要包括面向属性的归纳和属性相关分析两大内容。

    Chapter Four discussed the application of concept description in statistical information system , including AOI and attribute relevance analysis mainly .

  16. 企业的统计信息系统的开发实践,克服了这些问题阐述了企业对统计信息的需求,功能框架模型,各种数据在系统中的处理流程。

    The paper expounds the development and practice of statistic information system in enterprises , which helps to overcome those problems .

  17. 本文简述了江西铜业公司物资供应统计信息系统的结构设计、功能实现系统特点。

    This article presents the structural design , function realization and system characteristics of the statistical information system in Jiangxi Copper Company .

  18. 文章阐释了统计信息系统概念,并给出统计信息技术体系的基本框架。

    This paper expounds the conception of statistic ( information ) system and gives the original frame of the system of statistic information technology .

  19. 研究的技术路线为:①社会经济统计信息系统的分析;②系统的设计;③时空数据库设计;④系统的实现。

    The research technical line is : a. Analysis for Social-economic statistical information system ; b. System design ; c. Spatio-temporal database design ; d. System development .

  20. 现有统计信息系统大多不归集分性别资料,尤其是预算数据,因此尚无法对政府卫生预算开展深入的性别分析。

    Most of gender-respective information did not included in current statistical system , especially budget data , in-depth gender analysis on health budget still could not be carried out .

  21. 在分析我国林业统计信息系统现状的基础上,阐述了林业统计信息系统的基本框架,明确了林业统计信息系统的发展方向。

    After the status of information system of forestry statistics is systematically analyzed , the basic frame is explicated and the development direction of information system of forestry statistics is decided .

  22. 本文简要介绍了医疗卫生统计信息系统的功能与实现,着重讨论了关系型数据库层次数据模型的建立和层次数据汇总的设计。

    This article briefly introduces functions and realizing of medical and health statistical information system , especially discusses the establishment of layer data model of relative databases and design of layer data collection .

  23. 第五章系统实现:介绍社会经济统计信息系统的基本功能、数据查询功能、数据更新和管理功能及数据分析功能模块的实现。

    The fifth part describes realization of the system : Introduces the social economy statistics basic function , the system inquiry function , the system data updating and the management function and system analysis function four functional module realization .

  24. 面临资金的不足,国家统计信息系统的建设采用策略是先由各个省份自己建设,然后再实施各省平台的统一。

    Facing the deficiency of the fund , the construction that the country counts the information system is to adopt the tactics to be that are built by each province oneself first , then to implement the unity of the platform of every province .

  25. 并在人口统计信息系统中应用该计算模型实现快速查询计算,该近似快速计算模型可以应用于具有统计特征的数据环境,获得快速的查询计算结果。

    The approximate query computing model is applied into a population statistic information system so that it achieves effective approximate answers . For realizing the quick and efficient answer to statistic data query , the approximate query computing model can be applied into these fields .

  26. 基于GIS的统计分析信息系统的研制与应用

    Research and Application of Statistical Information System Based GIS

  27. 根据WTO统计和信息系统局(SISD)制定的分类表,它包括11大类150多个分项。

    According to the statistics and classification chart from WTO that the information system office made , it includes more than 150 each of 11 big classes .

  28. 以C/S体系结构为基础,使用VISUALBASIC6.0作为前台开发工具、SqlServer2000做后台数据库,设计并实现了煤矿综合生产统计管理信息系统。

    The information management system of comprehensive production statistics for coal enter - prises was designed and implemented based on C / S structure , Visual Basic 6.0 was used as developing tool on the stage and SQL Server 2000 as the database in background .

  29. 本系统在x86系列机上、FoxBase数据库管理系统支持下,采用与冶金综合统计信息处理系统相兼容并直接接口的方式完成了技术经济指标台帐的管理。

    Supported by FoxBase , being compatible and directly interfacing with " Synthetical Metallurgical Statistics information Processing System ", the computer management system for technical and economic index accounts has been operating successfully .

  30. 成品油的合理营销需要管理具有空间位置差异的实体及其各类属性信息,因此,在GIS的基础上建立统计地理信息系统(StatisticalGIS,简称SGIS)是必然的。

    The rational marketing of the product oil needs to manage the entity with difference of spatial location and all kinds of attribute data . So , it is inevitable to set up the Statistical Geographical Information System on the basis of GIS ( SGIS ) .