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huá xià
  • Huaxia;Hua Xia;an ancient name for China
华夏 [huá xià]
  • [Hua Xia;an ancient name for China] 中国的古称;古代汉族的自称

华夏[huá xià]
  1. 第三章主要用SWOT分析法对华夏公司的竞争地位进行了详尽地剖析。

    In the 3rd chapter , the author presents a detailed analysis of the competing status of Huaxia with SWOT methods .

  2. 以华夏移动银行为例,结合XML技术在Internet上的应用,分析和阐述了XML技术在移动银行中的实现。

    Taking the Huaxia Mobile Bank as the example , and connecting with the application of XML on Internet , this paper analyzes on and expounds the implementation of XML in mobile bank .

  3. 同样,德意志银行目前没有出售其在北京华夏银行(huaxiabank)19.99%股权的计划。

    Deutsche Bank equally has no plans for now to sell its 19.99 per cent stake in Hua Xia bankin Beijing .

  4. 华夏与德国商业银行(commerzbank)上周推出的德国商业银行中国波动目标基金(commerzbankchinavolatilitytargetfund)的情况也是如此。

    It is also the case with the Commerzbank China volatility target fund , which China AMC launched last week in conjunction with the German bank .

  5. NNE向破裂发生右旋运动,可称之新新华夏构造体系。

    Along these fracture NE , NNE direction occur right lateral movement that means New Neocathaysian .

  6. TCS于2002年开辟了在华业务。该公司表示,它目前在中国拥有超过25个客户,其中包括中国国有的华夏银行(HuaxiaBank)。

    TCS , which first set up operations in China in 2002 , said it had more than 25 customers there , including the state-owned Huaxia Bank .

  7. 1915年庞德译作《华夏集》(或《神州集》,Cathay)的出版极大地推动了英美现代主义诗歌的发展。

    The publication of cathay translated by Ezra Pound in 1915 substantially promoted the development of the British and American Modern poetry .

  8. 以华夏大盘精选基金为例的实证研究表明基于SVM的混沌时间序列预测可以较好捕捉市场运行趋势和识别市场异常波动,是一种优秀的风险预测与管理工具。

    Empirical studies for the Huaxia foundation have shown that SVM-based prediction of chaotic time series can capture the market trends and identify market fluctuations well and it is an excellent risk prediction and management tools .

  9. 东乡铜矿位于萍乡&广丰EW向深大断裂与赣东北深断裂的切交接部位,又恰好处于江南地体与华夏地体的衔接地带。

    Dongxiang copper deposit located in the transition zone between Pingxiang-Guangfeng deep faults and northeast Jiangxi deep faults , and in the transition zone between Cathaysia and Jiangnan terrains .

  10. 据上海咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)估算,25%的华夏股份大约价值5亿美元。

    A 25 per cent stake in China AMC would be worth about $ 500m , according to an estimate by Z-Ben Advisors , the Shanghai-based consulting firm .

  11. 华夏古陆八宝山金银矿为140±5Ma的火山热液成矿。

    The Babaoshan gold-silver deposit in Cathaysian oldland is 140 ± 5Ma old originated from volcanic hydrothermal ore-formation .

  12. 在对比岩石建造的异同、矿产资源种类的分布及同位素pb的区间值等因素后,将弋阳&遂川一线定为下场子与华夏地块的边界。

    By comparison of the differences and similarities in the type of rock formation , distribution of mineral resource , and value interval of Pb isotope , etc , the route along Yiyang-Suichuan is determined the margin between lower Yangtze land mass and Huaxia massif .

  13. 2015年夏天,当时还身处次一级联赛的河北华夏欲购全北现代俱乐部(JeonbukHyundaiMotorsF.C.)的巴西前锋埃杜(Eduardo),开出了这个韩国冠军球队无法拒绝的高价。

    In the summer of 2015 , Hebei , then a second-tier team in China , bid so much money to Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors F.C. for its Brazilian striker Eduardo , that the Korean champion was unable to refuse .

  14. 以大为美与华夏自然崇拜

    Da is Beautiful : Some Reflections on Chinese Worship of Nature

  15. 非洲文明和华夏文明同样古老灿烂。

    Africa and China both have a long and proud civilization .

  16. 以此表达华夏儿女的坚韧不拔的精神。

    As an expression of indomitable spirit of the Chinese people .

  17. 唐山是华夏文明主要发祥地之一。

    Tangshan is along the major origin places the Chinese civilization .

  18. 从华夏植物区系理论再论河西走廊植物区系

    The vegetation flora in Hexi corridor based on Cathaysia flora view

  19. 原始礼乐文化:华夏文明形成研究的新视野

    Primitive Ceremony Culture : New View on the Forming of Chinese Civilization

  20. 华夏地块:一个由古老物质组成的年轻陆块

    Cathaysia Block : A Young Continent Composed of Ancient Materials

  21. 华夏民族的爱神、美神崇拜

    Chinese nation 's worship of the love and beauty goddess

  22. 您向世界展示华夏的神圣风采。

    You to show the world China 's sacred style .

  23. 孔子的学术风格是坚定保留古已有之的华夏文化精神。

    Confucian academic style was to retain firmly Chinese old cultural spirit .

  24. 它代表华夏文化核心区的出现。

    It represents the emergence of the core area of Chinese culture .

  25. 新保守派在华府受到无情地排斥。华夏酒店,一切都以他的名字安排好了。

    Hua Xia hotel , everything 's been arranged under his name .

  26. 华夏汉语是专门为在上海的外国人设置的汉语学习课程。

    Huaxia Mandarin is the lesson tailored for foreigner to study Chinese .

  27. 标题华夏植物区系的金花茶组。

    Chrysantha , a section of Camellia from Cathaysian flora .

  28. 植根于华夏文明土壤中的奇葩&谈民族舞蹈的艺术魅力

    Miracle Roots in Chinese Culture & on the charm of folk dance

  29. 在这里呢,您处处都能发现华夏文明的痕迹。

    Here you can find traces everywhere of Chinese civilization .

  30. 这不正是华夏儿女共同的母亲吗?

    This is not exactly the mother of the common Chinese people ?