
  • 网络the walt disney company;Walt Disney;Walt Disney Co
  1. 周四,华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCompany)在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to " Frozen , " the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  2. 罗伯特•伊格尔,华特迪士尼公司的董事长兼首席执行官

    Robert Iger , chairman and CEO , The Walt Disney Company

  3. 这家公司曾经怀有成为新时代的华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)的抱负,建造愤怒的小鸟游乐场和主题公园,售卖愤怒的小鸟钓鱼竿、碳酸饮料,同时制作游戏和漫画。

    The company once had an ambition to become a new-age Walt Disney , building Angry Birds playgrounds and theme parks , selling Angry Birds fishing rods and sodas as well as making games and cartoons .

  4. 华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)首席运营官汤姆•斯塔格斯(TomStaggs)在失去董事会对自己2018年接替鲍勃•伊格尔(BobIger)出任公司董事长兼首席执行官的支持后,将选择离开迪士尼。

    Tom Staggs , chief operating officer of Walt Disney , is to leave the company after losing the support of the board to succeed Bob Iger , its chairman and chief executive , in 2018 .

  5. 爱丽丝梦游仙境由华特迪士尼公司出品,它的1951年动画版被全球所熟知。

    Alice in Wonderland is produced by the Walt Disney studio , which made the1951 animated version familiar around the world .

  6. 五年前:华特迪士尼公司同意收购省会城市,美国广播公司以190亿美元交易宣告成立。

    Five years ago : The Walt Disney Company agreed to acquire Capital Cities-ABC Incorporated in a $ 19 billion deal .

  7. 通过和当地教育机构合作,正在运营华特迪士尼公司最新主题公园的上海迪士尼度假村正在扩充自己的人才库。

    The Shanghai Disney Resort , which runs Walt Disney Co 's latest theme park , is expanding its talent pool by partnering with local educational institutions .

  8. 此前,华特迪士尼公司在其2016财年报告中表示,上海迪士尼乐园在其前四个月营业时间内共接待了400万名游客。

    Previously , Walt Disney , in its 2016 fiscal year report , said that Shanghai Disneyland received 4 million visitors in its first four months of operation .

  9. 华特迪士尼公司发布新闻通告称,为米妮鼠配音逾30年的露西·泰勒于本周末在加利福尼亚州格伦代尔市去世。

    Russi Taylor , the voice of Minnie for over 30 years , died this weekend in Glendale , Calif. , according to a press release from the Walt Disney Co.

  10. 2015年7月,华特迪士尼公司的首席执行官鲍勃·伊戈尔在透露上海迪士尼的细节时说,这个游乐园将会反映中国自己的文化。

    When details of the Shanghai Disneyland were revealed in July , 2015 , Bob Iger , the CEO of The Walt Disney Company , said the park would reflect China 's own culture .

  11. 周四,华特迪士尼公司在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to Frozen , the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  12. 业内专家认为,这一投资额将超过华特迪士尼公司对上海迪士尼乐园投入的55亿美元,将成为有史以来开业时投资规模最高的主题公园。

    The investment would surpass that of Walt Disney Co. 's Shanghai Disney Resort , which at the time of its 2016 launch cost more than $ 5.5 billion , and would be the most ever spent on a theme park at the time of opening , according to industry experts .

  13. 香港政府与华特迪士尼公司将投资109亿港元对香港迪士尼乐园度假区进行扩建,扩建计划包括世界首个“冰雪奇缘”和“漫威英雄”主题园区。此举旨在抵御今年6月上海迪士尼乐园开园后所带来的激烈的市场竞争。

    The Hong Kong government and Walt Disney Co are embarking on a HK $ 10.9 billion expansion of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort , with features that include the world 's first " Frozen " - and Marvel Heroes-themed lands to fend off fierce market competition since the Shanghai Disneyland opened in June this year .

  14. 华特迪士尼影片公司出品的独行侠是电影院,或是电视剧上映的第10版本。

    Walt Disney 's The Lone Ranger is the tenth version to be seen in movie theatres or on TV as serials .

  15. 除了迪士尼乐园,2015年华特迪士尼中国公司还将在上海开设世界上最大的迪士尼专卖店,该专卖店位于上海金融中心陆家嘴,占地约5000平方米。

    Besides Disneyland , in 2015 , the Walt Disney Company China will open the world 's largest Disney Store , which will cover about 5000 sq m in Lujiazui , Shanghai 's financial hub .