
yīnɡ jiè bì yè shēnɡ
  • Fresh graduates;this year's graduates;graduating students or pupils
  1. 针对应届毕业生缺少工作经验的问题,专场招聘会还专门设置了见习基地专区,向毕业生提供600多个见习岗位。

    Targeting at this year 's graduates lacking work experience , the fair especially set up the internship recruitment sector , offering up to600 internship positions .

  2. 应届毕业生可以通过学生处查询招聘单位目录。

    This year 's graduates may inquire the list of recruiters at the students ' affairs division .

  3. 应届毕业生可以证明,虽然求职者表现出努力工作的意愿,但是就业市场对那些不能表现出自己真正的能力的人并不友好。

    As recent graduates can testify , the job market isn 't kind to candidates who can 't demonstrate genuine competence , along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard .

  4. 据报道,上海月嫂的平均工资是9405元,比2014年应届毕业生的工资要高得多。

    Reportedly , the average salary of a maternity matron is 9405 yuan per month in Shanghai , much higher than that of a graduate from the class of 2014 .

  5. 在2006年,应届毕业生在这领域里拿到的offer有将近50000美金的起始年薪。

    Starting offers for graduates in this field were close to $ 50,000 in2006 .

  6. 中国石油大学(ChinaUniversityofPetroleum)的应届毕业生林薇(音)想找一份与土木工程相关的工作,这将是她的第一份工作。

    Lin Wei , a recent graduate from China University of Petroleum , was looking for a first job in civil engineering . '

  7. 马莉娅将在7月满18岁,她是华盛顿西德威尔友谊中学(SidwellFriendsSchool)今年的应届毕业生。

    Malia , who turns 18 in July , is a senior at the prestigious Sidwell Friends School here .

  8. BT:应届毕业生有25%找不到工作,还有25%的人做着大材小用的工作。

    BT : About 25 % of recent grads are unemployed , and 25 % are underemployed .

  9. 罗斯为你推荐了一个全国性组织&青年创业者理事会(YoungEntrepreneurCouncil),该组织可以“为有志于创业的应届毕业生们提供有效的帮助。”

    Roth recommends a nationwide group called the young entrepreneur Council , which " offers good tools for recent grads looking to create a startup . "

  10. 全美高校与雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers)对招聘企业展开的一项调查显示,参与校园招聘的企业今年的应届毕业生计划招聘人数比去年增加了10.2%。

    A survey of employers by the National Association of Colleges and Employers showed those that recruit on campuses plan to boost hiring of new grads by 10.2 % from last year .

  11. 今年,Adobe中国并没有招收任何应届毕业生,这让人们对其是否遇到阻力产生了怀疑。

    Adobe China did not recruit any new graduates this year , prompting speculation it was facing difficulties .

  12. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)终于迈出了进军数字教育领域的第一步。这所著名的商学院上周五宣布,准备面向文科专业本科生和应届毕业生推出一个收费1500美元、包含3门基础商业课程的在线项目。

    Harvard Business School on Friday made its first move into the digital educational realm with a $ 1500 online program of three fundamental business courses for undergraduates and recent graduates of liberal arts programs .

  13. 经济形势的改善传统上总会导致MBA申请人数增加,一定程度上是因为潜在雇主加大了校园招聘的力度,并向MBA应届毕业生提供更加丰厚的薪资。

    Improved economic conditions traditionally lead to more MBA applications , partly because potential employers step up their campus recruiting and offer new MBAs more money .

  14. 根据求职网站BOSS直聘的一份报告,2018年第三季度,杭州首次超过北京,成为对应届毕业生最具吸引力的城市。

    Hangzhou has surpassed Beijing for the first time in the third quarter of 2018 as the most attractive city for new graduates , according to a report by a job-hunting website zhipin.com .

  15. 不过,目前许多在校大学生和应届毕业生会主动在简历和LinkedIn上列出自己的分数。

    Still , many college students and recent graduates now list their scores voluntarily on r é sum é s and LinkedIn .

  16. 杰克.罗斯是加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的一名应届毕业生。

    Jake Rosen is a recent graduate of the University of California , Los Angeles ( UCLA ) .

