
yìnɡ jí guǎn lǐ
  • contingency management
  1. 行政应急管理体制的内涵辨析

    On the Connotation of Administrative Contingency Management System

  2. 转型期中国各种突发事件频发,给公共安全带来威胁,给应急管理提出了严峻的挑战。

    During the transitional period , the high incidence of various emergencies in China poses threat to public security , challenging the contingency management .

  3. 那个人是约翰·吉布,纽约应急管理办公室的行动总指挥官。

    That 's John Gibb , operations chief for New York Emergency Management

  4. 浙江省应急管理厅表示,7月24日中午起,浙江全省提升防台风应急响应至Ⅰ级。

    Zhejiang had upgraded its emergency response to Level I , the highest level , starting at noon on Saturday , the provincial emergency management department said .

  5. 要完善重大疫情防控体制机制,健全公共卫生应急管理体系,深入开展爱国卫生运动。

    Efforts should be made to improve both the mechanism and the public health emergency response and management system , and to carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns .

  6. 湖北省应急管理局表示,截至8月12日15点,湖北有68个县降雨量均超过100毫米。

    As of 3:00 pm Thursday , 68 counties in Hubei had each seen rainfall measuring more than 100 mm , according to the provincial emergency management department .

  7. 应急管理部表示,我国自主研发的翼龙-2H无人机飞行4.5小时抵达河南省巩义市米河镇。该镇是河南省受灾最严重的一个地区。

    A China-developed Wing Loong-2H unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) took a 4.5-hour flight to Mihe township in Gongyi city , one of the most seriously ravaged of Emergency Management said .

  8. 几个小时后,5月22日凌晨2点04分,青海果洛藏族自治州玛多县发生7.4级地震。该地区海拔在4000米以上。应急管理部表示,有11人在地震中受轻伤。

    A few hours later , at 2:04 am Saturday , a 7.4-magnitude quake jolted of Emergency Management said 11 people had minor injuries.The county is located over 4000 meters above sea level .

  9. 安委会和应急管理部要求当地政府加强群众安全教育培训,开展经常性熟悉演练,防止出现险情时手忙脚乱或不知所措。

    The commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management also asked local governments to better educate the public about evacuation procedures and to carry out drills so they won 't panic when accidents happen .

  10. 底特律的应急管理人凯文·奥尔做客福克斯电视台的《NewSunday》节目时被问到了同样的问题。

    Detroit 's emergency manager Kevyn Orr was asked the same question on Fox 's New Sunday .

  11. 基于GIS技术的水库大坝安全应急管理系统构架

    Dam Safety Emergency Management System Design Based on GIS Technology

  12. 基于PETRI网的中小城市应急管理系统的研究

    Research on Emergency Management System of Mid-minor Cities Based on Petri Net

  13. 基于Petri网的应急管理工作流模型

    Workflow Model of Emergency Management Based on Petri Nets

  14. 城市应急管理GIS模型与算法应用&以广州大学城为例

    The Research of City Emergency Management Model Based on GIS Technology & Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center as a Case Study

  15. 俄克拉何马州应急管理部门(OklahomaDepartmentofEmergencyManagement)的一名发言人说,龙卷风导致至少24人死亡,其中九人为儿童。

    At least 24 people died , nine of them children , according to a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management .

  16. 基于3S技术的自然灾害应急管理系统设计

    Design of Emergency Management System for Natural Disaster Based on 3S Technology

  17. 首先对B公司上海一体化基地进行简单介绍,然后对B公司上海一体化基地应急管理组织结构及其职能、应急管理的实施进行了详细全面地阐述;第三章,B公司上海一体化基地应急管理分析。

    First the B Company Shanghai Integrated Site is introduced briefly , then the organization structure and function of emergency management , emergency management is expounded comprehensively . The third chapter , B Company Shanghai Integrated Site emergency management analysis .

  18. 基于Primavera的城市地震应急管理研究

    Study of Earthquake Emergency Management Based on Primavera

  19. 主要从战略和战术两方面,对B公司上海一体化基地应急管理存在的问题提出了相应的对策和改进建议;第五章,结论与展望。

    Mainly from the two aspects of strategy and tactics , in order to solve the existing problems and shortcomings of B Company Shanghai Integrated Site emergency management , the paper proposes the corresponding countermeasures and the suggestions for improvement ; the fifth chapter , conclusion and prospect .

  20. 简要介绍欧洲核与辐射应急管理及恢复策略研究项目(EURANOS)的目标以及研究开发、演示和培训工作计划。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to the objectives , research and development activities , demonstration activities as well as training activities of the European approach to nuclear and radiological emergency management and rehabilitation strategies ( EURANOS project ) .

  21. 城市生产安全事故应急管理能力评价体系可视化研究

    City Churn Safety Accident Emergency Supervisory Capability Evaluate System Visualization Research

  22. 第四部分,国外城市突发公共事件应急管理经验借鉴。

    The fourth part , foreign cities Public Emergency Management Experience .

  23. 三是制定与政府应急管理相关的法律。

    The third is enacting law about the government emergency management .

  24. 这些问题明确了非常规突发事件应急管理体制的改进方向。

    The problems clear-cut non-conventional incident emergency management system to improve .

  25. 各国政府已经将应急管理作为公共管理工作的重中之重。

    Governments will have emergency management as the public management priority .

  26. 略论突发公共事件应急管理的法制化

    Discussion on the Legalization of Crisis Management of Emergency Public Affairs

  27. 当前突发事件应急管理宣传教育的思考

    Some Thinking about the Current Propaganda and Education of Emergency Management

  28. 论述了我国核应急管理的体系框架。

    This paper presents the Chinese framework of nuclear emergency management .

  29. 应急管理可视化多元信息系统构建若干问题研究

    Study on problems of visual multivariate information system for emergency management

  30. 面向区域核与辐射应急管理信息系统的设计

    Establishment of Emergency Management Information System in Area Nuclear and Radiation