  17. 在新加坡浮尔顿酒店(FullertonHotel)举办的CEO早餐系列活动让应届毕业生和行业领袖能够共同分享对当前热点和趋势的看法。

    Hosted in the Fullerton Hotel , Singapore , the series brings together current graduate students and industry leaders to share insights on current topics and trends .

  18. 这真的取决于你打算学习什么专业,来自加州的哈佛应届毕业生帕特里克·高尔文(PatrickGalvin)说。

    It really depends on what you 're looking to do , said Patrick Galvin , a graduating Harvard senior from California .

  19. 苹果公司、雅虎、Dropbox以及视频游戏公司艺电都曾在招聘新员工时都曾表示优先考虑应届毕业生。

    Apple , Yahoo , Dropbox , and video game maker Electronic Arts all have listed openings with new grad as a preference .

  20. 全美高校和雇主协会2016年的调查显示,高GPA对公司决定雇佣应届毕业生的影响平平。

    In a 2016 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers , having a high GPA only moderately influenced a company 's decision to hire a new grad .

  21. 不过也有好消息,美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers,NACE)年度招聘经理调查的初步结果显示,2013年,雇主招聘的应届毕业生预计将比2012年增加13%。

    On the bright side , however , employers expect to hire 13 % more new grads in 2013 than in 2012 , according to preliminary results from the National Association of colleges and employers ' annual survey of hiring managers .

  22. 苹果公司、雅虎、Dropbox以及视频游戏公司艺电都曾在招聘新员工时都曾表示优先考虑“应届毕业生”。

    Apple , Yahoo , Dropbox , and video game maker Electronic Arts all have listed openings with " new grad " as a preference .

  23. 哈佛商学院决定,“第一波”学生将仅限于居住在马萨诸塞州的应届毕业生,这样它就可以迅速地解决任何有可能出现的问题,同时根据这些问题改进“第二波”产品。CORe项目将在4月初到中旬接受在线申请。

    HBS decided that the " first wave " of students would be limited to those living in Massachusetts so it can quickly respond to any problems and refine the product for " wave two . " The school will make available an online application for the program in early-to-mid April .

  24. 原问题见问答网站Quora:应届毕业生在第一份工作中最常犯哪些错误?

    This question originally appeared on Quora : What 's the most common mistakes new graduates make in their first job ?

  25. 耶鲁管理学院教授巴里纳尔巴夫(barrynalebuff)表示,多数大学应届毕业生无法胜任自己的首份工作。

    Most new university graduates are not qualified for their first job , according to Barry Nalebuff , a professor at the Yale School of management .

  26. 贸易公司伊藤忠商事(Itochu)希望以更早的上下班时间来吸引应届毕业生,而打印机制造商理光(Ricoh)禁止晚上8点以后工作。

    Trading house Itochu hopes to lure new graduates with earlier starting and finishing times , while printer maker Ricoh is banning work after 8pm .

  27. 为整个德克萨斯的学生提供服务的thepreisscompany旗下有一些房地产,包括泳池、健身房、游戏厅和高端精装公寓,令人愉悦的设施会让最有特权的英国应届毕业生都心生嫉妒。

    And the Preiss company , which caters for students across Texas , has properties that include swimming pools , gyms , games rooms and top-end furnished flats , amenities that would make even the most privileged British undergraduate green with envy .

  28. BOSS直聘是一款为老板与求职人员提供直接对话的应用软件,根据其发布的目前职场吸引力报告显示,二线城市对95后应届毕业生的更具吸引力,而“独角兽”公司则成为了新宠。

    Second tier cities have become more attractive to fresh graduates , with unicorn companies the new favorite choice , among graduates born after 1995 , according to a report on the attractiveness of the current job market released by bosszhipin , an app providing direct discussions between bosses and job seekers .

  29. 各位应届毕业生和2012级新生们注意了:全球战略集团(GlobalStrategyGroup)代表跨国公司伍兹贝格(WoodsBagot)建筑事务所进行的一份调查显示,约500位资深经理人和高管们认为,你们并没有真正做好进入职场的准备。

    Note to recent college grads and the Class of 2012 : You may not be as ready for the working world as you think you are . At least , that 's the opinion of about 500 senior managers and C-suite executives in a study by Global Strategy Group , on behalf of worldwide architectural firm Woods Bagot .

  30. 中医学院应届毕业生调查情况分析

    An investigation on the conditions of graduating students in TCM colleges